Breakfast and Besties

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I didn't feel like eating the next morning, but Chrys wanted to go get breakfast after picking up the boys. She thought my morning sickness (or food poisoning, as I told Mom) would pass by later in the day.

First, we had to get to the Hetcher Mansion. Chase was kind enough to give Chrys the gate code so we wouldn't have to be buzzed in. She pulled the car up the massive circular driveway and parked near the fountain like always, but today there was a cab waiting there too.

I rang the doorbell and we were let in my Henry, the butler.

"Good morning, ladies, please come in. Chase is playing with the boys upstairs," he said.

"Thanks, Henry!" Chrys said, cheerfully rushing up the grand staircase.

It hadn't even been a full day since she last saw them. Even under the circumstances, she was the best mom.

I followed behind Chrys and nearly collided with a girl. She had tasseled, bleach-blond hair, messy mascara, and was wearing an oversized band t-shirt that clearly belonged to Jace. Chase never listened to heavy metal.

The girl doing the walk of shame rushed past me, slipped her shoes on, and went out the door. I could only imagine how embarrassed she was.

"Poppy, where are you?" Chrys called from down the hall.


I forced my tired, nauseous self up the stairs and down the hall to the boys' nursery. Little Ollie was on the other side of the room, out cold as he rocked back and forth in a motorized swing.

Blaze was on a brand new rocking horse, giggling and laughing away while Chase supported him. The boys weren't quite lifting up their heads yet, but they were getting there.

"I'm guessing their dad isn't anywhere near here?" Chrys asked, carefully picking up Ollie.

"Not likely. He said he was out with someone last night. I don't think he came home," Chase said.

"There was some random girl running down your staircase," I said.

"Oh...then he's probably passed out in his room and will be until mid-afternoon," Chase said.

I snapped a quick photo of a Blaze smiling on his rocking horse. The likes would pour in with this one. I took a few more shots while Chase asked Chrys about prom and her friend Julia's wedding. She had a busy night with friends while I sat at home alone and cried over my pregnancy test.

"Psst," Chase said. He mouthed the words, "you okay?"

I just nodded. I looked over as Chrys slung a diaper bag over her shoulder. I quickly ran over to grab the other one, then picked up Blaze. Both boys were becoming little chunkers, Blaze especially.

"Thanks again Chase. I knew I could count on you!" Chrys said.

"Any time! I love seeing my two little guys!" he said, tickling Blaze in my arms.

He would be the most amazing dad.

I just had no idea how I was going to tell him. After their fight in the fall, Jace and Chase were finally on decent terms. If Chase found out about the broken condom, there would be so much drama.

"Hey, let's go! I'm starving," Chrys said.

"Yeah! Same!" I lied.

We left the Hetcher mansion with the boys all loaded up in the car. Chrys drove us to our favorite diner. We'd been coming here since we were little.

The owner would let Chrys and I sit at a table and color or watch movies while Mom waited tables on weekends, if we had no babysitter.

We sat down at a booth, me on one side, Chrys on the other in between the boys' carriers.

"Well, well, look at who we have here!" said Denise, the owner, as she walked over. "Back again? Look at these two cutie pies! Getting so big already! How old are they again?"

"Almost five months!" Chrys said.

"Aww. So, what will it be this time? Should I have Carl make the Chrys and Poppy specials?"

"Absolutely!" Chrys said, with way too much enthusiasm.

"Sure thing!" Denise tapped my shoulder. "I'll make sure I say hi to Destiny for you."

I giggled. "Of course."

Denise walked off towards the kitchen. Chrys lifted a whiny Oliver out of his carrier and put him over her shoulder. We were quiet for a while. I sent a quick text to Destiny. It was short, sweet, and to the point.

A server brought us our plates. We always ordered the same thing, the both of us. The Chrys Special was a smiley face. Two sunny side up eggs were the eyes, toast as a noise, and bacon as the smile. Mine was what Carl, the head chef and Destiny's dad, called "Cookie Monster pancakes."

They were a massive stack of pancakes that were absolutely loaded with bright blue food coloring and chocolate chips. I poured a bunch of syrup on top. My nausea suddenly turned into cravings, so nothing was going to stop me from devouring that stack of goodness.

Nothing except the voice shouting, "Hey, Poppy!"

I turned around and saw a disheveled Destiny, still in her pyjamas and with her coat on inside-out. She was out of breath, holding up her phone. My fork fell out of my hand. I literally had no idea what to do in this situation.

"Girl, you can't be serious!" she said.

Chrys gasphed. "Poppy, did you tell her?"

"How did you get here so fast?" I asked Destiny.

"My best friend just told me she's pregnant! I rolled out of bed and got my butt in an Uber!" she said, deciding to take a seat next to me. The people at the nearby tables started staring. Destiny reached for a piece of toast. "Tell me everything."

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