Part 17

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Rose pov

I sat on the floor in the drive way bitting my nails waiting scared for my life I don't understand why really, we were suppose to move to California, that's never going to happen now. now nothing is ever going to happen. Kyle's car drove in the drive way and I picked myself up from the drive way, Violet had to stay with Ryan.

Kyle: Rose, Dan might have had something to do with all of this I just have this feeling.

Rose: Ive known him for years, in ways that you'll never get to know him Kyle Dan has nothing to do with this!

Kyle looked at me and I got out of the car quickly walking to the huge building


I sat behind the glass again Dan was talking quickly angry like towards the cop the cop nodded over and over again I sat waiting and waiting until they said I could talk to him I walked in sitting down

Dan: Rose I had nothing to do with this you know Id never try to hurt you ever-

Rose:shut up. i know that Dan.

I said staring at him he stared at me too I put my hand up fixing his hair he closed his eyes sighing

Dan: promise you'll still wanna marry me when I'm old and dusty.

I laughed

Rose: I promise,

Dan: We'll my lawyer talked to me and she said she doesn't think they can charge me with the little stuff they have but just in case I Uh left a bunch of money for you, not going to say where because you know where and I trust you'll take care of yourself.

Rose: I hate the things your going threw Dan, If they are putting someone away for this it should be me.

Luke: Nobody would ever lock sweat little Rose.

Rose: Shut up.

He laughed

Dan: Im the criminal mastermind who somehow got you to date me and have a kid with me without you wanting any of this.

I rolled my eyes

Dan: just know everything will be okay.

I nodded and a man came in

Detective: mind if we talk?

I nodded getting up


Sorry guys!

Im so busy and it's been forever Im going on Spring break this week so I promise to give a bunch of long updates soon

Im so so sorry

-Dylan x

"Bad boy" part 2Where stories live. Discover now