Part 8

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Rose's pov

I guess my mom is right, I do feel like I need Dan for everyday things and I do feel like I need him. I guess she was right when she said he'd cheat and I'd still be with him. but I believe in second chances I believe everybody needs a second chance this what Im giving Dan a second chance. if he screws it up its his fault and not mine for the events that will occur. i will go absolute crazy on him. I'm not kidding.

Dan came walking in the room leaving the door opened slightly putting the baby Monitor down he kinda stared at me

Dan: Are you sleeping here?

Rose: I haven't decided.

I said leaning on the bed

Dan: it's getting late so you shouldn't be going anywhere anyways.

Rose: I just want to know what went threw your mind when you did that.

Dan sighed waking in front of me unzipping my sweater pulling it off of me I let him waiting for him to respond

Dan: I don't know rose I honestly don't know I just gave in i wasn't thinking clearly.

I stared at him

Rose: Did you stay after?

He stared back at me

Dan: Why does this matter to you?

Rose: Because it just does.

Dan: no I did not.

Rose: Are you lying again?

Dan: I swear. Why does it matter?

Rose: Because you do that thing.

Dan: I do what thing?

He said pulling off my shoes

Rose: That cute thing.

Dan laughed

Dan: What?

Rose: you like pull the covers up and snuggle to me it's just cute.

I said shrugging

Dan: I only done that with you if that's what your worried about.

Rose: What if you got her pregnant?

Dan: Rose, we did something for like ten minuets and then i stopped. Stop me asking questions.

Rose: Im trying to figure out why.

He sighed

Dan: Is this what you are going to do? Ask me 1000 questions to make me feel bad?

Rose: It's not my fault you feel bad shouldn't have slept with another person.

Dan sighed

Dan: I don't want to talk about it right now Im tired.

I shrugged staring at him

Rose: I won't bother you then.

I said grabbing my phone walking out of his room

Dan: Rose,

Rose: goodnight Dan!


The sound of my the door opening made me jump up I looked up and Dan had opened the door

Dan: What are you doing here?

Ashely: I Uh came to see if you are okay.

Dan: Im fine. it's really late you shouldn't be out right now.

"Bad boy" part 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang