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Long ago...

A young prince sat alone at a social gathering. A feast for an occasion he forgot the name of; not that he cared, anyway. Other men his age were gathered in a dark corner, loudly sharing stories of all the wars they've fought in and the maidens they've taken. The young man's own brother was apart of the rowdy group. He shakes his head at the foolish displays of masculinity, each one trying to out do the next. He knew a fight would break out soon and quickly end with idiotic laughter when someone gets tackled onto a table. He stayed clear of all of that madness, choosing to finish up a poem he started. Others called him a trickster, but to him, they were just too slow to catch on. People believed his self importance was unwarranted, but it was true, he was better than them in every way. No one would ever come over and ask him to join the festivities, either they didn't want his company or already knew what his answer would be. That didn't mean he didn't want to joke, to laugh, to dance; but he sure wouldn't be caught fraternizing with those imbeciles. He was interested in a few women but he knew his feelings were unrequited, he didn't exactly meet the social standard for beauty among the populous. He was an anomaly, while most had golden hair, his was the color of a ravens feathers, while most had muscles he decided to exercise the idea of brains, not brawn. He saw the young women eye the warriors closely and he told himself any woman interested in men like that didn't deserve him anyway. Ladies have approached him of course, leading him to learn quickly that his title and class could win him a bride; but he hastily halted any advances made by a woman who would only take interest in him because he was a prince. No low class lady ever challenged him, and he found no joy learning this. His brother; however, was ecstatic at the news.

He grew up loveless, the other males- including his brother- teased him, saying the only woman he socialized with was his mother. It was mostly true; he respected his mother more than anyone, and he enjoyed her company. He didn't see anything wrong with it, but the other men used it as fuel. He let it get to an annoyingly high peak and decided to give in. He let them witness him taking a young woman back to his chambers. He didn't do anything with her, discovering she was a virgin. He told her that her first time should be with someone she trusted, somewhat lecturing her on the matter. Later that night he chivalrously offered to walk her home but she declined. The next morning she went to the king and told him that the young prince took her virtue without her permission in the night. The men that saw him leave the tavern with her were forced to testify against him. The man plead not guilty but he was not believed, even his mother turned her face away from him in disgrace. This earned him the title of mischievous and he was punished accordingly. He didn't care what the populous thought of him, he just wanted at least one person to believe in him. And no one did until later, after his punishment was served. He was able to convince his loving mother of the truth, and that's all he needed. But now no one else trusted him. He was a trickster, a liar and he wasn't fit to be king. So he started acting how people expected him to, he became the evil terrorist people thought he already was.

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