Car Laughter

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"Good morning everyone! I'm David Brown and your listing to Saturday's morning regular broadcast, today the weather will be nice, clear blue sky's, and a light cold breeze, also we are joined by are own town and worldwide known county singer Meghan Snow! Her new album, Green Side View, is sweeping across the nation breaking records everywhere, and taking the internet up in a storm. She's here to talk about her break from the spotlight, and adjusting her life back to her hometown which is right here. She ask for no autographs, selfies, but she's here herself to tell us all about it. Good morning Meghan we're glad you here!"
"Oh my God Finn, please turn this junk off, that guys voice is giving me a migraine!" Neal demeaned sitting inside Finn's chest pocket, the giant ignored Neal's request and tuned the radio up even more. "Shhh, I wanna here this. Don't worry we're almost at the store so you won't have to hear this for long.

"Thank you Davis, I'm glad you had me on the show today." A young woman's voice cheerfully said.

"Of course! Not everyday we have a big star around these parts! Now tell me how does it feel being back home? Anyone your looking forward in seeing again. Parents, friend, or even a former lover?"

"Haha, yes all except for the lover. Never had time for dating, in high school dating never seemed like a interest, even if I did date that relationship wouldn't last long at all."

"How come? We're boys at school not good enough? Even the once high school football star Finn Knight?! Rumor had it the two of you were engaged at one point after graduation!"

"Simple, yet false, rumors Davis. Me and Finn Knight are, well were once good friend during our school years. Nothing more, nothing less. But please I'm not here to talk about non existent love life."

"Right sorry about that, anyways being home must feel good. Being popular can take a toll on a person if they don't how to properly handle it."

"Correct, when being in the spot over these last 3 years it felt really good at first. However recently my hearts been aching at returning back home. Seriously I love going on tours, meeting fans, donating money for charity, and singing songs, but nothing's better than eating at the same old restaurant I visit as a little girl, or seeing my siblings, best of all getting the chance at making a difference here now."

"Making a difference? Can you go deeper into that statement?"

"Of course, starting in one month I've partnered up with Arties Greens, Human Adoption Agency and together we'll be opening this towns new adoption agency, something I think we really need. I remember being 8 years ago and passing the human orphanage, which looked more like a pet shop, and felt bad at the living conditions are smaller fellow species live in. With the the adoption center we'll make living conditions much better for orphan children until there adopted by a loving family."

"Wow sounds like this is very personal, does it have anything involving your own life? We all know about your brother."

"Yes, my brother really inspired me into this idea. When he was a kid, the orphanage wouldn't even take him in! He was forced on living the streets all alone and scared. Thankfully my father founded Daren and brought him home. With the new adoption center no orphan will ever be left alone to defend themselves, and I desperately hope the amount involving homeless human children will go down."

"Strong words Meghan, now we'll back in just for a few minutes and..."

"She's back.... Meghans back..." Finn whispers switching off the radio, Neal looks up confused. "Who's Meghan Snow?" Neal asked. "She's like the most popular singer right now! And was once my best friend!" Finn acted like Neal should have known this. "On the radio it sounded as if you two dated. Is that even true? Cause your the kind of guy who probably wouldn't get a girlfriend." Neal smirked, Finn frowned and plucked Neal out of his pocket. "One we never dated, we were friends. two. I had plenty of girlfriends!" Finn defended himself, Neal shrugged his shoulders and laughed. "Ya right with your smelly feet, bad breathe and the guy who farts after eating a huge sandwich filled to the top with jalapeños and bananas pepper, your the most popular bachelor in town!" Neal chucked proudly, yet Finn wasn't feeling amused. "You know what Neal?! If you wanna be mean fine. I'll just treat you like I would any bully." Finn held Neal with two fingers by the kids shirt collar, "Ohhhh I'm so scared!" Neal faked being fearful, "Finn you couldn't hurt a fly if your life de.... OH MY GOD NO!" Neal's high pitch screamed echoed, Finn open his jaw and stuck out his large tongue. "WAIT! I'LL STOP MAKING FUN OF YOU JUST PLEASE LET ME GO!" Finn didn't listen and sat Neal on his tongue, "NO WAY IN HECK I AM GETTING STUCK INSIDE YOUR SMELLY MOUTH AGAIN!" Neal made a jump and rolled down his stepbrothers chest all they down unto Finn's lap. "What's the matter Neal? Don't like being picked on!" Finn laughed parking the car, "Shut up big jerk!" Neal lightly punched Finn's stomach, "Ouch that hurts!" Finn playfully pokes Neal's side, "Sure, my toothpick of arms could ever break through your fat blubber." Neal giggled, Finn lightly chuckled as well. "Blubber?! Look at my abs dude!" Finn unbuckled his seat belt, lifting up the half bottom of his shirt showing off his giant six pack. "Pfft! I'm still better looking!" Neal boldly stated crossing his arms. "Alright show me your abs and I'll believe you!" Finn said, "No way!" Neal disagreed. "Why, are you a scared little chicken?!" Finn mocked by making scared chicken sounds, Neal blushes and shook his head. "Finn, stop!" The giant only continued, Neal's face redden with each passing second. "Chicken, chicken, Neal's a scared chicken!" Finn laughed loudly. "FINN SHUT UP!" Neal pouted stomping angrily. "Gosh sorry!" Finn rolled his eyes, stopping his mocking act. "It was just a little joke, had no idea your little britches would get all tangled up." Finn said. "Sorry, kids at would make fun of me for not taking my shirt off." Neal huffed, Finn lightly patted Neal's back. "Well those kids were jerks. And if it's okay to ask, why don't you ever take your shirt off? Got a gross birthmark or something?" Finn picked Neal up in a open palm. "I'm shy... and everyone else was in such good shape. Then there's little skinny me. I'm alway insecure over dumb stuff." Neal mumbled. "It's definitely not dumb! I'm insecure about stuff I find silly as well!" Finn said. "Like what? Your tall, muscular, nice and really cool Finn Knights the most perfect person ever!" Finn smiled hearing Neal's thoughts about him, but the giant isn't always perfect. "I'm insecure about my hair!" Neal burst out laughing, "Now come on Finn! Seriously?!" Finn quietly laughed, "Okay I lied! Being serious Neal, I'm really insecure about my personality. I get too excited about helping others I come off to strong and stressful." Finn huffed, "Hey, big guy if weren't for your helpful nature I would never have open up again. Sure I still got some things I keep to myself, but when you came into my life, my new step brother showed people actually care and are nice. Sure you were really annoying at first, and made me watch football, then accidentally almost ate me, then the next day I was taken out and treated like a real kid again. Got to see a movie, eat out, visit the book store, after all that I was like 'Hey this Finn guy seems really cool', I'm really glad we're friends Finn." Neal hugged one of his step brothers fingers. "Me too kid, now let's get some shopping done!"

The Giant Step FamilyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora