113 ∞ the breakdown

Start from the beginning

"Let me hear some samples."

"This is the sound of voice one," it said in a male voice. "This is the sound of voice two," a higher pitched voice said. "This is the sound of voice three," a more neutral female voice said. "This is the voice of—"

"Voice three." Gray spread his fingers on the virtual pad. "Can you raise the pitch a notch?"

"How is my voice now, Admin?"

"We'll go with that one."

"And here we were enjoying Eva's voice." Baldie sighed. "She was keeping us on our toes, you know." 

Gray grunted. "Bet it wasn't just your toes." He lifted a brow at him but kept his eyes on the zoomed-in view of the ships. No longer like rice grains, they'd changed positions in relation to the factory. Seven white-clad figures left them and headed for the top surface, then one returned to one of the ships. The others exited the frame so he pinched on the pad to zoom out a little.

Let's see if you can— "Eva, I want my monitor to keep eyes on these subjects. Automatically. Can you do that?" 

"Yes, as long as they are within the feeds available."

"Do it."


"Sir!" a younger agent called from the floor. "Anomaly on SAT-13!"

Both Gray and Baldie spun their chairs to face the wall screen. One of the satellite feeds showing the angled full length of the factory slid over to center-stage and expanded. At first Gray couldn't see what was different, but as the view zoomed toward the upper edge of the hull, he spotted an abnormal glow the shape of a column. It spread like a thinning cloud, covering the width of the factory and rising above it. On the full view of SAT-9, some of the small figures approached and stopped.

Before Gray could order a focus on the infrared feed and a full-spectrum analysis, streaks of white zipped through the misty layer.

The cluster of meteoroids, Selina's mental voice said. Most are beyond to bypass our intercept, including the larger ones of concern. We will make contact with the first few members of the dust trail in fourteen minutes... Some of you may want to witness the display.

"Most definitely!" Muzzy said. 

Sighing in relief, Danny caught the floating container and passed it on to Eckstein in one fluid movement.

"Thank you, Blanc Aave," Mickmi said. "We can hold three more in this net after this one. L'or? How fare your side?"

"The same."

Danny scanned the remaining containers in a quick count as the two mechanical arms plucked a container from either end. "But we have eleven left," he said.

"The remainder we will secure inside," Mickmi replied.

They'd be traveling with antimatter inside the ship? Danny hadn't been expecting that. Then again, inside or outside, the difference in the risk involved was negligible.

"It is safely contained," Mickmi added. "The vessels will monitor the safety status of each one."

When the last six were secured, Mickmi and Lora checked the loaded nets as the men waited, each casually holding a container by a handle. 

"Guess I'll see you later," Jagg threw at Danny before leaping off the factory hatch with another.

"Sure." Holding onto the last one by two grips, Danny backed outside into mid-'air', as Artemae approached. "You're not coming with us?"

Shadow Of The Past Trilogy ∞ THE DISPLACEDWhere stories live. Discover now