a world turned upsidedown

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 In a dark room, iris sat writing down in a book the events that had transpired since the collapse. sighing and trying to keep her sanity, she did her best and read it out loud to keep herself company. "three days have passed since the world ended. I think it ended. we had managed to be backed into a wall while meeting up with 682 and the shy guy. I will give it to the foundation their resourceful. 682 suddenly went wild and that's when shit hit the fan. I tried to fight but considering the only thing I could do was take pictures we were outmatched. he was like a possessed beast, more than usual. able took a tail spike to the chest. as I was trying to get him away, he turned to dust. the plague doctor is in a coma and as far as I'm concerned y/n went and took a nap some place. the foundation is still active trying to contain anything they can that will make the situation worse." iris laid her head back on a bale of hay knowing she wouldn't have long. everything was going wrong and she had no overpowered cheat code to escape death. she thought she knew how to get used to the smell of blood, but smelling it and hearing the sound of thunderous footsteps she knew who had caught up to her! she grabbed her go bag and rushed to the bed next to her, she had taken shelter inside of a house in an abandoned neighborhood, evacuations were swift, and she could see the bodies in the street of the ones who weren't fast enough.

she nearly fell over as the house shook grabbing the plague doctor as she rushed down the stairs seeing a tail come in through the roof behind her she fell down the stairs! she dropped the plague doctor watching as he rolled away the paper bags she had tied around his hands to keep him from curing her by accident popped from landing, she had no time to worry about it as she grabbed his left pant leg and put a hand under his hamstring, rolling over him he was put on her shoulders as she dashed down the hall the house falling apart all around her! she reached into her pocket and quickly raced to her very own race car, where did she get one? well no one was guarding the local track. she tossed the plague doctor inside the window then slid over the roof and crawling into the window! she started it as the sound drew 682 towards the garage, and iris played him like a fiddle when he ripped the roof off the garage along with the garage door! she hit the gas racing through his enormous size before he could shift his body weight to crush the car under him, his giant form rolled around crushing another houses front with his ax like tail chasing his prey down the street! "YOU'RE ALL DEAD!" 682 shouted as every step he took shattered the road bashing through houses letting nothing stand in his way, not the rubble sticking out of his body, not the days without rest, not the countless gallons of blood that had spilled from his body.

"I feel like I'm in the single worst hot wheels commercial!" iris said through her teeth as she looked to the monster behind her. she veered to the left as another car came sailing down! 682 had given up on catching her with his speed alone, he was now trying to cut her off! as a fire hydrant struck the power lines iris veered right, crashing through someone's small back gate, and unlucky for her the car got stuck on the gate! hearing the monsters roar iris crawled out the window pulling the plague doctor out the other window as she saw 682 now, he jumped and lunged at her as she rolled away nearly getting her legs taken with the car! she dodged his tail bum rushing a glass door! she broke through not slowing down from the cuts as the kitchen was smashed by 682's front claws! she made a mad dash for the basement while an explosion toppled what was left of the house! above her mortars rained down on 682 and the house, trapping her in the basement as 682 rushed towards the mortar squad. iris panted as she looked to her side, she had been impaled by falling debris. "343.... fuck!" she mumbled knowing she couldn't remove the debris; she just wished her anomalous ability was to see in the dark so she could properly assess the damage.

she slowly crawled through the dark, trying to find a way the plague doctor. she held her breath and listened for his breathing, slowly following it through the dark until light spilled into the basement! she covered her eyes blinded fear coursing through her body as she witnessed 682 glaring down at them drooling onto them he reached back preparing a strike, she prayed for safety, prayed that y/n would appear and save her! yet she heard nothing, saw nothing coming to her aid as 682 swung his claws down, stopping as something grabbed his paws! Iris dared not open her eyes hearing the screams of the shy guy! He had appeared to save her in the place of his friend! 682 dropped the plague doctor sending him down onto the ground! as 682 fought with the shy guy, they got further and further away. "my.... this is not a barn." iris opened her eyes to see the plague doctor smirking softly. "welcome to hell doc, the worlds gone to shit." the plague doctor slowly walked over and held her wound his eyes holding sorry. "I am sorry, this wound is too serious to move you or operate without blood." iris sighed as she knew this could be it, until the sound of multiple guns being cocked echoed through the broken down house. "HANDS!" someone shouted as the plague doctor slowly held up his hands. coming from above M.T.F and Dr gears of all people appeared. "I think it's time, you both returned to containment, or help us." Dr gears said as he looked to the sky seeing what looked to be a small plane high up. until it came rocketing down glowing red hot!

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