The Storm

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At the front of the plane Jane rustled, her aura was black. This time I held onto Loki grounding myself, making sure I didn't do anything I would regret. She awoke, her eyes black as ink she looked up.

"Jane?" Thor asked.


I felt it too. "We're here" I informed the boys.

Loki landed us gently and we walked over to the cliff's edge to get a look at Malekith and his troops exit the Dark Elf ship. This was it, make or break time; a lot of power would be held in Loki's hand, what he would choose to do with, only he knew.

"Alright, are you ready?" Thor asks Jane, and she nods but Loki answers.

"I am." His chest large. "You know this plan of yours is going to get us killed."

"Yeah, possibly." Thor responds. Loki lifts up his hands to be unshackled and I reluctantly shift towards Jane.

"You still don't trust me, brother?"

"Would you?"

"No, I wouldn't." I saw the gleam of the dagger, he could kill Jane right here if he wanted to. I had to make sure the act went according to plan. He stabbed Thor and the blond let out a groan, it looked authentic, I jumped. Thor fell down the precipice and Loki jumped after him. Jane called out for her lover, I helped her down the cliff to them. In the distance Malekith noticed our display. He walked eagerly over to us. Loki wasn't done with his act. "You really think I cared about Frigga, about any of you?" I winced as his foot connected with Thor's face. "All I ever wanted was you and Odin dead at my feet!" At that moment Thor tries to call Mjolnir but Loki swiftly cuts off his hand. I play the solemn deer in headlights as I let Jane run off to the screaming Thor and I take a knee. Loki catches her up. "Malekith, I am Loki of Jotunheim and I bring you a gift!" He throws his offering at the elves' feet. "I ask only one thing in return, a good seat from which to watch Asgard burn."

The prisoner and Malekith share a look, and the prisoner explains that he saw Loki in the dungeons of Asgard. If Malekith could express glee, he'd probably be doing it. He walks over to Thor and turns him as he lifts Jane in the air, the darkness of the Aether spilled out of her. I saw it all flow out, and when nothing was left I nodded to Thor.

"Loki, now!" He called to his brother. Loki immediately dropped the illusion and he jumps to cover Jane and Thor summons Mjolnir and I start my flames. We aim our blasts at the liquid evil floating in the air. I gave it all I had... but it wasn't enough. Malekith smirked as the evil flowed within him and he turned to leave on his ship. His lackeys were silently ordered to keep us busy. Thor and I fought off those we could but we weren't getting any closer to Malekith. In the middle of fighting Thor flew off, confused I checked to see what he was doing, Loki had was being sucked into a vortex. My eyes widened, I didn't get to see what happened because an elf sliced my thigh open, I cried out in pain and incinerated my assailant. I checked back again and Loki and Thor were safe, on the ground. Thor flew over to fight the large prisoner and I went to Loki's side to protect Jane. The elf lackeys were closing in on us.

"Half and half?" I asked.

"I was thinking we even the odds." He smirked and I knew exactly what he was thinking, soon, there were four of each of us. Though the illusions of ourselves could only doge and fake attacks, they kept the rest busy while we picked them off. I was rusty, I was getting hurt. I imagined Natasha there, coaching me, she would be ashamed. You have to keep your elbow up. Widen your stance. Ground yourself. You trip, you're dead. You miss a kill shot, you're dead. Always stay on top. You get pinned, you're dead. I missed sparring with her and Clint. Fighting side by side with my husband wasn't that bad. I wasn't dead yet. We were down to two of them and I noticed Thor in a losing battle. Loki saw it too. "Can you handle it from here, Darling?" He asked me.

"I've got this, my love." I gave him the go ahead to help his brother. One of the elves tried to follow him but I threw a dagger piercing through the back armor. The elf fell to the ground and I focused on sparring the last one.

After breaking a few of the dark elves' bones he was down for the count, I turned my attention to survey how the boys were doing. My eyes fell upon them just as the prisoner slammed Loki onto the blade in his own chest. "No!" I yelled. I was frozen for a moment, another vortex grenade went off, consuming the prisoner. I nearly broke the sound barrier as I flew over to Loki's side where Thor was already sobbing. This wasn't part of the plan. Tears fell from my eyes. "It's alright. I'll tell father what you did here today." Thor assures his brother. I kneel and grasp at my husband.

"I didn't do it for him." Loki admits and he closes his eyes. His skin starts to turn cold and blue and Thor cries out. A sob wracked my body, I felt my heart begin to burst.

But something wasn't right. Loki seemed gone, cold, no breath, no heartbeat. His aura still shown with color. His life signature did not fade. I held his hand harder in mine and I felt him squeeze back, if only slightly. I buried my head in his chest and sobbed more. How dare he. How dare he not let me in on this trick of his. My heart still pained in my chest.

"Isabellianna, we must go." Thor spoke.

I looked up at him furiously. "Go then."

"Please, come with us?" He begged.

"No. This is your fault! This was your plan. I played my part. Loki played his. I will follow you no longer." I put my head onto my husbands chest again. "This is all your fault! Take your woman and go. I will bury my husband." Those last words, even untrue sent a wave of nausea through me. I let out a wail. They didn't go. "Jane please, I beg of you take him away."

Jane was understanding. She pulled her man's arm and he reluctantly seceded. When I sensed them far enough away I held my husband. "How dare you do that to me." I whispered fiercely. "What do you have planned? I hope you have thought of our children, what can we do now that Thor thinks you're dead, what good can come from that?"

His illusion dropped and his face was stern. "Darling, you're bleeding out." He sat up and ripped a swatch of his garment off. He tied it around my thigh and I yelped in pain. He pulled me into his lap and held me. "I saw the chance and I took it. I didn't plan on doing this when I came here. Anyway if I had, its good you thought it was genuine, if only for a moment, you aren't the best liar."

I frowned. "Only when I'm trying to lie to you."

"I love you." He sighed.

"I love you."

"How would you like to get rid of Odin?"

I rolled my eyes. "You know I would like that more than anything in all the realms." I caught his smirk in the corner of my eye. "How?" I asked.

He stood, carrying me bridal style. He turned into one of his Einherjar prison guards. "Well my lady, maybe it's time for a new Odin." 

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