Growing Up

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Loki gazed at his babies with a slack jaw. "I never thought..." He spoke quietly. He reached for his son and lifted him into his arms. His eyes widened as he took in the weight change. "I'm sorry I let this happen-"

I shook my head and took Sofi in my arms, walking her over to the bassinet at the foot of Loki's bed. "No need to apologize, it's not your fault. I'm going to find the culprit."

"What do you mean?" He asked me as he rubbed Lee's back.

"I felt a dark energy suddenly appear here on Asgard, as soon as it showed up they started to grow." I walked over to my boys and kissed each one.

"Be safe, Darling."

"I'll be back to feed them soon. Change them into some clothes that fit, and read to them a bit?" 

"Of course."

I left my babies behind and went in search of the dark energy. It had disappeared and in its place was a... Midgardian? I flew toward it curiously. Thor was also there, and Frigga, they were strolling down the corridor with Thor's girlfriend, Jane Foster. I eyed them curiously while they met me with smiles. 

"Isabellianna! This is Jane." 

Jane spoke to me first, flustered. "Oh, wow, thanks for helping out at New York." she held her hand out for me.

"It was no problem." I shook her hand and felt the deep abyss within her as our skin made contact. So it was her who brought the dark energy here. I retracted my hand and turned quickly to Frigga. "Can I speak with you quickly?"

"Yes dear," She walked away with me and I heard Jane behind me whisper to Thor.

"I didn't realize she came here to Asgard with you."

Thor chuckled. "She married my brother, too." 

Jane laughed but stopped when she found Thor was being serious. She looked at me like I was crazy.

"Frigga? Is she aloud to be here? She has something dark in her. " I informed my mother-in-law.

Frigga nodded. "She has a sickness, here is the best place for her to be."

I grimaced. "The energy inside her made Sjofna and Litre grow."

The blonde matriarch gasped and grabbed my hands. "I didn't even realize, I'll do my best to keep her contained."

"Thank you Frigga." I felt a little relief, I knew Frigga would handle it. "I'm going to head back to be with them, I'll bring them to visit soon." I smiled.

"Send my love to my son, we had a... disagreement earlier."

I nodded and started back down toward the dungeons. "It was nice meeting you Jane," I gave the human a polite smile.

She reciprocated my smile. "Y-you too,"

Back down in the cage I complained to my husband while feeding Lee. "Thor brought his girlfriend here who somehow has a bunch of dark energy just residing in her. I don't like it. Not around my babies." Lee finished and I handed him to his father to get burped. I picked up Sofi and started to feed her. "Why is Odin Allowing such a thing to happen. I swear if my babies grow any more Jane will not be safe."

Loki chuckled. "Oh, Izbells."

"What? I'm serious! I don't like it one bit."

"Keep calm darling, no need to get so riled up. I'm sure Frigga has a handle on it." Now done burping, Loki stroked his son's soft curls before placing him in the bassinet.

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