Old Friends

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"MEG?!" Finn stumbles over his own words. "Who else? Sound somewhat happy hearing my voice, been six years since we last spoke together." Finn's unexpected phone call made him weak, he  tripped back down safely on a chair. "S.. six years Meg, and suddenly you call?! Not that I'm happy hearing your voice, more stunned than anything." Finn said. "Listen Beanstalk I'm sorry about coming out of the blue, truth is I planned on waiting a while until contacting you but I really missed you." The giant laughed, Beanstalk was Megan's nickname she granted him during their freshman year after Finn hit a growth spurt. "Meg, though we weren't ever speak again after... we'll you remember obviously." Finn rolled his eyes. "Aren't we adults now Finn? Seriously if you wanna quit talking we can..." Finn gripped the phone tighter praying she won't hang up. "NO WAIT!" Finn bounces straight up. "Would love to catch up with you." Finn half smiled. "Great, 4:30pm on Friday at the best restaurant around town?" Meghan asked. "Ye... y... YES!" Finn cheered. "See you then." Finn hung up the phone grinning from ear to ear, his smile disappeared with his currents life issues crashing back down. "What's wrong with me?! Dinner with Meg?! STUPID!STUPID!STUPID!" Finn slapped himself. "Finn... if wanna have dinner with your ex girlfriend go ahead, but try not eating too much sausage cause it makes you really gassy..." Neal mumbled, the medications doctors gave Neal and his tiredness were kicking in. "Hahah, your sleepy huh?" Finn cooed rubbing his finger across Neal's tired face, "Ya, but have dinner with your girlfriend, I'll be fine." Neal yawned. "No way I'm leaving you alone.Your way more important than anything else." Finn said. "If your worried about leaving me, why don't you invite her to dinner with me, and grandpa and grandma." Finn never though of that, honestly Neal's got a good point. "Good idea kiddo." Finn said pulling out his phone. He recalled Megan's number praying she answer. "Hello Finn, calling to cancel our dinner  already?" Megan questioned. "NO! Actually I was just wondering if we could actually eat at my grandparents house, remember where they live." Finn mentally scolded himself, asking her to eat at his grandparents house? Wouldn't be surprised if she turned his offer down. "I remember Finn, though it's not every day someone requested eating at their grandparents home." She said. "I know, listen things have really changed. I'm moving out, me and my dad are no longer talking. I'll explain it all later okay?" He said. "Alright Finn see you there at 4:30, and please tell me Greta's still around." Finn chuckled after he question, Megan loves Greta almost more than his own family. "She's still around, sure she'll be happy seeing you again." Megan softly cheered over the phone. "Awesome, see you then Beanstalk." She sweetly said. "See you later Meg." Finn said and turn his off his phone. His heart beat realizing after 6 years he's gonna see her again.
"And we are done, phew! Unloading stuff really takes the energy out of ya!" Finn wiped sweat off his head, today's Friday and after several days Neal's and Finn's are officially moved in with Mike and Ingrid. Finn finished folding his clothes and placing them perfectly inside the sock drawer. The spare room Ingrid and Mike generously gave their grandsons is wide and large with tons of room, the walls are painted ocean blue, and a window showing a great view of the neighborhood. Thankfully Neal's small bedroom was able to be moved from their old house and to the new one. Both brothers agreed keeping Neal's bedroom inside Finn's room. They worried their grandparents may forget about the small room sticking out from the wall and trip or crush it during the night. "Finn, will Meg like me when she comes over tonight?" Neal wheeled out from his room stopping the wheelchair directly by Finn's feet. Neal really hated stuck with a wheelchair, he feels even smaller. Finn's minds preoccupied about tonight's dinner, since few days ago he's been balancing between moving, taking care of Neal, and having Megan over tonight's. He hopes this dinner won't end with Neal being pushed off the table or start any arguments. "Finn, I asked a question!" Neal shouted. "Huh? Oh my bad, what's your question." Finn asked. "Will Meg like me? I'm nervous, she's another total stranger, and we all know how fantastic our last dinner went." Neal said rubbing his broken arms cast. "I promise tonight's gonna be great! Megs super