The odyssey

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I grunted walking down a dimly lit hall. "Damn, I can heal faster now but not fast enough." I mumbled holding my chest wound. "He got me pretty good; guess that means I need to be as careful as before. I just hope he enjoys that weird old man because I know it won't enjoy him considering he can't touch dark blade." I moved a few cobwebs away finding a room with an observation room. "Hello here we are". I moved into the room then peered through the glass to see what looked like nuclear war heads! To be more precise there are two of them. "They have on site nukes?! I thought able was just pulling my leg." I glanced around seeing if I could find any information on how to disarm them. Nearby I found a filing cabinet locked up so tight it screamed secrets. "Wish I brought my key." I mumbled starting to cut the locks off with brook letting about six of them fall to the ground. I reached down pulling open a drawer, but it was slammed shut by another hand. I whirled around sword raised to what looked to be a wall of green butterflies. Slowly stepping out from the butterflies to my surprise was doctor kondraki. "SCP-72-3 I want to talk about a mission your about to be sent on." He explained like coming out of a cloud of butterflies was nothing. "Another mission huh? Normally I wouldn't complain but I just got done fighting this one ass hat and I'm not in the mood." He hummed pulling out a rapier from the butterflies. "What are they your pocket dimension?" I asked. "No, they are just my close associates." He responded

"So, what exactly am I in for this time?" I asked moving to sit down on a chair nearby. "Well multiple things but, with one goal." He explained as his butterflies suddenly shifted into a shape that acted like a live image. HERE..... BAD.... the swarm spelled out. "Thank you 408 I'll get you some more sugar later. Moving on your going to be an experiment with your powers, you will be going up against a disease this time." He explained as the butterflies shifted into a plane that seemed to crash into a few small buildings. "An American diplomat has crashed at a site containing a keter class scp. They are currently under siege and have little time before they are consumed by it." He informed as the swarm began to shape shift again. "Get to the fucking point kondraki you had me at evil disease explain more to me about it and tell me why I'm really going because we are a good distance from Russia." He hummed and nodded snapping his fingers as the butterflies turned into a briefcase. "Inside of this case there are files on the foundation that were stolen. This is an off the books type of mission." He said as I nodded. "Get there get the case, and why the hell am I supposed to be worried about this disease?" I asked yawning.

"It turns people into skin monsters it's better to see it then explain it." He said as I nodded. "Alright put me on the next flight over there." I said as he shook his head. "You should take some of the equipment you have stolen with you first. Such as the blue key." My eyes widen in shock as I aimed brook at him. "How do you know about that?" I asked with a hiss as he turned walking into his swarm. "That isn't important, but what is important is your mission. get ready." He then vanished along with his swarm. Something started to become very clear to me that I had kept denying. Being able to roam around never meant I was free. I slowly began to walk out of the area knowing that I wasn't going to be bored with this. After a while I had almost made it towards the entrance when bright pulled me aside into the armory covering my mouth. "shh I'm not supposed to be in here!" He whispered. I bit his fingers as he recoiled grunting. "Next time bite harder." He cooed as I rolled my eyes. "What do you want?" I asked as he rolled his eyes motioning to the racks of weapons.

You know something I never took notice of? He always has a different body, but I always recognize him because of that amulet looking thing around his neck. He wore his usual lab coat, but he was Asian with blue eyes and black hair. "You should take some fire it's much more effective then bullets!" He smirked as I walked over grabbing a flame thrower. "Why are you helping me?" I asked suspiciously. "Oh well it should be obvious." He cooed moving to leave the room. "I have another motive Y/n!" He rushed out laughing as I armed myself with a few Molotov cocktails strapping them into a modified bandoleer across my chest. I walked out of the room and stubbed my big toe on a huge box. "Fuck!" I exclaimed annoyed looking down at the box seeing it was a gift from bright he had it wrapped up in a little pink bow and red wrapping paper. "I swear to god if this is a prank." I mumbled unwrapping the box pulling out brook to cut the tape. My eyes began to sparkle like stars as I saw what he had given me.

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