Hawk - Sisters Divided

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Dedicated to Modernbxbe, go check out her book.

*Personalized imagine, so names will be used*

Willow walked into the living room, immediately seeing her oldest sister, Myra who was sprawled out on the couch, flipping through channels.

"Hey, wanna watch The Outsiders?"

"Can't," Willow grabbed her shoes, sitting down on the edge of the couch. "I got plans."

"With who?"

"A friend."




"No, would you quit asking?"

"Oh my God, you're going out with that guy you've been texting -"

"How do you know about him?"

"Aha, I knew it!" Myra exclaimed, pointing at Willow. "Just don't do anything stupid, okay? I don't want Mom and Dad griping at me because I let you be an idiot."

"I'll just see if one of my friends wants to hang out then." Myra said as Willow rolled her eyes, ignoring her and walking out of the house. She walked down a block before her eyes immediately landed Hawk's car. She slid into the passengers seat, her boyfriend leaning over to kiss her cheek.

"Hey Babe."

"Hey, ready to go?"

Hawk nodded once, turning on the ignition. 

The ride to the mall was fairly quiet, aside from the radio blaring and the occasional comment from one or the other.

The couple made their way inside and spent the next half hour walking around, just joking and acting like teen's, until someone called out for Willow.

They both turned around.

"Willow-" Myra, her sister stood a few feet away with someone both Hawk and Willow recognized, Myra looked at her before looking at the guy she was with. "Hawk- Oh my God, he's the guy you've been texting?"

Willow looked at Myra and Robby. "I- wait, why are you two together?"

"This is my girlfriend... I was telling you about her the other day" Robby looked at Willow, then Myra. "Wait you two know each other?" Hawk and Robby said at the same time, looking between the two girls, then at each other before looking back at Willow and Myra.

"She's my sister." The two girls said in unison.

Again, Robby and Hawk spoke at the same time. "Sister?"

"Yeah." Willow said, looking at Robby. "You are aware Myra is a part of Cobra Kai, right?"

"You are aware that he is a part of it too-"

"Of course I am aware." Willow rolled her eyes. "Give us a sec will ya, boys?"

Robby and Hawk awkwardly stepped to the side, giving them some space.

"How did we not know we were both in a relationship?" Willow looked up at Myra, her hands in her pockets.

"Oh I don't know. Maybe because every time I asked who you were texting you'd say nobody." Sarcasm dripping from Myra'z voice as she looked at her sister.

"Does Mom and Dad know who you're dating?"

"They don't even know I'm dating anyone." Myra shook her head "How about you?"

"They don't know who I'm dating."

"Welp..." Myra sighed, glancing over at the two boys. "Look, whatever you do, don't tell Cheryl. She'll never stop talking about it."

Willow raises her brows, nodding her head at the mention of their other sister, who just so happened to have a major crush on both Hawk and Robby, as well as every other male she watched particulate in the All Valley tournament last summer.

"Alright, definitely. As long as you do the same."

"Of course, trust me... I'm not telling Cheryl about anything." Myra laughed quietly. "Hey, since we now know about each others little secret, wanna hang? Maybe we can get Robby and Hawk to hate each other a little less."

"It's worth a shot, why not." Willow shrugged laughing with Myra as the two guys made their way back to them when Myra motioned for them to come.I

"So, sisters divided by Dojos huh?" Hawk said as he slung his arm over Willows shoulders. "I keep telling her if she would just join Cobra Kai, then we could spar, but now there's a reason for her to join, aside from me, although I am reason enough." He winked at her. I

"Yeah, no." Willow shook her head, but laughed anyways. "Just be glad I'm dating you." She teased as he rolled his eyes.

"Admit it, you love me."

" Yeah, yeah. "

At the same time, Myra and Robby fake gagged, immediately laughing.

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