operation Hellsing

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I don't know how long I was out, nor do I know where I was when I woke up. I felt my body ache in response as I sat up taking in the dark room. "Are you well?" Asked the plague doctor from my right. My head snapped over to him as I groaned from the pain. "Been better doc but, where the hell are we exactly?" I asked as he motioned around us. "An underground train station I believe, when I found you 093 was clutched to your chest and brook was next to you. I must say defeating a god is no easy task." I shook my head standing up as I scanned the room for brook. He was hanging on the wall next to what I assumed was a door, but it had no handles. "You got us stuck in here didn't you?" I asked as I picked up brook inspecting his blade. "You know, it is hard to do something in a futuristic world our escape was less then grand." He replied casually. I rolled my eyes staring brook down. I don't know what was up with him but I needed to get to the bottom of his origin.

"We need to get moving doc we need to find a way back to our world." He nodded standing up. "Very well, time to go my dear." He took my hand as we began to climb some stairs to the surface. "I managed to snatch that things 093 before it fell, I can get us home with that I believe." I thought I sounded smart but the doctor pointed something else out. "Perhaps we shall, but have you considered it is locked onto that monstrosity's world y/n?" I groaned knowing he was right. "OK so we have to rely on the foundation to help us if they actually decide to that is." When we got to the surface I took a long look around. "What happened to the unclean?" I asked as the doctor stood next to me. "They left as soon as that god figure was dead, they may have been looking for you, or who knows what honestly." I nodded making my way down the street to see to my surprise a gaggle of M.T.F searching the area. Should I go back with them? Eh I'll get bored of this world to fast if I stay. "HEY DIP SHITS ON YOUR FIVE O' CLOCK!"

it took them about three seconds to realize I was the one who shouted, they stormed over moving past me to secure the doc. "OK you rude ass bitches ignore the sword wielding fake god killing super bitch in front of you." I held up my hands frustrated then made my way down to the rest of them. "Who is in charge raise your hand?" I asked as one of them raised their hands. "Not any more bitch take me home give me no trouble." My sass and bitch was on I was not in the mood for orders. They all nodded as we began to make our way back to what I assumed was the portal, which it was though just as we were about to get there about twenty of the unclean came charging at us from down the streets. "They do move in herds." I said with sarcastic interest as they all hopped into the portal pushing the doc in first. Meanwhile I casually walked through as I blew the unclean a kiss. "It's been fun things but I have to go!" With that I just walked through. A doctor removed 093 from the mirror as I hid my own version of it in my clothing. This is going on my wall they can fuck off.

"Right, for now scp 072-3 you may return to your quarters, we will discuss this later." Said doctor gears pushing through the crowd. "Ah doctor gears please tell bright he is going to get a long talking to y/n style later." Gears sighed as he adjusted his glasses. "Very well, but I must warn you clef has, gone over the edge thinking you had been killed. Please be careful around him." I raised an eyebrow at gears. Clef had gone over the edge? Bah the bastard thinks I'm dead, I think I'm going to go visit him quick, but first I need to head to my room. "Thank you doc, and treat the plague doctor with respect, he saved me back there." I turned on my heel leaving the area heading back to my room. After getting down to elevator I waved to the guards as I walked into my room. I slowly walked over to the wall. "Now let's see here." I pulled out brook shoving him into the crack on the wall removing a piece of the wall, behind it was a huge second room. The thing was I had been digging a secret room next to my room, no one notices because no one wants to come in here unless they have to.

Inside were some things I had taken over the time at the foundation such as a claw from scp 682 from our containment breach. I had found it while he was killing those zombies. There was also that infinite pizza box, that A.I that tried to kill me that one time. Able decided not to give it back, and clefs favorite shotgun oh man the face he had when he realized it was gone, and now a copy of 093. I tossed it in before closing off the wall. "My own little dragon hoard." Of course I still had the blue key on me, that little shit was super useful. I slowly made my way back to the upper levels when an alarm began to blare. "Oh now what?" I asked half hopeful that it would be something I could fight. Just then Dr. Gears voice came over the intercom. "Y/n report to the main gate at once you are being deployed." He almost sounded like he was distressed, if that was possible.

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