Miguel Diaz - Best Friends Girl pt 1

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[This Imagine is inspired by the song Jessie's Girl by Rick Springfield.]

Miguel walked to the side, his arms hanging by his side as he watched the girl he was crazy for walk with his best friend.

She laughed as Hawk made some sort of, apparently funny, comment. Miguel rolled his eyes, there wasn't anything else he could do anyways.

Y/n spotted some of her friends, turning to Hawk, she promised she'd be right back. After she left, Miguel caught up with Hawk.

"She's a real catch, isn't she?" Hawk chuckled quietly as his friend stood beside him.

"Yeah," Miguel nodded in agreeance, looking at her as he heard her laughter.

"Hey, I'm gonna run to the restroom, I'll be back."

Miguel nodded at Hawk, hearing him but not understanding, his thoughts completely focused on how especially gorgeous Y/n managed to look today with no effort.

Not long after Hawk had left, Y/n returned. "Where's Hawk?"

"Oh, he went, uh," Miguel stammered, being caught off guard by the main figure of his thoughts. "I don't know, he just left. I guess that means it's you and me now."

Y/n laughed, placing her hand on Miguel arm. "Oh look, he's right there."

Miguel tensed up, goosebumps making their way down his body. He cleared his throat, smiling at her briefly before walking towards his friend.

His heart ached as he watched her smile at Hawk, her eyes dancing with happiness as Hawk smiled at her.

Later that evening, Miguel sat at the kitchen table, his body numb as he became so lost in thought, he didn't know his mom had entered.

"Something wrong?" She asked, setting the bags of groceries down on the kitchen table before sitting down.

"Hmm? Oh... no, it's just...there's this girl, a friend of mine."

"Oooh... go on."

Miguel rolled his eyes, licking his bottom lip. "But, she's dating my friend... but I care about her, love her even..."

"So I see..." His mom nodded her head. "Well, I assume you don't want to hurt either of your friends, how does she feel about the friend she's dating?"

"I think she really cares about him."

"Cares as in, wouldn't want to see him physically hurt or cares as in the same way you feel for her?"

"Oh, trust me. She doesn't care seeing him get hurt physically-" Miguel held his hands up quickly at the worried look on his mom's face. "She's a member of Cobra Kai."

"Oh, well." His mom nodded again, slowly this time. "From where I sit, I see two options. You tell her or you don't. Either way, someone is being hurt. Whether it's you, because she told you and she didn't feel the same, or your friend because she broke up with him, or you again because you don't tell her."

Miguel nodded, looking at his mom. He hugged her quickly, standing up and dashing for the door. "I'll be back."

Miguel ran outside, closing the door before he collided with someone, he grasped onto their arms, keeping them steady.

His eyes met Y/n's tear filled ones. "He cheated on me..."


Part two?

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