Chapter 47: A Post it

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Changkyun then hit pause to look at Jooheon that was already staring at him with a serious gaze. Changkyun didn't agree to a ceremony, at least not yet. Yes, he was expecting the topic to come up but didn't expect the decision to be made for him.

"We never talked about this and you are pushing it on me like this?" Changkyun was doing his best not to yell and the alpha noticed.

"There's not much to talk about Changkyun. We are  mates and we already shared many intimate moments together. We accepted the bond and we accepted each other. Is only natural that you become the Luna."

"Can't it wait?"

"Wait for what?" Jooheon was confused now and Changkyun looked horrified "don't you want to be my pack's Luna?"

Changkyun didn't respond. He stayed quiet and got up from the bed to stand in front of Jooheon.

"Becoming Luna also means I become your fiancé. Or your wife, I dunno how this pack works."

Jooheon nodded "Yeah, you become my waifu as well."

Changkyun bit his lip. He didn't want to think about marriage... at least not yet.

"Is there something wrong?" Jooheon asked a bit nervous.

"I didn't think I had to deal with this right now. I thought I would have time! Is too soon! I don't want to become Luna yet and I don't want to think about marriage yet! There are so many things I want to do before I'm tied down!"

Okay... he could've said it better .. but Changkyun is impulsive and almost never thinks things through. He just says what's right on his mind with no disregard how others feels... and this time it had to be Jooheon.

Jooheon didn't know how to feel when he heard Changkyun say all that. He just stood there feeling something clawing at his chest.

"Can we not talk about this now?" Changkyun went back to his bed already forgetting why he was pissed at Jooheon but the alpha caught his arm to pull him back. The conversation was not over and he felt like was being too nice and too soft on his own mate. He was the alpha, the dominant one. He should be in control of his relationship, Not Changkyun.

"Stop avoiding me! We are going to talk about this wether you like it or not. We are mates now Changkyun and by law we have to get married to each other!" Jooheon wasn't going to let Changkyun slip away and get his way again. He needed him to understand that he was the head alpha and he has big responsibilities in his pack that he can't do all alone. Jooheon needs his Luna and Changkyun can't help him unless he becomes the Luna officially by marriage.

"I don't want to get married right now!" Changkyun struggled to break free from Jooheon's iron grip. The alpha was holding him tight, his arm was hurting and he felt like his circulation was going to be cut off sooner than later "let go of my arm Jooheon."

Jooheon shook his head, his eyes glowing crimson red with anger. Changkyun didn't know what to say, once an alpha has red eyes they are impossible to deal with. He was growing scared because Jooheon leaned closer and his hand gripped tighter. Changkyun let out a whimper when Jooheon squeezed tighter.

"I have done everything to please you! Everything I could think of and still you are not pleased? What do I have to do for you to accept me completely? What do I have to do for you not to hesitate to marry me?!"

"Jooheon! Please calm down!"

Changkyun's lips trembled but Jooheon heard him and let him go but not without giving his mate a glare that froze Changkyun's spine. The omega could see his alpha was truly angry, and very hurt. He was too blame for rejecting the wedding.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2020 ⏰

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