The Show Must Go On

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Finn remembered when he first met Neal, the day his world changed forever. Finn recalled standing at the unloading bay with that silly sigh he created; coming down the glass ramp was a small boy looking beyond terrified. Finn felt excited meeting his new brother right on the spot, but when the kid passed out it slightly ruined the moment. Neal doesn't know, but being passed out Finn was the first who rushed by his side. He has scooped his step brother into his palms, he tried being careful cause he never held humans much. Lying down in his palms was Neal out like a light, Finn smiled holding him close. The Giant held him the entire way home, he really hated that Neal was scared of him at first. The way his stepbrother flinched, shook, or shrunk in fear at any movement Finn made really upset the giant. Sure Finn knows now how pushy he was being at first, and probably didn't help when the giant almost hate the kid alive during the first night. Over the course Finn saw how scared Neal got around strangers and even the anxiety attacks Neal got just standing around a single giant. But things have changed so much, Neal's not fearful nor pushing Finn away from his life. He's growing up so much in the short time Finn's known there kid. It means even more the giant gets to see Neal take big steps in life. Such as this very moment, Finn's sitting by his entire family on his right and Megs on his left. The school auditorium is completely full, the stage is set with props and only a few moment pass before the musical starts. He never imagined life would bring him here, sitting by his friend, now girlfriend, and preparing to watch his young brother preform for a huge crowd. Though he's happy with all the people around him tonight, but he misses David. Besides the betrayal David did, he was still Finn's father. He misses his mother even more, she probably would have loved Neal. That's one thing the two brothers share, the lost of parents. The two have had a parent die and the other turn their backs on them. Honestly Finn believes Neal came into his life for a reason. If Neal never met the Knights he would be abused by Molly forever or until she possibly kill him. Neal never talks about the abuse much, Finn's not sure if the kid is over the trauma or it causes to much to bring up. Either way the Giant never make Neal talk about those things unless necessary. "Finn what's the matter?" Meg asked him squeezing his hand gently. "Nothing! Been doing some thinking, that's all Meg." He smiled at her. "Worried about tonight? Neal's gonna do great if that's what your worried about." She said. "Not worried at all about that. I was just thinking about how a lot has changed. Neal was once super shy and hated being around giants! But here we are preparing to watch him on stage. He's growing up Meg! He's still my baby brother and the thought of him growing really scares me! Soon he'll be graduating high school, starting college and moving out!" Finn exclaimed. "Finn your thinking to far in the future. He's still 12 years old, and is sticking around for a very long time. Plus do you really want to imagine his teenage years? He'll probably be sneaking out at night and attending parties." Meg teased. "Not under my roof! Plus he hates parties!" Finn huffed. "He really loved that sleepover last week, remember? That counts as a party!" She said. "No it doesn't! It was only Noel and Neal." He scoffed finding a better sitting position. "Why did you scoff at Noel's name? She asked. "I did not scoff." Meg wasn't entirely convinced. She's been noticing Finn's been acting strange when ever Neal talks about Noel. She's caught on Neal acts as if he has a crush on Noel. Meg wonders if that's what Finn's all worked about. "You did scoff and I know why. Neal's acting all happy around Noel. You believe he may have a crush?" She asked. "No..." Finn lied: he sighed and looked back at Meg. "Actually yes, what if he has a crush! He's far to young and liking a guy is a whole other conversation!" Finn said. He has no issues with anyone being gay, he just doesn't want Neal to get himself hurt. Getting a crush on someone who can't not share the same feeling could really hurt someone deeply.  "Why don't you talk with him? He could be scared his older brother may get mad. Having someone help him through a confusing situation will be helpful. He has such a good big brother, always remind Neal of that Finn." She kisses his face cheek. "I'm struggling to bring the discussion up." Finn told her. "You'll figure it out." She said. "Hey when does the damn show start! I gotta take a piss." The entire Knight family hid their heads in shame at Mikes rude talking. "Shut it you idiot!" Ingrid slapped him across the head. "Leave me the hell alone woman!" Mike yelled attracted the attention of many other families. "Will you two stop! Grandpa the play starts in 5 minutes and grandma restrain yourself! Slapping him only makes a bigger scene!" Finn yelled at them. "God, their embarrassing." He sighed. "Yes, but you love them right?" She said. "Yes, yes I do." Finn said. "Alight, it's time for it to start! You need remind Neal not to trip over the props this time?" She smirked. "Yes, he seemed pretty sure he'll never do that again." Finn laughed. The lights in the auditorium dimmed, and everyone became silent. The state is set unlike others:there two large tv screens hanging over each side of the stage showing the human cast helping giant or humans see their kids better, above the giant seats are long small human size balconies, and the stage has small staircase all over the set helping the human kids get around better. The last thing anybody wants to see is giant stepping on a kid. The lights finally turned off, Finn looked forward seeing Neal start the show. The show starts with a table being wheeled out, on that table is a tiny house, and in a minute Neal's suppose to come out, except  he didn't. "Finn, where is Neal?" Meg said never moving her eyes away at the stage. "Give him a minute, he'll come out." Finn said.  Awkward silence filled the auditorium, Meg very was unease. "Finn, where the hell is Neal? He should have came out two minutes ago." She whispers growled. Finn's confused as her, but he's going to do the answer. "SORRY FOLKS! WE ARE HAVING TECHNICAL ISSUES!  THE SHOW WILL BACK ON SOON!" Finn screamed around the room, "Ohmygod..." Meg mumbled under breathe. "Stay here, I'll be right back." Finn told her and bolted out the doors. Neal what the hell are you doing? Finn thought. He first checked the gym, Neal wasn't their, then Finn checked all of Neal's class rooms which were all empty, then he finally went backstage. "Noel, did you see where Neal went?" Finn asked the boy once walking behind the stage. "No sir, Neal said he had to use the restroom, but that's all! We started the show because we thought he would back by then! Is he in trouble?" Noel asked. "No kiddo! He's probably lost or something." Finn prayed his thoughts were right. "You say he want to the bathroom? Which one?" Finn asked Noel. "The restroom by the music room." Noel replied. "Thanks buddy." Finn smiled.
