Chapter 1: Mr. Asshole

Start from the beginning

"I can't make any promises. Here's the sophomore hall. What number did you get?"

"Not yours, unfortunately." He laughs awkwardly at his lame attempt at a joke, pulling a crumpled piece of paper out of his back pocket. "Two-ten," he says and pushes the wrinkly paper back into his pocket.

"Lucky for you, that's right next to mine." He smiles, the same goofy grin that was on his face when he walked over to Em and me. I really liked that smile.

"We're going to be best friends. I can already see it. It's fate we're locker neighbors." I laughed this time, instantly covering my mouth and closing my eyes in embarrassment at the sound that came out.

After showing him how to open the locker and pointing out some of the classes he would have on Monday, we walked back to the entrance. He was cracking jokes left and right, and most of them weren't funny, but I laughed each time because he was trying, and I was enjoying myself.

Emily turned to me with big, excited eyes and ran over to me, disregarding the mom who was walking up to her. "Did he kiss you?" she shrieked, catching the attention of the woman who walked by shaking her head, ushering her young daughter past us quickly.

"No, definitely not! I don't even know him, Em!" She shrugged at my reply, handing a welcome pamphlet to a nearby couple with their son.

"You are pretty red. Did you give him your number at least?" I shot her a glare. She shook her head in disappointment. "I would've asked for his number and kissed him goodbye."

Emily and I weren't the same—she loved boys and she showed them that love any chance she got. She went out with a different guy every Friday night, then would sleep over at my house, and we'd spend hours whispering into the night about our dream guy.

"I don't know him, Em. I'm not you. I don't trust just anyone."

"Well, how are you supposed to get to know him if you don't try, silly?"

I found myself smiling as I thought about our conversation and his not-so-funny jokes. Nothing could upset me. The smile never left my lips, and the giddy feeling of excitement filled my bones until Monday morning.

I should've known then, by his strict determination, that we would be friends by the end of the first week, and after a month, I couldn't imagine my life without him.

I should've known then that Aidan Michaels would claim a piece of my heart and take it with him when he left me.

The loud beep of a horn shakes me from the memory, and I stare at the green light, quickly switching my foot from brake to accelerator.

When I get home, I plop on the couch and don't move. I stare aimlessly at the television, hoping to drown out thoughts of my ex.

"Cece, come meet Ace!" Ryan's voice banters through the living room, and I groan. He just got home from college and already he was getting on my nerves.

I don't look away from the show until his stupid face stands in front of the television, blocking my view. When my gaze roams to the figure standing beside him, my jaw almost hits the ground.

This can't be happening.

Standing in all his glory is the asshole from earlier. Same clothes, same neon green mohawk helmet in his hand. Why is this my luck?

He walks up to me slowly, anger brewing in his eyes. I avert my eyes and look everywhere but him.

"Is that your Jeep outside?" His voice is deep with a slight southern twang.

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