06 | Surprise Visitor

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06 • Surprise Visitor

"Fuuuccckkk you bitch" I pouted "oh come on, sorellina" Nadia wrapped an arm around me "I'm sorry I can't join you guys. I really have to look after my brother" she said, kissing my temple.

I sighed "fineeee. We'll just have fun without you" I crossed my arms childishly "yes, have enough fun for all three of us" she nodded.

A car honked "oh! That's my Mom. I'll see you at school Monday and you, next Saturday" she said giving us each a hug before rushing to the car.

Sunshine threw her arm around my shoulder "cheer up, Moonlight! We'll have so much fun you'll forget Nadia isn't there" she said, a confident smile on her face. I stare at her for a moment, just watching the lazy, content smile on her face.

Then I snort "you're the most boring teenager I've ever met" I replied. She gasped dramatically "you're too mean to me!" She said. I nodded "payback is sweet, bitch."

We bickered like this all the way to my house, laughing and smiling, shoving each other and nearly getting knocked over by a car, twice.

I opened the gate, letting Sunny in first "such a gentleman" she mocked, I bowed "but of course" I nodded, arrogantly.

I fumbled with the keys, trying to find the right one. I had my house keys, Nadia's, Sunny's and the keys to Spencer's apartment on one key ring.

When I found the right one I lifted my head, and dropped the keys. He stood at the door with that big, dorky grin on his face, his hair slightly ruffled from the wind and his hands shoved into his jean pockets.

"Hi" he said. My brain then malfunctioned. Loading...


"Oh shit! Spencer!" I ran toward him, giggling when he stumbled upon catching me. My legs wrapped around him and I shoved my head into his neck, breathing in his musky, ocean-y scent.

He laid his chin on top of my head and tightened his arms around me. "Okay, y'all, this is getting disgusting, Spencer, let go of my best friend" Sunny groaned.

"Nuh uh. You see her everyday. Don't be selfish" he replied "she's my best friend. I've know her for thirteen years! You've been in the picture for barely two seconds, back off boi" Sunny huffed.

I could tell he stuck his tongue out at her. "I missed you" I said, softly. He chuckled "I missed you too, psyduck" he replied, kissing my head.

I pulled back to glare at him. Ever since we watched the Pokemon movie, Spencer's called me Psyduck because "you explode when you get too stressed."

"I missed you so much I'll let that one slide because this moment is sweet and I refuse to let you ruin it" I said, finally getting off of him.

I picked up my keys, unlocked the door and took my shoes off. Ryker University was twelve hours away because it was in the city.

Because of this, Spencer and I only saw each other on holidays or the rare weekends he came to visit. It had been exactly five weeks, ten hours and thirty-three minutes since we'd seen each other last and he wasn't supposed to be here until Thanksgiving so this was unexpected.

"Nice hoodie" Spencer teased as he took his shoes off. I looked down at my too big navy blue Ryker University Football hoodie that had once belonged to Spencer.

"Shut up, it's comfortable"  I rolled my eyes. "No judgement honey" he held his hands up in surrender.

He kissed my forehead "you look adorable" he said. "Ugh, don't be disgusting" Sunshine complained. "Don't be salty just because you don't have a boyfriend" I stuck my tongue out at her.

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