Neal felt terrible abandoned his position right before the show started, yet he couldn't hold in the vomit he's spitting out. "BUUUUAH!" Neal vomited all over the toilet, he pants before continuing emptying his nervous stomach. "They'll never forgive me." He weakly said. He was doing fine until he imaged performing in front of those people and even worst his own family. If he were to make himself look like a fool during performance, he become the schools laughing stock of the school and family loser. He's not sure how's he'll confront everyone after chickening out. "Neal? Are you in here?" A booming voice shouted echoing throughout the entire bathroom. "Finn?" Neal sniffled. "Bro what's happening?! There's a show happing and the main star isn't there! Let's go Neal." Neal was scared Finn would scold him, he remained where he was. "What, so you can yell at me?! Not a chance." Neal pouted. "What?! No, I won't yell kiddo! I'm not mad, I was really worried! What's the matter, why the sudden disappearance?" Finn asked, he pressed his eyes against the open bathroom door. "Got scared okay?! I am and will always be nothing more than a scared chicken, nervous wreck, antisocial kid, and a huge disappointment! I tried pretending I wasn't afraid performing tonight, but once the time came; I couldn't handle the stress! My moms been right all along, I'm such a loser." Neal weeped, he slid down the stalls wall and hugged his knees tightly. "She's never been right about you! Doubting yourself never helps little brother, your so brave. I only wish you could see that. Never have a seen any other kid overcome such great trials before! Moving in a giant world wasn't easy I bet! You really hated being around me and even pushed everyone away. Yet, over the time my new brother became much more open, he trusted me with all his heart. We became more than friends, we became brothers. Tell me Neal, does a chicken stand up against people at the zoo. Or would any nervous would a antisocial kid make new wonderful friends as Jay and Noel?" Finn said in a huge breathe. "I guess not..." Neal quietly said wiping away a few tears. "Correct! Neal, your amazing dude, and nowhere a disappointment! Do wanna come out now?" Finn said. Neal walked out from the bathroom stall, he ran outside where Finn picked scooped him up quickly. "Thanks Finn, I really needed that talk." Neal thanked his large brother. "Any time sport. I love you kid, never forget that." Finn smiled, the Giant pressed Neal again his chest. "Love you too." Neal whispers back. "Gosh, we should get you back on stage!" Finn gasped. He rushed down the hall and back behind the stage. He gave Neal one last hug before returning to his seat. "Finn, what in Gods name happen?!" Meg hissed once Finn scooted pass her, he sighed and sat back down. "He had nervous breakdown, some crying, puking, and lack of confidence. We're all good." He told her. "You guys are something else." Meg huffed. Finn smiled, he let Meh rest her head on his shoulder. Within a few seconds, Neal arrived at his position. Finn smiled at him, he's never felt prouder. As the play went on, Neal did awesome receiving a great round of applause at the end.
After the play ended, Finn bid his goodbyes to Meg and the rest of his family. He went home with Neal and Ingrid and Mike. Neal was completely worn out, he slept inside Finn's chest pocket the whole way home. Neal was so happy after he got off the stage, he asked Finn millions of times how good he performed. Like any good brother would say, Finn told Neal he did outstanding. It was no lie, Finn wasn't sure if he could play a role for a school play. A rare skill Neal has over Finn, the big brother is sure the kid won't let him forget that either. "Finn be a dear and record our crime shows for me and Mike. We will be out like a light soon." Ingrid yawned unlocking the house door. "Will do grandma." Finn told her. Neal squirmed around, he woke up all curled in a ball. He loved the soft material of Finn's chest pocket, "Are we home?" He asked stretching his arms. "Yep, tired aren't you?" Finn asked kicking his shoes off. "Hey, I had a long day!" Neal said. "What me to tuck you in? Like a tiny baby?!" Finn grabbed Neal out of the pocket, he dropped the kid in a open palm and began tickling him. "Stop! HAHAHAHA! NOT...HAHAHA.....A BABY!" Neal giggles swatting Finn's finger away. "Fine, lets get you to bed." Finn said, the two brother said Goodnight to Ingrid and Mike. Finn carries the sleepy Neal to his bed, he gives the little boy a small kiss and lyes him down in bed. Finn planned on falling asleep himself, but a knock at the front door stopped him. "Who would that be?" Finn asked himself. He walked through the goes house and reaches the door. The knocking grows louder, he opens the door but sees no one. "Excuse me sir, down here." Finn looked down at his feet, he's shocked seeing a human woman with pale skin, long black hair, and wearing a red coat, beside her is a tall man her age, he has short brown hair and a blue jacket on. "Oh, hello..." Finn said. "How can I help you two?" He asked. "We are here to take our nephew Neal home." The woman said. What the Hell?! Finn mentally screamed.

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