i'm going to need a bigger boot

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four days have passed since I helped that old man finally die. Iris, Able, and the plague doctor had all managed to meet up with me. In front of me Iris who adjusted her camera taking pictures of the ground racing below. Oh, yea we also stole a private jet and are flying over the ocean to a rampaging sea bug. ground travel had been difficult with earthquakes and tsunami happening over and over by this thing waking up. One good thing has come of it the foundation decided to stop tracking the four of us and focus on the bug! "so able, this Leviathan." I began as he waved me off from the cockpit. turns out able knows how to fly a plane, go figure. "were it to fully awaken all life would be destroyed." The plague doctor chimed in, eating some potato chips he found. "do you even need to eat?" Iris asked him curiously. "do you need to be cured of the pestilence?" the plague doctor shot back. who knew he was a stress eater? Iris held up her hands and turned back to me. "I refuse to answer that question. Y/n if you go down there you know you must go in alone. I know you want me to be part of your escape plan but this plane doesn't have enough fuel to circle the island, as soon as we get you above the Leviathan we have to head right back to shore."

I nodded as able called to us from the cockpit. "coming up on our target! the archipelago is pretty big so there's no telling where they put the red crystal. iris, irritating as you are, take the controls." able got up as iris rushed up to grab the steering wheel. "able you nut bag! at least let me get up there first!" Iris said through gritted teeth as able went over to the door. "oh my." the plague doctor said as he grabbed onto the table. "hey guys! we got a problem the foundations trying to re-route us!" Iris called as she held those earmuff things on her right ear. "they won't have to, I'll see you guys later when we deal with the gate guardian!" able looked at me concerned as he opened the door letting me jump out before he closed it again making sure the cabin could stay relatively pressurized. the wind whistled past my armor as I made it past the clouds. I could see the islands moving like small ships as I dropped like a rock towards them. I landed on my feet denting the ground which broke like a glass plate. "god I love having superpowers." A voice called out behind me. "yet, because of them you've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?" I turned around to find nobody. No seriously nobody the guy from that one city. "oh well if it isn't too good for an actual name!" he nodded his head going over to a tree. "a fascinating beast, bigger than you could ever know. yet with it waking up and moving faster, millions of lives shall be lost." he said with a sigh turning towards me. "Y/n, I know exactly where the crystal is, inside the beast's brain."

I was honestly not to shocked. "ah great, let me guess I landed miles away on its butt?" he shook his head pointing to the west. "that's its butt, you landed on the lower back." well that certainly was helpful. "all right with that in mind I'm going to go try to stab my way into this things brain." before I could turn away nobody grabbed my shoulder. "there's something you should know. you have been attracting a lot of attention. unbelievably bad attention from immensely powerful beings. these former associates of yours? one of them moved something from the foundation. something surpassing the limit of god that you have faced so far, not a god bound by mortal times or a lesser god confined to a mortal form-" I put a finger to my face. "hey man you had me at god I've killed things like that before, now where is the bastard?" I asked eagerly forgetting my mission. "it already noticed you." before I could ask him what he meant I could feel my switch flick on its own! I jumped far back nearly falling off the island as a pillar landed where I was standing! I had no idea what it was made from, but it was massive! "oh, oh so the bitch wants to play catch?" I got back up and scanned the area unable to find nobody. "here's hoping you didn't get crushed man." I jumped to the right avoiding another pillar as I began to run across the island following the direction of the attack swimming through water or running on it like Jesus to avoid the pillars towards the next island! strangely noticing how pillars would repeatedly strike random islands making the ground shake. eventually I saw my quarry and I was not prepared.

"what the holy fuck are you?!" in front of me was a tall ass mint deer with a ring and several orbs behind its head, its face looking much like a human. "it doesn't matter what you are, no being besides the foundation has outsmarted me. nothing can hurt me now!" as I charged forward swinging brook I was met with resistance, like the very air itself had become a solid like rubber! A pillar flew from my right and smashed me through a couple trees and into to the water. "all right, maybe I'm not invincible but I'm getting there!" I surfaced and spit the water back out stretching as I approached it again. As the sand turned into pillars the waves rose behind me into solid blades slicing them both in two. "come on, once I finish you off, I'm going to go destroy this gate guardian bastard, right after I stop the-!" an explosion rocked the island as everything was blown away, including myself. I skipped along the ocean as I slowly rose back to the surface shaking my head. I crawled onto the beach to see the deer kneeling! the deer pulled itself back up and stared ahead starting to walk once more off towards the leviathan's head! "no way in hell your waking this thing up more!" I tried charging towards it once more. the deer ignored me until I slashed at it again the air bubble blocking my sword once more! "I'm not done yet! thanks to you I realized that I might have some new tricks up my sleeve! my new special move!" a circular ring appeared below the neck of the deer inside its bubble, a hand shooting out to grip its neck! the deer stopped as more hands appeared outside of the deer's air bubble! more and more flew out and gripped the bubble squishing the air over towards me!

"Omni-directional choke hold! now If you squeeze bubble wrap the air has to come out at the concentrated point, so if I do the same with you!" I pulled brook back and thrust him forward right through his air bubble making a massive popping sound! each hand now gripping its body holding the deer still as brook pierced its flank! the deer tried to struggle as I buried brook deeper. "A god my ass!" As I went to drive brook in deeper, I suddenly felt like I was in an oven, I was sent flying back by an explosion! I rolled along the ground stabbing brook into it to slow me down before panting trying to get a grip on what just happened. "what the hell?! it's like the air breathed fire!" the deer's wound quickly healed as the ground shook waves kicking up all around the island. I cannot fight this thing without waking up the damn leviathan! unless I do something stupid. I held brook towards the ground and felt around the island, then beyond into the see four miles upon miles feeling the water deep beneath the surface. As I started to lift brook, I felt like I had a pressure on my body unlike any other. I grunted as the deer pelted me with pillar after pillar knowing I could not back down now! My bones felt like they could crack apart and blast off my body like rockets! I felt much like atlas trying to lift the sky. All around us the water and island rose from the sea. Higher and higher I lifted the leviathan up into the sky! the deer began to move towards the edge of the island as I wrapped water chains around its ankle watching as they froze into ice the higher, we got. "where do you think you're going Bambi?!"

I lunged forward and slashed their neck cutting it clean off! as we left the earth behind, I slung the leviathan and the deer's body which broke from the ice into deep space towards the sun. man, that was one big bug. from the lack of oxygen and what I seemed to be able to produce with my armor I began to return the water to the earth, only to see what looked like an astronaut flying towards me. the slammed into me like a car and knocked me right off course from the planet! panic set in as I realized I was flying away fast, and I mean fast! I was leaving the earth behind.... passing the moon as well as I drifted aimlessly through space. "twinkle.... twinkle...... little star.... how I wonder.... what you are...."

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