Part 1

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Rose's pov

I sat on the tour bus next to Dan, he was talking to dick about tour stuff kyle sat on the floor playing with violet. tomorrow is her first birthday and the sad part is we have to celebrate it on a tour bus. ever since Dan got off of house arrest all we do is travel. we haven't been an a home in almost a year. I get that he's trying to protect Violet and I but this becoming super annoying, and I really don't think it's good for a two year old to be on a bus and a plane and in motel's in the beginning stages of her life after there long talk dick left and then Dan took Violet back because it was bed time.

Kyle: we've been on tour forever.

He said laying down

Rose: no kidding.

I said picking up violet's toys shoving them in a bag.

Kyle: Dan's a little crazy you think?

Rose: A little?

He laughed as I zipped up the bag,

Kyle: I should go see what time janna is gonna be here. try not to fight with Dan while Im gone

I pushed kyle and he laughed leaving we did fight a lot. after awhile Dan came out sitting on the sofa fixing his shoes

Rose: Dan?

Dan: Yes?

He said looking at me I sighed sitting next to him

Rose: Can we just talk?

He nodded putting his arm around my waist

Dan: Is it about the tour?

I nodded

Dan: I know Im sorry about it. we only have to more stops and then we can get an apartment?

Rose: Dan, you shouldn't keep buying places to live when each time we move another place it's stupid. I get that you want to keep us safe but Dan we need to be in one place. at once.

Dan: Im not going to argue with you about it rose

Rose: I don't want to argue either but dan this is getting out of hand.

Dan: Im doing what I can rose

Rose: But you aren't. there's been one problem since we've been On tour it isn't a big deal if there really is a problem we can go wherever you like but Dan you are working on your daughters birthday and every other day of the week you aren't there In the morning or there In the night.

Dan: okay Im done talking about it.
Are you hungry?

He said standing up I ignored him walking out of the bus

Dan: ROSE!

He screamed as I walked a guard walked to me

Guard: mrs.smith

I made a face at him I was far from Dan's wife

Guard: Rose, Dan told us to be sure that you don't leave the buses unless he's with you.

Rose: well, Im a grown woman and I don't need him with me everywhere I go so if you excuse me.

I knew Dan wouldn't chase after me because he would be leaving Violet alone.

Dan's pov

I sighed placing Violet on the counter opening her mouth putting the stuff on her gums to stop the teething I hander her a bottle of milk setting her down on the ground she walked away from me sitting on the sofa look up at the tv that played some random kids show. I had to admit I wasn't ever around only at late or early in the morning other then that Rose took care of Violet. I know she hated touring but I didn't know what else to do. I had to keep the both of them safe. I called Rose again and this time she answered

"Bad boy" part 2Where stories live. Discover now