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As I walked into my room, I could see a rose on my bed.

I see you were meeting a boy.
Don't pull off something like that again,
otherwise I'd have to kill the person.

I threw the paper away. What a bastard. Invading my private space like that and threatening me. As if I would follow his stupid rules. Next thing I know I won't be allowed to talk to the male gender anymore.

I was laying in my bed, trying to sleep, but somehow, it didn't work. My mind constantly went back to the message he had sent me. He wouldn't really kill someone, right? I knew that he was the leader of a mafia, but killing someone because I went on a date with him, didn't make sense to my mind. At the end of the day, it was just a date. Maybe I should text him. Tell him to stop. I felt uncomfortable, knowing that I was being watched. He took away my freedom and I didn't like that at all. I bit my lip, unsure wether I should do it or not.

I groaned, rolling from one side of the bed to the other one. I was frustrated. Maybe I'd be able to sleep if I'd text him.

I took my phone from the nightstand and typed in jungkooks number. But what now? What should I say? Leave me alone? No. I had already said that before.

I sighed, before typing my message.

Could you please just accept the fact that we are over. Please stop sending me roses and watching me 24/7. It makes me feel really uncomfortable.

I put my phone away and laid on my back. I started staring at the wall. I started thinking about life. What if I had never met Jungkook? What if he would have told me?
Maybe I should forgive him.
But there was this smart side of my brain telling me it was wrong. Everything he had done since he arrived proved exactly that. But at the same time, it hurt. Seeing him in that state of mind, knowing I was the reason, and I missed him, his kisses, cuddles and company.

I was walking towards the altar with my father by my side. My white dress was gliding on the floor. Everybody was looking at me, but the most important person was at the altar, looking at me 2ith admiration. His brown eyes glowing. The sunset made everything even more romantic. I smiled. This moment, this day was perfect.

As I got closer, I was getting more and more excited. I had imagined this moment for years.

I stopped walking, when I was Infront of him. He took my hand in his and we both turned towards the priest.
"Do you, Jeon Jungkook take Lee y/n as your wife? Will you treat her right and love her even when things are difficult?"
"I do." Jungkook replied.
"Do you, Lee y/n take Jeon Jungkook as your husband? Will you treat him right and love him even when things are difficult?"
"I do." I said.
"You may kiss the bride."
We both turned to eachother. Jungkook lifted up my veil, before putting his hands around my waist and kissing me passionately.  It felt as if the whole world stopped. As if it was just him and I. I loved the way our lips moved together, how they sealed our fate.

Suddenly, gunshots could be heard all over the place. I turned around. All the guests were dead, my parents and my friends, they were dead. Tears started falling down my face. This wasn't real. This couldn't be real. I turned back around to Jungkook.
He was laying on the floor, the bullet had gone through his heart.
I bent down. He still had pulse.
"Please Jungkook, please don't leave me, I need you. Please don't leave, I love you"
"Stay strong for me, I love you, Lee y/n" he said, as his pulse went down and his eyes slowly closed.
"NO!" I screamed.

"Y/n" I heard a female voice. I slowly opened my eyes. It was just a dream?
"Are you fine?" Maddie asked.
"Yes. It was just a nightmare." I said.
"Do you want to talk about it?" She questioned. I shrugged.
"I was marrying Jungkook and then everyone besides me died." I explained.
"Do you think it has a deeper message?"
I sighed.
"Maybe. What time is it?" I wanted to know.
"11.30 am. I'll leave you alone now."

As soon as she left the room, I looked at my phone to see wether Jungkook had replied or not. There was one new message.

Then go on a date with me. I'll stop sending you roses and watching you, if you'll go on a date with me.
I'll pick you up at 7pm.
Wear something nice ;)

I bit my lip. Somehow, I was happy. Happy to see him again. At the same time, I was mad, mad at myself for feeling the way I did, but wasn't my mad side kinda weird?

Since I would meet Jungkook at 7pm, I still had a lot of time left. I wondered what I could do. I could either go outside or do something at home. Maybe I should learn for school? Na. I had already learned enough.
I decided to watch 'carsh landing on you'.

At 5pm, I started getting ready. First, I took a shower, then I changed into a white dress and lastly, I did my make-up.
After I was finished, there were still 15 minutes left. I was nervous. Beyond nervous. It was the first time in years I would go out with Jungkook. What if everything would go wrong? It won't. It's just Jungkook and I going out. Like normal people.

At exactly 7pm, the doorbell rang. I took my purse and went towards the entrance. As I opened the door, I could see Jungkook in a suit. He looked beautiful. He was to good for me, yet he wanted me, badly. I couldn't understand him. I wondered why he didn't move on after all these years. Did he love me that much?
"You look stunning." Jungkook commented. I could feel my cheeks turning light red.
"Thanks. You look pretty handsome yourself." I replied.
"Thanks." He said, looking into my eyes.

As we walked towards the elevator, he took my hand. His touch was soft. I could feel sparks running through my body, as if it was our first date.

While we were in the elevator, my nervousness rose up. We were in a small room, alone. Only Jungkook and I. I looked at his features. He was still as pretty as before, if not, he was even prettier. I couldn't stop staring, so many good memories were running through my head.
"You know you can take a picture." Jungkook teased. I chuckled. He caught me off guard
"I don't need one." I replied shortly.
"Because your going to see this face almost 24/7 and because a photo can't catch my beauty."
"No. Stop. You're making me embarrassed. I was only thinking" I whined.
"About us?" He questioned. I gulped. Us. What were we exactly right now? What were we going to be? Was there even a future for us?
"No. Why would I be thinking about us?" I replied, even though my brain told me something completely different.
"There are many possibilities. I bet you were thinking about us."
"Cocky" I whispered.
Exactly in that moment, the elevator stopped.

Jungkook lead me to a black rolls Royce. I wondered how many cars he had. Probably a lot. He was rich and drove a different car every time we went out.

I sat down on the passenger seat. Jungkook started the car, after he had sat down.
The first few minutes were quiet and awkward, till Jungkook put his hand on mine, which was placed on my thigh.
"Jungkook." I warned.
"Can't I hold my girlfriend's hand?" He questioned.
"I'm not your girlfriend." I stated, even though I somehow wished that I would be exactly that.
"Technically yes, you never really broke up with me."
He was right. I had never broken up with him. Wouldn't that mean I cheated on him? But he did that, too then. And we were over. So we weren't together. I silently broke up.
"We aren't a couple anymore though." I said.
"You sure, babe?"
"We didn't see eachother for years." I negotiated.
"We just took a break."
I sighed. The creativity this man had.
The car was standing still, since the traffic light was red. Jungkook used this moment to suprise me and kissed me passionately. I gave into the kiss. Our tongues weren't fighting for dominance, it was nothing like that. The kiss was filled with love and affection. I went through his hair with one of my hands. I had missed his touch so much.

Suddenly, Jungkook pulled away.
"I still need to drive the car, babe. But we can continue later." He teased. I suddenly regretted my response. Stupid body.

Teach me hell - Jeon Jungkook/ Bts FF (Mafia)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum