operation takeout

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It's been about two days since my last mission. Able has me bedridden because he doesn't want me moving till he for sure knows I'm well enough to fight. If you can believe it I'm in the care of the one and only plague doctor. "How are you feeling today Mrs y/n?" He asked coming over and shining a light in my eye. I batted the little flashlight away with my hand. "F-fine, but too many sedatives." I mumbled "Hmm well yes you are on far too many, though it seems I have no choice give my orders from the foundation, it perplexes me how able trusts me to cure you out of every other doctor here, though I do believe he has a fair point."

I chuckled lowly. "Honestly he has better judgement and moral than half the people here and he is a sociopath." He nodded in response and helped me up. "Come along then try to walk." Taking a deep breath I put a shaky foot on the ground still a bit high from the medication. I swayed a bit as the room started to spin. "Take it slower, no need to rush." He ordered as I groaned. "Thank you captain obvious." he rolled his eyes. "Did you, just roll your eyes? Doc I'm proud of you!" I said giving a slow clap. "Yes, well it's a bad habit I picked up from you, now hold still." He grabbed my wrist and started to spin and dance with me. I gasped in surprise then smirked. "Oh you did not just challenge me to a dance off?" He chuckled. "No, but if you tango with me in such a thing you will surely end up on the ground y/n." I pushed away from his grip and spun him then dipped him. "You don't know the power of random doctor, though what brought such an outburst from one such as yourself?"

Before he could answer dr bright opened the door. "Y/n you are needed for an important mission that's so top secret I would have to shoot you if someone found out!" He ran over and dragged me off as I could have sworn, I saw malice in the doctors eyes as he dragged me out of the room. I yanked my arm away and pimp slapped him. "You tried to kill me, so I'd help you why?" I asked glaring at him. "This mission, should you choose, who am I kidding you will. You're mission is to steal scp 458 from site 17." I blinked slowly. "So I'm stealing a scp from the scp foundation?" Honestly this isn't the dumbest thing I've heard in my life.

"What you are stealing is a little Caesars pizza box, which makes infinite pizza of your preference!" He said with glee. I leaned closer and smirked. "Color me intrigued." He whipped out some blueprints and smirked. "These will lead you to it, now off you go soldier!" I smirked and turned on my heel going out the door as he followed close behind. "This mission is off the books, so you will be going out as cargo." I raised an eyebrow as he pulled out an orange d class jump suit. "Cargo as in human lab rat, wonderful." I grumbled and took the suit from him and slipped it over my normal clothing. When we got to the massive doors he pointed for me to get on the truck with the rest of the d class than he turned around and ran.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to the truck then jumped up in to see some confused d class in handcuffs. "Sorry boys and girls, but you have a hitchhiker." I chirped out as I walked up to an mtf with a gun and head butted him. I quickly took his shot gun and hit him with its butt. "All of you not a sound." I warned in a sweet and venomous tone. They all stayed silent except for a voice from outside. "The hell was that?!" Asked a guard as I heard fast approaching footsteps. I slipped off my d class uniform then switched it with the guard with the speed of sonic the hedgehog on every kind of drug I took the guys vest and helmet putting it on as I heard the click of guns behind me. "The hell is going on in here!?"

"This d class tried to resist, I knocked him out." I replied making my voice a bit deeper. "Chain his ass back up we move out now"! I saluted and put handcuffs on him. The rest of the d class in the truck did as they were told and shut their mouths rightfully fearing for their lives. I quickly hefted the guard up and set him on the bench. The large doors opened and the vehicle raced out of the building closing its doors behind us. "welp, so begins my journey to site 17." I glanced around at all the d class. "So children its sharing time, what are you all in for?" I asked leaning against the wall. "Being forced to leave my friend to die." A familiar female voice said softly. My heart skipped a beat as I whip my head to my left.

White walls SCP x readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن