Hawk - Transition pt. 2

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If Y/n were to be honest, she would say that she was actually surprised that Hawk had tried to make a change to himself.

After, well during the fight, Demitri and Hawk had made up, and Y/n was glad, he still might not look like Eli, but he was slowly back into him.

The kind, sensitive boy she'd fallen for had returned, mostly. He still looked like Hawk, the ridiculous hairstyle, the Cobra Kai attitude, but he was being nicer over all.

"Hey, movie night tonight?" Demitri came up behind the pair, wrapping his arms around their shoulders. "Yasmine said she's down as long as we don't watch a horror movie."

"We always watch a scary movie though." Y/n frowned, looking at her friend as they continued to walk through the halls, towards their lockers.

"Yeah, yeah, but Yasmine doesn't want to watch one, she wants to watch...I don't even remember what it's called but I'm pretty sure it's a chick flick."

Y/n glanced at Hawk as she shrugged herself from Demitri's grasp. Hawk chuckled quietly, smirking slightly as he opened his locker.

"I'm not watching a chick flick, but we don't have to watch a horror movie." Y/n said. "And if I have to watch something that isn't scary I'm going to invite other people."

"Alright, awesome it's a party." Demitri send finger guns in Y/n's direction as he jogged backwards, towards Yasmine's locker, where she'd most definitely be.

Miguel passed by right as he disappeared out of sight, and Y/n waved him over. "Hey, we're having movie night tonight, you're totally welcome to come."

"Oh, yeah I might have to stop by." Miguel nodded, smiling slightly. "Thanks for the invite." He walked away quickly, leaving Y/n alone with Hawk, who's mouth hung open.

"I know you did not just invite him-"

"What's wrong with Miguel?" Hawk rolled his eyes, as if the question Y/n had asked was the stupidest thing ever. "Look you promised me you were going to start being nice, and that means to everyone, including Miguel. Especially now that the dojo's are connected."

"He makes me so angry-"

"Yeah, well flip out and you'll be angry and single." Y/n closed her locker, turning to face him before holding her hand out to him. "Now, ready to go?"

Hawk rolled his eyes again before reluctantly taking her hand. "If he tries to start anything, I won't hesitate to fight him."


Later that afternoon, Demitri and Yasmine showed up to Y/n's house where her and Hawk had been hanging out.

Shortly after, Miguel and Tori showed up with an mix of people from what used to be called Cobra Kai and what used to be called Miyagi Do.

Y/n and Hawk had set out an assortment of junk food, including some pizza and some drinks.

Demitri had gotten Yasmine to agree to watch Charlie in the chocolate factory, the one with Johnny Depp, and after everyone was settled, the movie had been started.

"Not even gonna lie, I'd leave you for Johnny Depp." Y/n said quietly, but loud enough that the entire group could hear. Miguel chuckled softly, shaking his head.

"What, you find that funny?" Hawk asked, leaning forwards in his seat.

"Didn't say I did, but yeah it is kind of funny. Do you have an issue with that?"

Y/n pulled on Hawks arm, rolling her eyes. "Fights aren't tolerated tonight, either shut up or get out."

For the rest of the movie, neither Miguel nor Hawk said anything and after everyone left, Hawk walked up to Y/n.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to fight, I wasn't trying to act like...well, Hawk...that was pure jealousy." He slipped his arms around her waist. "And I hope you forgive me for that."

"Mmm, I suppose I can over look that one little outburst." Y/n pretended to contemplate him. "You have nothing to be jealous of. Johnny Depp has nothing on you."

Hawk smiled slightly, leaning down to kiss her softly. "That was a lie, he does...but I love you, and I'm glad you're trying to be a better person, the person you used to be, so as long as you're trying, I'll always forgive you."


Okay, so this probably makes no sense since I'm tired as heckkkkk and it's late but I felt like an update was more than over due.

Also, yes I low-key put Demitri and Yasmine together because, call me crazy, I ship it.

Whatever, enjoy this mess. ✌🏼

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