Here We Go

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***SURPRISE**** It's an early upload! As my thanks to all of you who read Surprisingly Perfect and in celebration of 400k reads on that story, plus 25k reads on this one, please enjoy the new chapters a day early! 


I finished getting changed into the hospital gown and got settled down into the hospital bed. Chase was right next to me, going through my hospital bag. I was silently thanking the heavens for my sister.

I was being totally stubborn and didn't want to pack my hospital bag right away. Like, if I know exactly what day my baby is coming, why plan ahead? Good thing she got the whole thing ready beforehand, because we would've been more screwed than we already were.

Mom was on the other side of the room, hanging up her work phone.

"I'm all set to be put on emergency leave for the next two weeks," she said. "And remember, now that I'm District Manager, I can request leave for even longer, without permission!"

"That'll be great! I'm sure we can use some extra help!" Chase said, putting his hand on my back.

I slapped it away. "Didn't I just tell you that my back hurts?"

"Sorry, Gumdrop," he said, kissing the side of my head.

"Wel, hello there everyone!" I looked up to see Doctor Andrews walking into the room. "According to my chart it looks like we're here to have a baby tonight, correct?"

"Yup," I said, taking a breath as another contraction hit. "The sooner the better."

"It won't be long, sweetie. I'm on my way to the OR now, because I have one C-section ahead of you. It'll be about an hour before we start getting you prepped, so just hang in there."

"An hour?" I asked. "Seriously?"

"I did fifteen hours of labor with you, missy. One hour is nothing," Mom said, chuckling to herself.

"Just remember to keep eating those ice chips and trying to relax. You'll be in the OR in no time, okay? You're strong. You can do it!" Doctor Andrews said. She turned to leave, but then stopped and turned around halfway out the door. "And happy birthday, miss Poppy!"

"Ugh. Thanks," I said.

She gave me another smile and walked out of the room.

I leaned back in the hospital bed and tried not to freak myself out. Yeah, the pain was pretty bad, but at least I'd only have to put up with it for an hour.

"I'll go grab some more of those ice chips," Mom said before leaving the room.

Chase took hold of my hand. "We'll get through this, together."

"I appreciate the team effort, but I'm kinda doing most of the work," I said.

"Well, I guess I can't argue with that," he said, giving me his bright, perfect smile.

It was an hour of grunting and groaning in pain, plus swallowing a bunch of ice chips. At one point one of the nurses came in and hooked me up to an IV. Once we hit an hour and ten minutes in, a nurse helped me use the bathroom with my IV in. That was before they stuffed a catheter up me, because I wasn't in enough pain already.

More and more nurses kept coming in. Mom gave me a hug and then left the room. The nurses gave Chase sterile scrubs so he could be in the ER with me. He looked so adorable, even though I could tell that he was freaked out. I was already doing better because the spinal block they gave me was kicking in.

"Hey, you good?" I asked him.

"Yup. Just a little overwhelmed, Gumdrop."

The nurses reclined my bed and raised it up.

"Here we go," I said. "You ready to be parents?"

"I guess I have to be," he said.

I was oddly calm when they wheeled me down the hall. Normally hospitals freaked me out, but I'd felt like in one year I'd already been back so many times that it didn't scare me anymore. Plus, I was going to meet my baby girl in only a few minutes.

I thought about holding her and kissing her squishy little face. Doctor Andrews told me after doing all my measurements that she was going to be a little chonker. She looked so cute in her ultrasound photos, so I could only imagine what she'd look like in person.

The nurses took down the railing on my hospital bed and slid me onto the operating table. I took a couple breaths because I was starting to shake. I looked up at Chase, but I couldn't see his smile because they made him put a mask on.

"How are we doing, Miss Poppy?" Doctor Andrews asked. I didn't recognize her all covered up.

"Good," I said with a shaky breath.

The nurses were already putting up a screen so I couldn't see anything. Chase put his hands on my shoulders.

"Okay, we're going to get started soon. Let me know if you feel anything," she said. "We'll have you in and out of here with your little girl in no time!"

"I can't wait!" I said.

"I'm glad. I think you're the most excited C-section patient I've had in awhile."

She walked behind the screen. I couldn't see anything at all. Chase's hands felt rigid on my shoulders.

"Hey, I'm the one on the operating table. I'm the one who should be nervous," I said.

"Sorry. Just a little squeamish."

"That's why there's a screen up. Just don't look. Look down at me or something."

"Alright Poppy, I'm making the first incision. Do you feel anything?" Doctor Andrews asked.

"Nope. Nothing!" I said.

"Great, because we're moving right along," she said.

"I get to hold her first," I said to Chase.

"Are you able to, laying flat like that?" he asked.

"I'll find a way," I said.

"I have a feeling you're not going to share much when it comes to holding her," Chase said.

"You're correct on that, my good man," I said.

"Okay guys, we've got her!" Doctor Andrews said. "Here she comes!"

Chase and I looked into each other's eyes, then looked up as soon as we heard cries. My little girl was wailing and the nurses were cheering. One of them held her up over the screen. She had the cutest little rolls on her arms and legs. She was still all dirty and nasty, but I could see that she had blonde hair like her dad.

"Hey, beautiful!" I said to my little girl.

"Would you like to come around and cut the cord, Dad?" the nurse asked.

"Uh...I'm good," Chase said.

"Alright then. We'll get her all cleaned up so you can hold her."

They took her away while she was still crying, but she seemed to settle down right away. Chase and I were both sobbing like blubbering idiots. We'd been through so much and now she was finally here.

One of the nurses came over with our baby wrapped in a blanket. She had on a striped hat with a bow. I instantly held out my hands. The nurse slowly handed her over. I had to kind of hold her sideways while the nurse supported her.

She switched out with Chase, and we both got to share in the moment of holding our little girl for the first time.

"I can't believe how precious she is," I said.

"Me either," Chase said. "It's nice to finally meet you, Daisy." 

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