nice and no doubt she'll like you." Finn said. "Excuse me boys, I made chocolate chips cookies!"Ingrid celebrates her baking. "Grandma another hour we'll be eating! Save the cookies until desert." Finn demanded. "I'll take a cookie now grandma!" Neal waved his hand excitedly. Ingrids heart danced with joy, Neal's officially named her his grandma and she's happy he's sees all the Knights as family now. "No dessert before dinner! Neal you've hardly eaten since being leaving the hospital, not letting you get full over junk food. Besides the cookies are three times your size." Neal frowned truly upset, Finn's been hounding about his eating habits "Not even a tiny little bite size?" Neal tried persuading Finn. "Neal, eat a single bite of a cookie and I'll make you sleep inside my sweaty,old, nasty gym socks which haven't been washed since three weeks ago." Finn threatens sternly. "Fine." Neal whined rolling away mumbling under his breathe. "Works every darn time." Finn quietly smirked. "Finn your such a hypocrite! When Finn was little he always snuck cookies before his dinner, he was such a cute little chubby child. See he's still has some chubby skin here." Ingrid pinched Finn's stomach making him blush brightly. "Cut that out!" He slapped her hand away carefully. "Why so grumpy, Finn? Worried about making a seeing Megan again? Near broke my heart when you both quit talking." Ingrid said. "Yes of course I'm worried! We haven't talked since 6 years ago, surprised she even wanted to see me again." Finn sighed sitting down on the bed. "She probably really missed seeing you." Ingrid sat along side Finn resting a hand over his shoulder. "INGRID! THE HELL ARE IS THE TV REMOTE?!" Mike hollers. "God help me... COMING MIKE!" Ingrid kisses Finn's cheek and left to tend her husband. "It's always 3:40 Finn! I'm taking a shower before your girlfriend arrives!" Neal tried traveling to his bedroom, but's Finn's foot blocked the entrance. "One she's not my girlfriend and two, you need help showering." Finn said. "Don't need any help! Besides it's humiliating." Neal objected. "If you try by yourself, you'll get hurt and call me for help!" Finn would know, Neal's tried by himself twice and failed miserably. "Won't happen a third time,I swear." Neal promised rolling into his human bathroom. Finn waited 8 minutes when he head a light thud from Neal's bathroom, "Ow... Finn help..." Neal whimpered. "Coming buddy." Finn said.
"Gosh, jeans are uncomfortable and buttons up shirts itch!" Neal complained tugging his shirt. "Quit messing around with your shirt little dude! Tonight's really important and we should all look our best." Finn pinched Neal's shirt making it look presentable. Neal's noticed Finn's desire to make everything perfect today, the giant made his special pizza where no ones aloud making suggestions about how it should be made. Ingrid tried tell Finn he should put less sauce, he gave her a evil stare and told her to mind her own business. All of her life Ingrid only knew Finn to ever get mean is when he wants things perfect, most importantly perfect for Megan. The old woman remembers when those two were only children and play all day, she only wished they never went their separate ways. "Ingrid when's Finn's girl friend arriving? Can we eat now, I'm starving!" Mike complained licking lips smelling the pizza as he entered the kitchen. "Touch the pizza and you'll spending the night outside." Ingrid poked his chest. "And she's not my girlfriend, GOD WHY DOES EVERYONE KEEP SAYING THAT!" Finn shouted slamming the oven door. "Maybe because your acting crazy over a girl..." Finn shot Neal a nasty stare, the little clamped his mouth shut. He moved his wheelchair halfway across the kitchen table getting away from Finn. "Neal's right. I recall you and Meg going to prom together and never did I see you freak out when plans failed." Ingrid said. "I did not freak out!" Finn argued. "What went wrong?" Neal wondered. "Sometime during the night Finn called crying over how his car broke down at his house, dinner went horrible because the waiter spilled soda all over his suit, and during the dance Finn tripped and landed his butt on some poor human parent attending the event. Thankfully the human wasn't squashed!" Ingrid shutters imaging the humans fear. "Surprised he wasn't squashed! Finn's big butt could easily smash a human truck." Neal chuckled. "THAT IS IT! Neal, hope you can breathe inside gym socks!" Finn yelled. Neal thanked God after Finn stopped when the doorbell rang. "4:30 already?! Oh my God...Oh my God... stay cool." Finn mumbled. "I think  he's losing it." Mike whispers to Neal and Ingrid. The old woman and child nodded watching Finn stress. The doorbell rang again, Finn breathes heavily straightening his posture, he tucked his shirt in and stood in front of door. Six years since they last spoke, laughed together, made eye contact. "Okay... one...two...three..." Finn slowly opened the door, his eyes locked directly on the woman standing directly in-front of him.  