Big City Love

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Our first stop on what Chase called our "babymoon" was Central Park. I thought it would be so much smaller than it actually was. You couldn't even see all the buildings in the city from our picnic spot. It was like we left the city and went into a forest.

The picnic blanket was set up in a clearing and was already covered by the fall leaves coming off the trees. I loved listening to the sweet sound of the water trickling in the nearby creek. Chase took off his disguise and we snuggled while chomping on sandwiches. They were from the deli he raved about all the time. They weren't a disappointment, that's for sure.

After lunch, Chase put his disguise back on and we took a short walk through the park. He took me over to the old stone arch bridge, which was where they filmed the very first Castle of Shadows movie. I took a picture in front of it and sent it to Destiny so we could fangirl about it later.

Once we were out of the park, it was time for some Times Square shopping. It was wall-to-wall people and super crowded, just like in the movies. Only a lot less fun and exciting. We went into the M&Ms store, and I both wanted to buy and eat everything in sight.

I didn't want to spend too much, but Chase said it was on him so I went a little crazy. I got matching stuffed toys for Ollie and Blaze, along with funny slippers for Mom and Chrys. I ended up buying whatever I was craving: chocolate, peanut butter cups, and all sorts of different stuff.

Once I nearly passed out after seeing that our total came to two-hundred bucks, I was getting tired, so Chase's driver took us back to his apartment. We planned on watching TV and resting but ended up doing...something a lot different. The last time we had any "fun" was when I got pregnant. It had been a long time. Too long.

We got cleaned up during a hot and steamy shower together, then ended up ordering a pizza instead of going to the fancy restaurant he made a reservation for. A pizza with anchovies craving was taking over me. I think I ate six slices.

"Hey, how excited are you for when you turn eighteen and you can kick your parents out?" I asked, taking another bite. "She's gonna need that room to be converted into a nursery for when I come to visit with her."

Chase smiled. "Well...I actually already found a new place."

"You didn't tell me that!"

"Well I wanted to tell you tomorrow during dinner, as a surprise. I was going to bring us there. I purposely got a three-bedroom, so your mom and Chrys can come visit with the boys."

"But not every time I also come to visit."

"Well of course, but hey, we need to be careful. I don't want this to happen again," he said, pointing to my bump.

"Well I'm sure we won't have to worry about another condom-poker again either."

"That's a fair point!" Chase said, wrapping his arms around me.

"Hey! You almost made me drop my slice!" I said, and we both had a laugh.

After pizza, we got dressed up and had the driver take us to the big event of the night: seeing The Lion King on Broadway. It was something I'd always dreamed of, and Chase somehow got us our own, private boxed seats.

Once the show was done and I wiped away all my tears, we made a quick stop at the gift shop, where I bought even more presents for everyone. We grabbed some ice cream for the road, and the driver took us to what Chase called his "secret spot."

When we got out of the car, we were overlooking the harbor...or river. I didn't really know which one it was, but we could see the whole skyline across the way. It had to be one of the most beautiful things I'd ever seen.

My little girl spread herself out into a big stretch. I pressed where her hand went, and she pressed back. I smiled and giggled. She was so precious.

"She kicking you?" Chase asked.

"Nah. Just stretching out," I said.

Chase took my hand while we looked out at the view. We got closer and closer together until his arm was all the way around me, rubbing the side of my belly. It felt like the moment couldn't have been anymore perfect.

And then, all of a sudden, he was down on one knee. I gasped and covered my mouth with my hand.

"Chase Chance Hetcher, what in the world are you doing?" I asked.

"Well, I think you can tell. Isn't it kind of obvious?" he said, taking my hand.

"Poppy Tulip Everston, you make me so happy. You're always there for me and for the little girl you're carrying inside of you. I already know that you want to spend the rest of your life with me, but I also want to spend the rest of my life with you."

He pulled a box out of his pocket.

"Yes! Yes! A million times yes! Of course I'll marry you, Chase!" I said, jumping up and down.

"Whoa whoa, don't jostle around our precious cargo so much!" he said. "Just take it easy, gumdrop. This isn't exactly what you think it is."

"What? Do you mean you're not proposing to me?" He opened the box up. It was a gorgeous ring with aqua-colored diamonds. "That's not an engagement ring...that's the promise ring I wanted for my birthday. What gives?"

"You don't like it?"

"No, no, it's not that. It's just...why the heck would you get down on your knee and act like you're proposing when you're only giving me a promise ring?"

"Because I'm making you a promise...a promise that I'm going to marry you someday." My lip was starting to quiver. No tears. Not now. I just didn't want to cry during our special moment. "You're pregnant, we don't live together, and we both don't even have our high school degrees yet. It's not the right time to get married. This ring is my promise to you, that once things are more stable, you'll get that dream wedding you'll always tell me about."

"How is someone so rich and famous so corny at the same time?" I asked.

"Jace got my mom's bitchiness. I got my dad's goofy personality," he said.

"I think you can get up now."

"Well hold on! Can I at least put the ring on you first?"

"My fingers are all swollen, but I think it'll fit on my pinky," I said.

"Pinky it is," he said, sliding the ring on. "So, you accept my promise?"

"Of course I do. Getting engaged for real would've been awesome, but your idea makes a lot more sense," I said.

He got up and kissed me. "You'll be my wife one day."

"And that day can't get here soon enough," I said. 

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