Goodbye and Hello

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"Neal, we're very glad seeing your awake. Had us scared last night that's for sure, now we're gonna ask some questions about yesterday's incident. Brother and grandparents mind stepping out the room please, we prefer young patents answering abuse questions without others around. Hope you understand." Finn nodded rubbing his eyes being exhausted, only 5 minutes ago did Mike, Ingrid, Finn and Neal all awakened  when the doctor entered asking questions. "Sure thing doc, lets go guys." Finn said. "But.." Ingrid protested, Finn nudged her out. "We'll be right out here Neal, answer all the doctors questions truthfully. No more hiding the truth alright?" Finn said. "Yes sir." Neal replied watching his brother and grandparents leave. Neal nervously looked at the doctor waiting to be asked questions he rather answer quickly. "Okay Neal now we really didn't have time to get all the details about last night, all we were told you fell of a giant table. We also notice some odd reports in your files, you've been hurt a lot. At the age 11, the report said you fell down the stairs bruising your face, and two months  after that the school said they noticed several other bruises all long your arms and legs. Mom said you crashed your bike. Now Neal I've been working in the hospital over 18 years and I can tell you honestly these are obvious cases of abuse. I'll ask some questions they may get uncomfortable but do your best son." The doctor said pushing his glasses back up properly. "Has your mother ever been physically abusive at all, such as smack to the faces, hit with the belt, punched or kicked?" Neal braced himself, the time finally came where he would the tell truth. "Yes, it started three years ago after my father died, at first she would twist my arm and dig her nails in my skin. Though the following time only got worst. She first slapped me after I spilled soda all over her new shirt. Shortly after that any little thing I did wrong she would hurt me." Neal struggled recalling past trauma, he found it harder to say it loud over keeping the memories locked up. "Sorry hearing that. "
Your brother said you fell off a table, described what happened." The doctor said. "Well, during dinner things got way out of hand, found out mom cheated with my stepdad while she was still married, Finn and his dad staring arguing making it  worst. Soon mom lost her cool, me and her stood by the edge of the table, and she said she wishes I would die. That's when mom pushed me off, next thing I woke up here." The doctor wiped away his tears, his heart broke hearing about Neal's horrible experience. "Thank you Neal." He said. "We'll keep you just a little longer making sure all's good before letting you leave. Neal be proud of your family, the way they all worried shows how much they love you. Take care." Finn, Ingrid and Mike entered with permission, Finn sat over by Neal and let the child use his as a bed again. "Neal buddy, there's a lot we should talk about. See last night I called the cops on Molly, she's been arrested and being held in a jail cell." Neal sighed knowing she officially must hate him. "Wait where's David? Is he the one who arrested mom?" Neal asked feeling stupid. Of course he wouldn't, Molly's his wife and even backed her actions up during the fight. Not as if Neal cares anymore, David is the man who Molly cheated with, and Neal will never forgive either of them. "Sadly not. Neal there's no easy way telling you, but dads not  on our side. He's much more concerned about Molly, which brings me to the next topic. We will staying with grandma and grandpa until I find us a place." Neal tried comprehending all he's told, emotions began overwhelmed making him start crying. "Baby please don't cry!" Ingrid practically pushed Finn away so she could comfort Neal. "S...sorry... but the whole situation makes... me...
feel different emotions and I can't control... them..." Neal sobbed even harder. "Ingrid stop pestering him!" Mike complained. "Last time you tried being nice he got a ugly dumb sweater!" He said leaning down by Neal's hospital bed. "Oh my God.." Finn mumbled. "Neal if your upset about moving in with us, I promised to stop leaving toenails clippings all over the place!" Ingrid slapped Mike upside the head barley handling his whole personality. "He's not upset about that idiot! Neal's crying because he's dealing with his mother hating him!" Finn had enough and snapped. "OUT!" Finn yelled. "You heard him Mike, OUT!" She pushed her husbanded away. "Both of you!" Finn gritted his teeth. "Wait! What are suppose to all alone out there?! Finn you can't make me stand out there with that fat, over grown, soda drinking moron?!" Ingrid gasped refusing to move from the door frame. "Call everyone and say Neal's awake!" Finn pushed them out sighing in relief. "God those two are crazy.." He huffed shutting the door. "There're awesome, except when Mike got close his breathe smelled like donuts and soda, yuck!" Neal sniffled and smiled. "Aww buddy, I can't even imagine how difficult the whole situation can be, but I have one more thing to say. Neal