Part 12

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Rose's pov

I sat next to Dan, staring at Violet she was asleep in this box with so many things hooked in her I sat there crying kyle put his hand on my shoulder, Kyle wasn't there when all of this happened I guess he's the one who called to police I guess he's the one who found us all lifeless. My mother was no where to be found but all of her men were dead, and we were all badly hurt and ross hasn't woken up yet Max wasn't that bad he just had the bullet removed and Ryan had the same things as me because glass of the windows fell on her along with Dan. we haven't be questioned about what happened yet and I was thankful for that because I didn't want to think about it and didn't even want to talk about it.

Doctor: she's a little fighter, that's for sure and after a few more treatments she'll be alright. if it wasn't for this little guy would be a lot worse.

He said referring to Dan, he just sat there staring at Violet

Dan: What's wrong with her?

Doctor: well, we aren't quite sure but Im sure she passed out from such impact no small body could react to a bomb. but she'll be fine I promise. But we have to make sure she stays asleep for a few more hours so shall we go back?

The nurse took over The doctors place and I sighed pushing Dan's wheel chair I knew he hated this. I was healed the only thing I had problems with were my head and ribcage but other then that I was able to go "home" too bad we didn't have a home anymore. soon I would have to tell the police what happened the doctors helped kyle get Dan on the bed and he looked real frustrated

Doctor: Im just going to do the daily check okay Dan?

Dan didn't respond and the doctor side I stood next to Kyle Dan got the worst of this out of all of us and I felt horrible I didn't know what to do to make him happy or at least not so miserable but I couldn't he usually want me to go away and I respected that but I wasn't going to leave him forever

Doctor: Dan can you stand up for me?

Dan did as told he was getting better but he still couldn't walk with out help.

Doctor: great. Can you hold this for me?

He said handing Dan a stress ball Dan struggled to open his hand and the doctor placed it Down

Doctor: Can you try to throw it?

Dan look at him giving him a mean look and the doctor nodded

Doctor: Alright, well you physical Therapy starts on Monday and you'll be better in no time.

Dan stared ahead at the wall and the doctor sighed smiling at me I smiled back and he hung Dan's file in the clipboard holder thing next to the door

Kyle: Im gonna get something to eat alright?

I nodded and Dan stared at me as Kyle left lightly shutting the door I sighed sitting next to Dan,

Dan: I don't want you here Rose.

Rose: too bad. Because I'm here and Im not going to go anywhere.

I said slowly grabbing his hand, it laid there kinda lifeless he stared at it and I put my hand on the side of his check pushing his head up to me he stared at me for a moment I couldn't find words to make him feel better

Dan: This was all my fault.

He whispered

Rose: Don't Say that.

Dan: I sat around waiting for something to happen and look what happened.

he whispered

Rose: Dan, it's not your fault.

"Bad boy" part 2Where stories live. Discover now