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"Jump in sync, everyone. If we look at this from below, everyone's feet should be in the same place in the air at the same time," Hoseok instructed, trying to hold back an annoyed sigh at the group of trainees he was working with. They had been practicing the same 30-second part of choreography for over an hour, and some of them still weren't getting it.

"Take a five-minute break, then we'll try again," he told them, going over to the speakers to reset the audio.

"You seem stressed, Hobi-Hyung," Jimin said, standing beside him. He gently bumped their shoulders together. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just trying to get this dance finished. You guys will be going on stage next week for a live performance. As it stands right now, it's going to be a complete mess."

"We'll get it, so don't stress-"

"I am stressed," he snapped. "It isn't just your group's reputation on the line--it's the entire company's. If our trainees give mediocre performances, we'll be seen as a mediocre company."

"It's just one dance, Hyung," Jimin told him.

"Exactly. It's just one dance. So, why are these trainees still not getting it?" He sighed, running a hand over his face. "You and two others are the only ones getting this jump down. How hard is it to jump on beat?"

Jimin placed his hand over Hoseok's on top of the speaker. "We'll--"

"You shouldn't do that here," he said, pulling his hand away. He wished his tone hadn't been so sharp, but he was unable to stop it. He also knew it wasn't right of him to take his frustrations out on Jimin, but he couldn't stop that, either.

"I'm going to get a drink," Jimin said, shooting him a brief frown before turning and walking away.

He wanted to stop him and apologize, but another trainee approached him before he got the chance. By the time he had answered the trainee's question, it was time to get back to rehearsal. I'll talk to him after. So, he lined everyone back up and made them practice the jump.

After another thirty minutes of just practicing the jump without music, they did the choreography with the backtrack. Thankfully, something had worked, because most of them were getting it by the end of rehearsal.

"Hey, Jimin, can we talk?" He asked once he'd dismissed everyone for the evening.

"Probably shouldn't do that here," Jimin retorted, not even bothering to look up as he threw things into his duffel bag.

"Don't be like that."

That got the younger man to look at him. "Don't be like what? Unnecessarily abrasive because I'm frustrated?"

"Ok, that's fair. I'm sorry about earlier. It's been a long day."

"It has been for me, too," Jimin sighed. "I have to get to my vocal lesson."

"Can I at least say I'm sorry before you go?"

"You just did." Without another word, Jimin picked up his bag and left.

Hoseok cursed under his breath, going to the speakers to unplug his phone.

"Hey, uh, don't take that personally."

He looked over at Namjoon and frowned. "Why?"

"Jimin had a pretty bad morning, so he isn't mad at you."

"He was being all cheery earlier," he said, confused. Jimin had acted fine before Hoseok had snapped at him.

"He does that. He doesn't like talking about things that are bothering him because he doesn't want to burden other people, so it sometimes comes off like he's being harsh or dismissive when he gets upset about something."

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