20 Weeks

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Chase's driver dropped us off at the doctor's office. We walked in holding hands and I got checked in. I led him over to my favorite spot next to the fish tank, where a bottom feeder was pressed up against the glass.

Chase, in his disguise of a wig, sunglasses, and baseball cap, rested his hand on my belly while he leaned his head on my shoulder. Baby gave a strong kick over by my belly button, which made Chase practically squeal with joy.

"I can't wait for our baby gumdrop to just get here already. You better be ready for the amount of cuddles the both of you are going to get," Chase said.

"Yes to the cuddles but not yet to the baby. I still have to move and then get the nursery ready!" I said.

"You mean you have to stand there and watch while I put together everything," he said.

"Hey, thanks for coming around about the whole house thing," I said.

"Sometimes I forget that you always end up getting what you want," Chase said, letting out a chuckle.

"Why are you laughing? We both know it's true."

He gave me a quick peck on the lips. "I just want you to be happy. If being in that house with your family makes you happy, then that's what I'm going to do."

"Poppy?" said the nurse standing by the hallway.

I sprung to my feet with Chase right by my side. The nurse led us to the examination room. It was the usual: take my heart rate and blood pressure, ask me about my symptoms. Other than my feet, I was doing good.

Since this appointment would be to make sure the baby was a hundred percent healthy, I had to do a pee test and get my blood drawn. I hated both of those things, so it really put me in a great mood.

The nurse put a cotton ball and bandage over where she took the blood. I let out a sigh. Glad that's over.

"Okay, just sit tight. Doctor Andrews will be right in," she said.

She walked out and Chase held my hand as I laid back on the table. He gave it a big squeeze.

"This is it!" he said.

"What are you talking about? Next weekend is it, not now."

"I know...I know. But today's the day we get the results so we can find out what it is next weekend."

I rubbed my belly, which was full of kicks. "What do you think it is?"

"You already know that there hasn't been a girl born in our family in all these generations. I think as the dad I'm also obligated to say it's a boy."

"Okay, have fun being wrong," I said, my eyes going to my phone.

"Hey, I love you," Chase said.

I looked into his deep blue eyes and said, "Huh? I mean—"

"I just wanted you to know that."

My heart fluttered. What do I say back? I mean, what was I supposed to say back? I opened my mouth and said exactly what I was feeling in the moment:

"I love you too."

"You do?" he asked, perking up a bit.

"Yeah. Of course! I mean, like, I always have, but I know it's a super big deal when couples say the L-word so I waited."

"Me too. I couldn't think of the right time, and then I realized I was here: in a room with my girlfriend about to see our baby. I couldn't think of a better time than right here, right now." 

I pulled him in and he leaned over, planting a juicy kiss on my lips. We ended up going into a full blown make out session right as the door opened. Chase jumped back and into the chair. Doctor Andrews' face grew red.

"Oh geez! Sorry guys!" she said. "I'm guessing you're ready for your ultrasound."

"Yes!" Chase and I said together.

"Great. Let's take a look and see how baby is doing," she said.

I lifted my shirt and Doctor Andrews powered the ultrasound machine on. She squeezed some warm jelly on my bump. My heart was exploding.

"Remember, we're doing a gender reveal, so we need the results in an envelope," I said.

"Absolutely. I'll turn the monitor around when I start looking," she said, giving me a warm smile.

She moved the wand around my belly, and right away we saw our adorable little one taking a big stretch, then giving a few kicks.

"Look at this perky little one! Let's take a listen to that heartbeat," Doctor Andrews said.

She pressed a button on the machine and the swooshing sound of my baby's heart filled the room. Chase was right up behind me with his hands on my shoulders.

I wiped away a few tears. I felt like I'd never had such a beautiful moment in my entire life.

"Okay, say goodbye for now. I'm going to see if they're a boy or a girl," Doctor Andrews said.

"Aww, bye baby gumdrop!" Chase said.

Doctor Andrews turned the screen around while she moved the wand to the other side of my belly.

"So what theme are you doing for your gender reveal?" she asked.

"Well I wanted to have one last pool party at my complex before we moved, so I thought the mermaid or pirate theme would be fun!" I said. "We're going to do a cake. Last year, with Chrys, we had balloons that blew all over the street."

"Oh, how fun! Wish gender reveals were a thing back when I had my kids. It makes it so much more exciting," she said.

"She's been planning it for months," Chase said.

Doctor Andrews narrowed her eyes, then smiled. "Well, I'm sure it'll be a great party. I've got a definite gender right here! I just need to take a few more pictures and you both will be all set."

Chase held my hand and gave me a big smooch on the forehead. I didn't know how long I was still laying there, but it seemed like my ultrasound was extra long.

Like, much longer than any Chrys had. She was pausing the screen a lot, turning the sound of the baby's heartbeat on and off, on and off. 

"Is everything good?" I asked, a tiny shake in my voice.

"Yes, of course! Just wrapping up," she said. "I'm going to print out your pictures and put the results in the envelope. I'll be right back."

She gave me a towel to wipe off the gel before she walked out the room. Chase and I waited anxiously. Doctor Andrews came back soon enough.

She had a big stack of my ultrasound pictures, which she gave to me. She handed the envelope to Chase.

"Everything looks good. If there's anything abnormal in your test results, a nurse will give you a call. Any questions?"

"I think we're all set," Chase said.

"Terrific. I'll see you in four weeks! Take care!" she said before walking off.

Chase handed me my purse and helped me off the table. We walked down the hall and I scheduled my appointment for the next month, then walked to the car parked outside.

The driver opened the door for us and we slid into the backseat. I took the envelope from Chase and held it close to my chest. Just one more week.

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