Meg is same age as Finn, she has beautiful pale skin, she wore all black leggings and a dark sweatshirt, her dark blue eyes sparkled brightly, she's tall unlike most girls Finn knows, she has silver-white hair that falls behind her head. Finn's glad she never changed her hair, she dyed her the color all because she thought it would make her stand out more. "Hi Finn." She smiled brightly, Finn nearly forgotten how amazing her smile was. "Hi..." Finn nervously chuckled, his cheeks were a dark shade of red. What does a person say to their friends after 6 years being apart. "You look fantastic!" Finn complimented her. "Thanks, may I enter or we gonna stand out here all night?" She giggles. "Oh sorry, come inside. Everyone's excited to see you again." Finn said. "Won't lie Finn, I was surprised we're meeting here above all places. Though we would get together at our favorite restaurant or your house." She said playing with her hair. "Life has really changed since we last talked." Finn said. "Really like... GRETA!" Meg screeched hugging the black lab who ran into her arms. "I've missed you girl!" She rubbed her hands through the dogs long fluffy fur. "My goodness, do my eyes deceive me or is that Megan Snow!" Ingrid excitedly said. "Grandma Knight, how are you?!" Megan hugged the woman, "Doing just fine dear." Ingrid sighed. "Hey where's my hug?"Mike asked. "And there's grandpa Mike, still have the old motorcycle all the neighborhood kids desperately wanted to ride on?" She asked giving him a small hug. "Sadly not, sold the old piece of junk years ago." Mike said. "Too bad, could have bought it and fixed up." Megan loved mechanic working almost more than singing. "Megan there's someone who I want you to meet." Finn brought Megan to Neal. "Buddy, meet Megan Snow. Megan meet Neal, he's my little brother." Finn introduces them. "Little brother?" Megan asked confused. "Okay let me explain..."
"Let me get this straight Finn. After Molly nearly killed Neal, David took her side and wouldn't even apologize for cheating with his mom, punched you?! Than Molly allowed you to have custody over Neal? Gosh, a lot has changed." Megan took a bite out of her pizza, she's amazed about how Neal's mother treated her son poorly. "Neal's I'm very sorry about all the trouble you've gone through." She wondered how badly he's been mentally traumatized, he's hardly said anything all evening. "T...thanks..." Neal mumbled playing around with his pizza. "Finn remember the time you broke your arm? What happened...hmmm... oh right Finn tried climbing a old tree, he made it pass the fourth branch and the branch snapped. He came hurling down wiping out any branches, he hit the ground holding his arm. He sobbed over the pain for 20 minutes until we finally made the hospital. Finn was 17." Meg retold her one of her many Finn stories, Neal smiled slightly. "Finn's never told me that story me before." Neal said. "He's probably embarrassed." Megan smirked at Finn. "But his greatest embarrassing moment happened at the county fair. Our senior year me and him attended the fair. Every year they have a awesome small, but totally awesome rollercoaster. Before we rode the ride, Finn ate three chili dogs, two cotton candy bags, half of a candy apple and drank one huge cherry soda. I insisted he should wait until we get on the ride, but he said he felt fine. Once we hopped in our seats, we had three other high school girls sitting behind us. Soon enough we began flying forward with our hands up in the air. 30 seconds passed when Finn starting turning green, he no longer could handle all he ate and vomited. Poor girls behind us got soaked by Finn's gross puke." Ingrid tossed her napkin down, her hunger disappeared after Megs gross story. "EWWW!" Neal laughed loudly. "Got any more stories about....." Finn wrapped his finger around Neal's mouth. "Enough stories, Meg let's talk about you. Been six years, what made you wanna see each other again." Finn asked slowly letting go of Neal. "Well, with being back home I really couldn't ignore you any longer. Really missed talking with my friend Finn. We