how would you feel if I had full custody over you?" Finn watched Neal's eyes widen, he hoped because of happiness. "I...Finn.. that..." Neal wasn't sure what to say, his heart leaps with joy finally being taken care of someone who's kind, big hearted and... Neal stopped celebrating mentally. Being raised by Finn means different things now, he'll never be able to return to the human quarters again, no giants can stroll though a whole town or city populated by humans. Also Neal's the only human now, he'll always he knows as the smallest family member. "Neal whats wrong?" Finn noticed worrying looks coming across Neal's face. Then again Neal focused about all the goods things about being adopted by Finn. He'll have a loving brother, around family who's loving, Neal's even made new friends around here, the child began smiling fully realizing he finally may be happy. "Finn... I... I LOVE YOU BIG GUY!" Neal tearfully cheered hugging Finn's thumb. "Your happy about me being your legal guardian right?" Finn doubles check. "Heck yes, OUCH!" Neal felt sharp pains thought out his body, his happiness made him forget about the multiple broken bones. "Nothings set in stone yet, but glad your happy." Finn grinned. "Course I'm happy, your my family." Neal said. The giant leaned down gently kissing Neal's head, well he tried kissing the forehead but since Finn's much larger he accidentally kissed Neal's entire face. "EWWWW, FINN!" Neal gagged wiping away saliva Finn left behind all over his face. "What's that Neal? Do it again?" Neal tried saying no before he's once again  soaked by spit. Laughing died when the rooms door opened, at first Finn assumed Ingrid tried sneaking in, but the person who entered boiled both boys skin. "Dad get the hell out." Finn growled viciously standing from his chair and locking eyes with David. "FINN! FINN..." Ingrid swung through the door frame panting. "Finn, we tried stopping him but we failed obviously." She coughed due to running fast. "Grandma please step back out, we'll be okay." Finn assures her, she understood leaving them. "Neal..." David steppes towards Neal until Finn interjected. "You have no right speaking with him!" Finn spat showing anger Neal's never wittiness. "Why are you here?!" Finn asked. "I wanted to talk to Neal. I'm sorry about cheating with his mom."David said. "Is that all? What about defending Molly, staying with her while Neal's in the hospital, ignoring his problems, and punching me!" Neal covered his ears from Finn's booming screaming. "I'm not apologizing about defending Molly nor will I..." Finn punched David in the face, the father stumbled backwards falling over a chair. "FINN STOP IT!" Neal shouted. Finn ignored Neal's plead and grabbed David by the shirt slamming him against the wall. "Dad, never in all my life have I ever felt this anger! Get out before I break every single one of your bones!" Finn threatens. "Finn please let speak with him..." David said. "NO GET OUT!" Finn roared. "Finn listen, I came here to ask Neal one other question!" David tried pushing Finn, but the younger giants strength outmatches David's. "Finn let him go! I wanna hear him talk!" Neal begged. Finn unwillingly let David go never breaking eye contact with him. "Neal.." David cleared his throat. "Finn said he wants custody over you, I told Molly that last night and she wants to know if that will make you happy?" David said. "Yes, but when did she ever care about me being happy?" Neal asked, in years Molly's only cared about herself, she can't honestly change her view points. "I don't have all the answers kid, that's all she wanted to know. Finn, if your very serious about being Neal's guardian come to the court house at 12:30. Me and Molly will be there discussing appropriate actions that need taking care of." Finn couldn't believe what's happening, he's happy Neal will finally be happy, but he's sad cause Molly's letting go of him. It's not different between him and David, his dad choose Molly over his family a action that hurts Finn badly. David's raised him alone since Finn's mother's death, maybe people do eventually grow apart. "Fine, see you at the court house at 12:30, now leave."Finn said coldly. David left waving goodbye, Finn made sure his father left without cashing any more issues. "Finn, what happened? We saw David leave, did anything happen?" Ingrid asked returning to them. "I'm meeting with Molly at 12:30 about adopting Neal, think you guys can watch Neal during my absence without arguing over dumb stuff?" Finn said. "Of course    Dear, and we did call the family, they'll all be here soon! They are all happy about Neal being okay, many were so worried!" Neal blushed admiring his new family's  love towards him. "Ah good, make sure when I'm gone their not slamming Neal with questions." Finn asked if her and sat down crossing his legs. Bad enough Neal's stuck here, he doesn't need to be asked thousands of questions. "Will do, wait where's Mike? Probably at  the cafeteria!" Ingrid marched out looking to bring back Mike. "Finn, can you do something for me?" Neal quietly asked. "Sure bud." Finn turned closer to Neal. "When you see my mom tell her..."
