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" Summer! I swear, if you don't come out in five more minutes, I'm taking your car and leaving you here I hear my best friend Emma practically scream through the stairway.

It was Monday morning and also our first day back to school...hurray! (Note the sarcasm).

Usually I pick Emma up at her house and we drive to school together ,but since I got up late today(I mean whatever, do you seriously expect me to get up on time after sleeping and getting up whenever I want the whole summer....my sleep schedule is way off, you can't honestly blame me) she came rushing to my place and is still currently here, yelling at me.

" Just a minute" I yell back as I put on the first pair of faded black jeans that my hands touch and a striped full sleeve top, I quickly pull on my converse and grabbing my bag , rush out the door.

" Took you long enough!" Emma says giving me her special im-pissed-at-you-and-you-better-know-it look. I sigh stopping at the bottom of the stairs where Emma now stood.

"Lunch is on me...happy?" the change in her expression gave me her obvious answer before she did." Of course I am" Emma said, a sparkle visible in her amber eyes as we walked out the main door.

Emma's love for food is a publicly known fact at Fairview High,it is also one of the main reasons she is my best friend, so we can pig out together, what's better our metabolism supports it, I swear its the one good thing in my life, well apart from sleep that is.

" Hello? Earth to summer? I asked you something" Emma said, waving her hands in front of my face and breaking my train of thoughts.

"hun? Yea..sorry, what did you say?" I ask as I unlock my car and slide into the drivers seat." I asked if you know where Matty is? I mean isn't he joining us?" Emma asked closing the door behind her after sliding into the passenger seat of my pretty decent Honda Civic.

Matty, or rather Matthew Scott is not only my childhood best friend and confidant, but also my co-worker at the bakery where we work on some days after school ,and classmate at Fairview High."He said he'd directly meet us in class, we all have Math class first today" I say cringing at the word math as I back the car out of my driveway and onto the streets."ugh yea...I forgot" Emma said turning to look out the window.

The drive to school is a short one and soon enough I'm pulling into the parking lot of Fairview High, the thick student population indicating some kind of a buzz.

" What's up with these people?" I ask as I lock my car and slowly start walking with Emma , noticing all the exciting murmurs going around.

"I don't know, maybe excited about getting back?"Emma suggests as we walk across the parking lot.

I roll my eyes at her "I somehow highly doubt that Em" I say. Just then a loud screech catches everyone's attention. I look up to see a sleek black BMW race into the parking lot in full speed , taking swift turns and moving zigzag on purpose, almost as if the driver want to show off his skills.

The car is mere meters away from us when it starts going zigzag again, I can see that it will definitely hit Emma, but when I turn to look at her, she is too shocked to look like she is gonna move, I grab her arm with full force and pull her with me to the ground on the other side, just in nic of time.

The BMW smoothly slides into a parking space,gaining a sigh from all onlookers as if someone didn't just die.

I guess no one really does give a damn unless your popular here...and since we are pretty much what I call the invisible bunch, I should've expected this,but I'm too mad to think properly.

I stand up pulling Emma along and dust my hands on my jeans, scratches and bruises now evident on them. The door of the BMW opens and out comes a guy...well honestly as mad as I am at him I have to say this....a really hot guy.

He's about 6'1 with a lean but defined figure, his toussled brown hair messy but in a good kinda way, the white shirt that he wears along with some ripped black jeans and converse...hugs him in all the right places, defining his toned body and his dark ray bans hide his eyes.

He closes the door of his car and its as if I'm brought back to reality. what the hell is wrong with me? This douche almost killed my best friend! And I'm checking him out? I quickly shake my head and looking around notice that I'm not the only one.

All the girls here are staring at him with their mouths a little open...drool quite visible and the guys have admiration and envy in their eyes as they look at him.

Who is this guy? Now that I think of it I haven't really ever seen him around, so he has gotta be a new kid. I feel my previous anger start to boil inside me again as I register this fact.

Who the hell does he think he is? Acting as if he owns the place! That to on his first day. I grab my bag that had fallen down when I tackled Emma to the ground and start taking hard and fast steps towards the idiot in anger.

Its however not until I'm right in front of him and he turns around after locking his car that people notice what is happening and the murmurs begin.

Now its not that I'm short, my 5'8 is quite a respectable height but somehow its difficult to intimidate someone (someone way hotter than me may I add) when I have to look a little up to talk to him, but I'm determined to none the less.

"Yea, people gather around" I think to myself as the guy notices me in front of him, "gather round for one hell of a show."

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