were best friends once, I hated for 6 years we allowed ourselves to drift apart. Now I'm back and hope we'll heal our relationship." Meg sincerely met every world she spoke, Finn sighed admitted himself he missed her. "Also there's one tiny other topic..."She awkwardly laughed. "I'll be directing the school play you work at and was hoping I could have some help." Finn spit his drink out soaking Neal in soda. "Thanks Finn, really made my evening being covered by spit and soda." Ingrid motioned Neal over and she began drying him off with a napkin. "Work at the school?! How's that even possible?! Why are they letting you direct the musical?" He asked. "The school asked me, they thought it would be great having a well known singer be the director." She hoped Finn wouldn't freak out. "What about Ms. LairGreen? She always direct the musicals, she even did ours." Finn asked, he still remembers what a nasty woman she was. "Apparently she drank too much alcohol and took a nasty fall down her house staircase." Meg shook her head ashamed the school hired a crazy woman like her. "Soon after she fell into the coma, the school called saying the town singer celebrity should lead the play and I took the offer." She told him. "Why do you need help?" Finn asked. "Unlike every years, we're doing a mixture between giant and human cast. Many giant parents complained they couldn't see their kids perform at the human size auditorium. I want your help cause all the humans love you! I asked around the school and found out most human students are comfortable with Mr. Knight." She said. "Meg... that's nice but I can't right now." Finn whispers, he doesn't Neal hearing. He fears the child would feel as if he were burden. "Finn, help directing the music would be wonderful!" Ingrid thought the idea great. "Sounds stupid..." Mike grumbled leaning back in his chair. "You should help her! Plus you guys will spend more time together and catch up from the past years." Neal smiled at Finn and Meg. "See, they all think it's a good idea." Meg said. "Let me think the idea over. We'll talk about more later." Finn said. The night continued well, Meg told Neal more Finn stores the giant became embarrassed about. Soon enough Neal's bedtime arrived, and Finn made sure his brother was all good and returned back to Meg. Mike and Ingrid had been in bed for almost a hour, meanwhile Finn and Meg chat on the couch. Finn generously poured wine for the two of them. "And remember the time when you punched Ryan Dillion's noise because he said I looked like a hooker?" Meg laughed hysterically, Finn laughed along taking sip of wine. "Dang, your grandmother knows what wine to buy." Meg said resting her head on the couches back. She gazes a the ceiling closing her eyes enjoying the moment. "I've really missed you Meg." Finn sighed also leaving his head back. "Ya me too, can't wait until I get my human orphanage opened, gonna help many kids." She said. "That's awesome Meg, I'm happy Neal never got caught up in foster care, or left on the streets alone." Meg appreciates Finn's love over his new brother. "You really care about him don't you?" She asked turning towards him. "I do, he's super shy, always stress out, the kid has has horrible anxiety." Finn said wishing he could help the kid out better. "Considered him seeing a therapist?" She suggested. "Huh never occurred to me, definitely consider the idea." He said. "Have you considered my idea about the musical?"She wondered. "Meg, I'm worried about Neal though. He needs all of my attention, and focusing on the musical could take time away from him." Finn said. "Hmmm... maybe have him participate in the musical. Could help his social skills, conquer fears being around others." Finn thought about what she's saying, perhaps Neal should take part in it. "Actually Meg that's a grand idea!" He smiled. "Crap, Finn look at the time! Should he heading home!" Meg sat her drink down. Finn walked her out to her car, "Finn before I leave, I wanna say sorry." Meg said unlocking her car. "Sorry about what?" He asked. "About the reason we stopped talking, I was selfish..." Finn places his hands on her shoulders. "Meg, the past is over. Let's focus about the future. Your back, and I'm damn glad. Drive safe Meg, and once Neal's ready to come back to school, I'll see you at musical practice." Finn kissed her cheek, she blushed and said her goodbyes. Finn watched her drive off, he felt so glad having his old friend back.
Author's Note- how many of you liked Meg?

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