The Party

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I waited and waited, now the day was finally here. I looked around me at the pool area of our complex. Everything was decorated in the cutest of fashions. Blue and purple paper garland hung over the main gate. Just like the invitations I sent out, it said, Ahoy! Is it a girl, or a boy?

The rest of the area had a blue and purple color scheme for the mermaid or pirate theme. I placed the last of the toothpicks with little signs on them in the snack bowls. The first, that said fish food, went into the bowl of gummy worms.

The second, which said, fish and chips, was put into a bowl with a mixture of potato chips and goldfish crackers. Chase set a platter of adorable pirate cupcakes down in the middle of the table.

Chrys walked through the gate with the boys in tow in their red wagon. I think it was the first time I'd seen them in matching outfits since she brought them home from the hospital. She had them dressed in super cute pirate outfits.

"Okay, we're all ready to go!" Chrys said.

I ran over and instantly snapped a few photos for my social media. They were just too cute not to post.

"And Mom's here with the cake!" I looked up to see Mom walk in with a big white box, beaming and already wearing her pink mermaid button. She gushed when she saw Ollie and Blaze. "And aren't you two the cutest pirates Grammy's ever seen?"

Ollie gave her a big smile and a few laughs. He was so expressive. Blaze was chewing on the eye patch that he'd already pulled off.

"I'll take the box, Miss E.," Chase said, kissing the top of my head. He was so perfect.

Seconds later, Destiny came sprinting through the gate, dawning a pirate hat and freshly-dyed baby blue braid s. She was almost out of breath when she got to me.

"Did I miss it?" she asked, panting with her hands on her knees.

"'re like twenty minutes early Dest," I said.

"Well I wanted to be here at least an hour ago to help set up! I'm totally late for being early!"

"It's okay. I think I've got all the help I need."

I looked over at Chase, who was now having Jace straighten out the tablecloths. When he said Jace was coming, I didn't think he'd actually show up. I still had my fingers crossed that he'd keep stepping up.

"Here Destiny, take your button!" Mom said, showing a small treasure chest of buttons to her.

"I didn't dye my hair and wear this hat for nothing!" she said, swiftly taking out a pirate pin. "Hey, you don't have one, Poppy!"

"Girl all the way," I said, proudly placing my mermaid pin on my dress.

"Ha! Now we can be wrong together," Mom said, chuckling and pointing at her pin before walking off.

"Is she really wrong at guessing the gender for everyone? Like in her whole life?" Destiny asked.


"So you know it's definitely a boy now, right?"

"Hey! We'll find out when the cake is cut. And you'll find out that you're totally wrong," I said, sticking my tongue out at her.

Our family friends and neighbors started filing in. Mom and Karen buddied up near the present table, which was full of the one thing I asked for: diapers.

Chrys was busy talking with Julia and Carlos. Cler was busy ogling at the boys in their pirate outfits playing with Georgie and Genny in their mermaid ones.

Even though I insisted on a pool party, it was a breezy day in the sixties. Too cold for a swim, but it was what I wanted. Chrys and I loved going to the pool as kids, and in just a few days we'd be saying goodbye to our neighborhood.

Everyone ended up sitting on the edge of the pool with our feet in the water. Destiny and I talked about the latest episode of Castle of Shadows. This season was chock full of plot twists.

I loved it so much before, but now that Chase and I were an item it just felt weird watching him. Especially in the scenes when he's kissing other girls. I wished Beau in this season was sweet and loving, like the person Chase really is.

"Speak of the devil!" Destiny said as Chase sat down next to me. "We were just talking about you! I can't believe you did my girl Delilah like that! After all she did for you!"

He shrugged. "Don't look at me! Blame the writers!" He kissed me on the cheek and then started whispering in my ear. "Are you ready? I can't wait anymore!"

"I thought you'd never ask! Let's go!" Chase helped me up quickly as Destiny looked on, confused. "Cake time!"

Her eyes got so big that I thought they'd pop out of her head. We ran over to the table where the cake was. Destiny started gathering everyone. Chase placed his hand on my back as he handed me the cake server.

"Are you nervous?" he asked.

"No way! I'm excited!"

"Oh great...just me then."

I rubbed my hand in circles around his sweaty back. "Relax. They'll be super cute. No matter what we get."

I looked down at the cake. The bakery did an even better job than I expected. It was two-tiers, decorated with the words What Shall Ye Be? On the sides. The top was a baby popping out of a little treasure chest. The rest of the cake had pink and blue chocolate coins all over it. It was perfect.

The best part was that this was no regular gender reveal cake, where the inside is either pink or blue. I specifically asked for a pinata cake.

So when we cut it, either pink or blue candies will spill out of it. Not quite the balloons falling from a tree like Chrys had, but still fun. Also, much less messy.

"Okay everyone, gather 'round!" Mom said. Everyone suddenly got quiet. A few people held up their phones to take videos. "I'd like to thank all of you for coming and bringing diapers today, the day I find out what my third grandchild is going to be." She looked at Chase and I, smiled, then turned back to everyone. "I think we all just want them to cut the cake! Take it away you two!"

"Here we go!" Chase said.

He put his hands on top of mine. We cut one side, then the other. I gently slid the cake server under the bottom of the slice, then pulled it away. Instantly, a pile of brightly-colored candies spilled out onto the cake platter...

 Instantly, a pile of brightly-colored candies spilled out onto the cake platter

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It's a girl! What did everyone think? Did this come as a surprise?

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