Few Hours Later
"By guys! I'll be back soon!" Finn announced leaving behind his family with Neal, "BYE!" The all shouted from the hospital room, Finn smiled closing the door glancing shortly at Neal smiling and having small talk with the others. It warmed Finn's heart seeing the kid being social around people now, Neal's probably relaxed around them now since he's family. Finn's been mentally preparing for the meeting he will soon have, its gonna take a lot loads of strength keeping his cool. He'll be looking at the woman who's destroyed Finn's relationship with his dad and the same woman that hurt Neal. He's convince she's pure evil, no person should dare hurt their kids nor treat them as burdens. Finn marches from the hospital and to his car, he begins driving away blasting the radio. Finn loves country despite what people say, fact Finn only had one friend who enjoyed the same music, Meghan Snow. Meghan Snow was Finn's best friend since kindergarten, the two were very close , always sticking by each other's side, laughing and pondering about the future. After his mother's death Meghan helped Finn out more than anyone, she knew what made him laugh, and always lifted his spirits when he felt blue. Anyways it wasn't until high school when the two became popular by their friendship. Finn joined all the football team, Meghan killed it in choir, the woman's soccer team, speech and debate, and most importantly the GBHC which stands for the Giants Befriends Humans Club. Meghan started the club after noticing how much giants and the human kids never hung out, Finn joined immediately after learning about the club. Unfortunately the only two members were Meghan and Finn. Still she never stopped attempting to teach more giants that their not different from humans, Finn swears she's the reason he has a soft spot for the smaller species. Despite being a good teacher to people, Meghans voice made her stand out. Finn recalls her singing country songs beautifully, the way she should hit the notes shocked all ears. No surprise she pursued the music business and became rather famous. Finn's never thought about since the radio interview she did announcing her return back in town. "WOAH!" Finn's thoughts distracted him and nearly caused him to drive off the road, several horns honked echoed behind him. Few minuets passed and Finn arrived at the court house. He parks the car leaving the radio on, he closes his eyes getting last rest. He waits 10 minutes and heads inside the court house. Once there Finn's directed to a room where David sits at a table, and Molly sitting at a smaller one. "Hello Finn, please take a seat, lets make the meeting short shall we?" Molly invites, Finn remains silent and sits down crossing his arms over the table. "With my knowledge you wish to become Neal's legal guardian correct?" Molly asked not even looking remotely angry or sad. "Yes." Finn nodded. "Good, if you were to became his guardian, do you promise to care of Neal, watch over him, raise him as if he were your own." Molly said shifting upwards from her seat. "Yes." Finn said. "One last request, when you see Neal tell him I'm sorry about not being the best parents. I can't love him, but you can Finn." Finn wasn't sure what words should be said, he only promised her he tell him her apology. "Molly, Neal asked to deliver a message. He said tell mom even though after all she's done, I still love her and one day I hope you change. In the meantime take care of yourself, I'll still worry about you mom, that's my job as a son. With that said there's another thing I wanna say, I hate that you cheated on dad, I'll try forgiving for what you've done, it will take time. Until then please know if you ever feel like nobody love you , I will always, cause you are and will forever be my mom."' Molly shed tears, she cries because deep down she doesn't deserve her love and it kills Molly every day she cannot share those feelings with Neal. "Um we will get the proper papers have them signed. Congrats Finn, your Neal's guardian." Molly said, Finn senses her saddens through her eyes. He wished he could feel bad for her, but he couldn't. She's a terrible woman underserving of anyone's love, especially Neal's. Finn walked away when a hand touched his shoulder. "Finn, we if you walk out the door without saying goodbye we may never speak again." Finn gently pushes away David's hand. "Dad..." Finn silently cried. "Son, despite all that's happen I love you." David quietly said. "If you truly loved me dad we wouldn't be here." Finn faced his father with tears steaming down. "Molly take good care of him." Finn said with his breathe shaking. "And dad...I love you too." Finn weakly said. "Goodbye Dad and Molly." Finn looked at his father one last time, Finn won getting Neal, but the lost hurt unbelievably horrible. "Bye son." Those are the last words Finn heard when walking out. The giant drove back to the hospital, he kept the radio off leaving silenced throughout the car. He tried staying strong, but no longer could he keep his feeling hidden. Finn sobbed hitting the steering wheel with his hand, he's lost a mother and now a father. Finn makes it back to the hospital, and stands outside Neal's hospital room. He can hear his family laughing, Neal's laugh makes Finn smile brightly. Finn enters the room explain all that happened, the family rejoices having Neal safe in Finn's arms. During the celebration Finn asked if he could have the room with Neal, the all smiled and walked out. Finn sat down next to Neal, "Neal, there's something your mom wanted me to say. She said she's sorry she couldn't love you, and she just want you to finally have someone who does love you." Finn said. Neal sighed, his heart ached worst with the knowledge Molly shares no feelings. When the pain gets bad he looks at Finn, Neal grabs Finn's finger and tightly hugs it. "I'm glad your that person who loves me." Neal shyly said. "I love you, our whole family does, heck even your friends Jay and Noel love you!" Finn said. "NOEL! Finn, me and him were gonna have a sleepover Friday!" Neal gasped. "Relax, he'll understand. You guys can have another one soon, summer break will be here shortly. Also you'll be staying home with me, school can wait until your feeling much better." Finn smiled. "Okay..." Neal yawned. "Gonna take a nap..."Neal whispered shortly before blacking out. "Sleep well little one." Finn said. Few second later Finn's cellphone rang, the number looked oddly familiar. "Hello?" He answers. "Hey there Finn Knight, miss me?" Finn's eyes snap open listing to the female voice speak. "M...m...MEG?!"

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