09 | How Do You Catch Yourself?

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09 • How Do You Catch Yourself?

Levy_McGarden_Redfox: Look, Sunny, I know you probably don't want to talk to me right now, so I'll give you time to cool down and we'll talk when I get back. Please be safe and don't forget to eat. I love you.

I sighed, tossing my phone onto the bed. I yanked a hand through my hair in frustration, checking over my things one more time. I had everything so I closed my bag, picked up my discarded phone and texted Viv.

Levy_McGarden_Redfox: I'm leaving the house now, babe.

Her reply was instant,

Mia Amata Regina😋😍😘💅❤️: alright baby, be safe and text me when you're almost here. Love you. xxx

I chuckled softly to myself, pulling my bag over my shoulder,

Levy_McGarden_Redfox: Love you too. Xxx.

I checked for the millionth time that I didn't leave anything on and that I had everything I needed. Then I grabbed my keys and walked out the door, locking it behind me.

I sighed, opening the garage door. I walked in, smiling softly. I patted the hood of my beat up, red truck lovingly "hi Mama's baby. It's been a while, hasn't it, Asai?" Yes, my truck has a name.

She was my Grandpa's, named after my Grandma. It would have been my Mama's but she said she would never ride in that "death trap" so now it's mine.

It's true that Asai has broken down quite a lot and she has a lot of problems but she's still reliable.

I can't believe you love me after all the things I've done,

Like when I stole your money just to buy a pack of gum-

I cut of Alec Benjamin's voice without checking the caller ID. That song is Mama's ringtone. "Hi Mama" I chirped, throwing my bag in the truck and climbing in.

"Hello piccola. How are you?" She asked, seeming distracted "I'm good Mama. How are you?" I hummed softly.

"Tired, baby" she sighed tiredly "aww, Mommy. Take a break, yeah? Have something to eat and take a nap. Please" I said sternly, starting the truck.

I put the phone on speaker, backing out of the garage. "I will angel, I promise. I assume you're leaving for Hachette now?" She asks.

I grab my phone, climbing out to close the garage door, then I get back in the car and put the phone on the seat next to me.

"Yes Mama. I don't want to be driving late" I said absentmindedly "alright sweetpea. Be safe please" she replied.

"Okay Mama. I will be" I promised "are you alright, you sound off" of course Mama would notice. She's Mama.

"Sunny and I fought" I sighed "about Vivienne?" I hummed "yeah" she chuckled.

"Saahirah really doesn't like Vivienne. It's a pity. She's such a sweet girl" Mama loves Viv almost as much as she loves Sunny.

"I don't understand why they can't just get along. I don't get what Sunny has against Viv. It's bloody ridiculous. And now she's angry with me for promising Viv I'd be at her Dad's wedding.

This is the first Saturday in five years I've missed and Viv needs me there. Goddess, sometimes Saahirah is so bloody irrational" Mama hummed softly "do you want advice, do you want me to do something about it or should I just listen?" She asked.

Ever since I was little Mama has had this system. I'll come to her with a problem and she'll always ask me if I want her to give me advice, if she should do something about or if I just need her to listen.

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