Part 14

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Dan held me up as I was to weak to stand, from the crying I was doing I was surprised I was even breathing Dans voice coming in and out telling me everything was okay wasn't helping the looks of my sister and brother made me feel horrible, I had watched my mother take my child I was forced to me being me I would have killed her myself but she's rich and have so many people working for her, I didn't stand a chance. I couldn't do anything I felt my body hit the floor and Dan sat next to me trying to talk to me I couldn't hear anything but my heart beat something was going wrong with me but I couldn't care i had this pain of not knowing what to do what if my mother hurt her? She was my daughter I was her mother and she's not here she's not safe. I began to feel lightheaded and the things from under me vanished and all I saw was blackness nothing. empty.


Dan: I'll figure it out.

Kyle: Dan, we have no idea where she could be she's killed so many peopl-

Dan: Im going to figure it out!

Kyle: You better hurry the hell up because you aren't the only person on this planet that cares about rose and Violet.

Dan: I know mate.

Dan said quietly

Kyle: hurry. And call me when she wakes up.

Dan: okay.

I heard a door open and Dan sigh I slowly opened my eyes and Dan's back sat on the edge of the bed and his humming filled my ears I knew he was humming no one's here to sleep I sat up I felt the same. horrible like somebody cracked a part of my heart and threw it out the window. Dan was leaned over hand in his head hinting he was thinking I sat up crawling towards him he quickly looked up at me he sighed grabbing ahold of my waist i began crying again and he just held me

Dan: We'll get her back baby.

He whispered and I nodded letting him assure me.


I sat staring at Violets toy that laid on the living room floor, the only noise was Dan typing and clicks I breathed pulling myself up picking up the toy

Dan: Rose,

Rose: Im Just cleaning up.

I said walking upstairs to her room putting the toy away staring at the window that was bored up I sighed walking out shutting the door I walked back downstairs Dan spoke on the phone about something as I put the dishes away putting other stuff in the fridge

Dan: There's no where you could think of?

My phone began to ring I picked it up knowing it was Ryan

Rose: yes?

My mom: hi baby.

I breathed Dan stared at me jumping up knowing something was wrong right away

My mom: Listen to me, i don't want to speak to Dan I want to speak to you.

Rose: okay?

I said quietly

My mom: Well, the little thing cries every five seconds how do you deal with it? I can't even get it to sleep. How do I fix it?

Rose: you can't fix it. she simply only sleeps when Dan puts her to bed.

My mom: Guess the thing isn't sleeping

Rose: Mom,

I breathed

My mom: What?

Rose: please don't hurt her.

I whispered

My mom: Id never hurt her. I just want what I want and until then you won't get her back. goodbye Rose.

Rose: Wait.

My mom: what?

Rose: Is she okay?

My mom: oh my god, yes Rose she's sleeping right now passed out a few hours ago.

Rose: Okay.

My mom: You don't breast feed or anything do you.

Rose: no.

I said and Dan grabbed my hand and placed his other hand on my waist placing his head on top of mine

My mom: Great, Dan knows what I want until then bye!

She said and the line went dead Dan sighed taking the phone out of my hand pushing my hair behind my ear

Rose: Dan,

He stared at me

Rose: What does she want?

He sighed pulling my hands above to his neck I stared at his face

Dan: don't worry about it.

Rose: Dan, please.

I said tugging at his shirt

Dan: She wants me,

I nodded and I wanted to Burry my head in his chest i held to the back of his neck

Rose: no, no no.

Dan: it'll be alright.

Rose: Dan, we have to think of another way something, please. we can call the police-

Dan: Rose, no this was going to happen and I spent a hole year telling you that I'd die for you. whatever she does everything will be over everything will be alright.

Rose: Not it won't. I won't have you.

I whispered and he breathed

Dan: you'll have a part of me.

he said pushing my hair out of the way

Rose: please.

He didn't respond kissing the top of my head.

We spent a few hours way too close to each other, we had to leave soon and I wasn't ready, I couldn't do this I could watch him leave me I couldn't say goodbye not knowing what would happen.

I held to him and his slow breathing calmed me slightly I couldn't let go.

Dan: We should really get going.

I nodded standing up pulling my hair in a ponytail Dan sighed unlocking the dresser drawer pulling a gun out loading it I sighed walking downstairs after a moment we left and kyles car followed behind us Dan kept glancing at me every five seconds making me even more uneasy he drove down the street his hand was on my leg I sighed grabbing it with my hand I had no idea what to say to him I had no idea what to do. I closed my eyes as I felt us growing closer and then we stopped and Dan slowly pulled his hand away from mine getting out the car I got out along with him kyle looked at me and I sighed and we both followed behind Dan we walked to the building and Dan pushed open the door and we walked up a great amount of stairs and then there was a man standing there he smiled opening a door I stared at kyle and then down went Dan he was on his knees I walked forward and there sat Violet a man stood behind her with a gun pointed at her head I breathed slowly

Dan: Im here, please

My mom: pockets.

Dan did as told pulling the guns from his pockets

My mom: Alright. bring her forward

The man picked up Violet she stared at Dan then at me I breathed as the man handed me her i took her quickly hugging the small body Dan stood up and I stared

Kyle: Dan what the hell are you doing!

Dan walked behind my mom slitting her throat she fell and the door slammed along with gun shots

Kyle took Violet out of my hands

Kyle: He's so fucking stupid.

We ran down flights of stairs I was so confused and scared

Kyle: Rose call will, max and ross now!

"Bad boy" part 2Where stories live. Discover now