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I wake up to the sound of my alarm on my phone. I got a good nights rest and Im feeling energized. I do my morning stretches and put on my black VS bra and panties. Today I feel like light brown, so I slipped on my tan blouse and light Abercrombie jeans with my tan thong sandals with a white flower on it. I flat ironed my hair that stopped right below my shouldlers and parted it in the middle.

I don't wear make up so, I just put on my chapstick and pop in my Pearl earrings. I find it really nice to have a style like I do. But I don't have No one to show it off to. I think I wanna be a model. Im tall enough, I believe. Im 5'7 and very petite. I have hips and little junk in my trunk but I don't have much to say about my boobs. At least I have some. I also don't have much to hold when I run on the treadmill when I go to the gym.

I twirl in my body mirror one last time before grabbing my purse, keys, backpack, and phone and heading out the door.

"See you later ma, love you." I say kissing her cheek.

"I love you too. Have a great day at school, baby." She mumbles in her sleep. I just smiled and slowly shut her bedroom door.

I hop inside my silver Lexus that my dad bought me on my 17th birthday. Using my GPS to guide me to school, I jam to my music playlist on my phone through the speakers.

Parking my car, I take a deep breath.

"New school, new Year, new me." I say to myself before grabbing my purse, backpack, and phone and getting out then locking the doors.

Stepping into the big school was over welming. I instantly got the chills and didn't know how I was going to fufill my "New school, new Year, need me" resolution. Every step I took made my stomach churn and I got the jitters. It was alot more people here than back at my old school who I thought had the biggest school in the world. I guess I was wrong.

As I made it to my locker, all eyes were on me. Girls whispering and guys giving me the creeps. As I turned my back to open my locker, I felt as If there was ants on my back from all the awkward stares. Am I ugly? Do I have something on my face? Is there something wrong with me? What did I do? I was on the verge of going back in my car and never coming back out. I feel like everyone is talking trash about me already.

"Breathe, Kamryn. You got this," I whispered to myself and I grabbed my psychology book, purse, schedule, and my binder. "I got this." I assured myself with a little confidence and enthusiasm as I Shut my locker. The guy next to me just looked at me weird but Hey, I have dealt with people like him all my life.

My first hour is Psychology, which happened to be right across the hall of my locker. I smiled for the little coincidence.

"Already to a great start." I mumble under my breath as I enter the class room. I bumped into a guy wearing an all white suit and nearly knocked him over.

"Oh, Im so sorry. I didn't mean to-" I started to apologize but he cut me off. My face was glowing red of embarrassment.

"It's okay, excuse me." He smiled and walked around me.

I found me a seat in the back of the classroom and was ready for class to start. I must admit that I came a little early but it's not like I have any place to be.

As I sit in the back of the classroom watching the students file in, I found myself staring at the guy in the front of the classroom. I wonder what's he doing up there and why he's wearing a suit. Where's the teacher? On my schedule, it says that our teacher is named Mrs. Jones.

Interrupting my thoughts, the bell rings and still No sign of the teacher. I was too busy trying to figure out where the teacher was that I didn't realize everyone staring at me and whispering. Some a few glaces and then back to the smirks. Im not the kind of ghetto girl to go off whenever she hears someone talking about her because my parents taught me different. But just know that If you put your hands on me, I have the power to do some damage. I took self defense classes and my father taught me how to box. Suddenly, someone cleared their throat and we all looked to see that same guy standing infront of the class.

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