Back Again

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"Did you try to roofie me!?" I asked in disgust.

He put his arms up in defense. "I don't know what you mean. Come now Isabellianna, there's no where you can go, we're here until morning." He tried to plead. He was inching closer to me.

"Yeah, no. I'm out--" I was cut off by him pouncing on me. His sloppy wet lips were all over my face. He found my mouth and tried to slip his tongue past my teeth which were clenched shut. My flame engulfed hands were on his shoulders and in a few moments he and his expensive robes were ablaze. He let me go and was running around the deck, screaming. Sooner than I'd like, he remembered he was on a boat and jumped overboard into the water. I flew up overhead, looking down on him. "Plant based toxins don't faze me you imbecile." I told him as he waded in the water. "Oh yeah, and I can fly."

I started to fly off back to the castle. I heard Gunter shout and the boat started moving again, following me. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. Of course the boat didn't really run out of fuel. I let out an angry war cry and I flew as fast as I could. The boat was right behind me.

When I had the castle in sight I searched for Odin's life force. I was able to fly in through a balcony and meet him as he walked through the halls. "M-my lord!" I stuttered over the words, as I was not used to saying them. He turned to face me.

"Isabellianna, to what do I owe this pleasure?" A smile covered his face.

"There's a man, Gunter Son of Pod, and he just harassed me--"

"Don't listen to a word she says!" Gunter came in, out of breath. "Lord Odin, this wretched woman you have brought into your home completely assaulted me out of no where! I invited her onto my boat for the evening and without warning she attacked me! Seize her immediately!"

Odin took in the sight of the man, he was clearly singed. I bit my lip as the Allfather turned and eyed me in suspicion.

"Well-" I started to defend myself.

Gunter cut me off. "I'm telling you she's not to be trusted! I've heard word that she's been meeting with that mischievous son of yours, the prisoner Loki! The two of them conniving; she's not to be trusted."

I knit my eyebrows, how did he know about that?! Odin's eye widened. "Are his accusations true, Isabellianna?" He asked.

I bowed my head looking at the floor. "Yes, but... He just tried to force himself on me!" I held my arm out to the red head accusingly.

"You've visited Loki?" He chose to completely ignore me. "What hold does he have on you, Isabellianna?" He took my hand in his.

"He doesn't have a hold on me, I swear!"

The elder was about to speak when Heimdall came stalking in with ten guards flanking him. "My King! This man speaks falsehoods against Lady Isabellianna. Arrest him!"

The guards were on the rich man immediately, I stood there smug as he was put in shackles. He was silent and he didn't struggle, he knew arguing with Heimdall was a lost cause. Odin was also quiet. His expression pleaded for my forgiveness and I nodded with a small smile. Gunter was led to the dungeons. Odin finally spoke. "That still doesn't explain why you visit Loki."

Heimdall spoke for me. "Lady Isabellianna offers her company as therapy for Loki."

I caught on fast and nodded. "He needs help, I want to try and straighten him out."

Odin grunted, taking the information in. "Very well then, take caution when dealing with him, he likes causing chaos." He sighed as he muttered something to himself. My sensitive ears caught his words. "I wouldn't want another Sigyn incident." Who is Sigyn?

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