Trust Falls

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His cheek was pressed against mine. "You shouldn't trust me, Izbell." He whispered in my ear.

"I do." My shaky voice answered.

He stopped what he was doing. I felt my eyes ease open. "I shouldn't do this.."

I held his cold hands in mine. "But I want you to." I half begged him.

He shook his head. "It isn't right." He leaned back and looked into my eyes. I saw a sadness in them. He brushed my hair back from my face and I shuddered at his light touch. "You barely know me, so you can't possibly trust me."

I held his face in my hands. "I know enough." My thumbs stroked his high cheek bones.

He groaned in frustration. "Can't you see I'm trying to protect you from doing something you might regret?" His eyes flicked back and forth between mine, searching.

I smirked. "I can protect myself."

He rolled his eyes. "It shouldn't be me." He grimaced, like saying the words hurt him.

I brushed his hair back this time. "If not you then who? Gunter Podson? Fandrall has taken a liking to me, maybe I should go seek him out to satisfy me. To pleasure me and be pleasured by me." I used his words against him this time.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He opened them again and spoke. "Not tonight Isabellianna."

My hands were on his shoulders as I examined his face. "Not tonight?" I asked, confused. "If not tonight then when?"

His eyes were still closed but a smirk grew on his angular face. "Our wedding night."

I jumped at the words. His eyes opened and his arms caught my waist and held me to him. I shook my head vigorously. "Loki... Loki, no." I saw his frown and I realized what I was saying. "No! It's not like that!" I closed my eyes this time, I crossed my arms over my chest. "Marriage is such a human thing, I don't want to be human, I don't want to play by the rules, Loki."

He sighed and picked me up, setting me down next to him on his bed. I blinked, he was stronger than he looked. "What you are saying is you don't want to be with me." 

I reached out to touch him but he leaned away. "No, Loki, I do want you."

His jaw was clenched. "I don't think you know the difference between love and lust, Darling." There was a tone of aggression that I could tell he was trying to bite back.

"No, I-"

"Just say it! Just say you don't trust me!" He yelled.

I jumped up and stood in front of him. "Why would I lie?!"

He stood in front of me, towering over me, making me crane my neck to see him. "You don't trust me!" He raised his voice even louder and he bent down so his face was closer to mine.

I don't know if it was the yelling or how close his face was to mine, but before I could do anything to stop it, my hand was swinging around quickly to meet his face. There was a satisfying 'slap' and I just rolled with it. Anger was my fuel. "I. Trust. You." My breathing was heavy because of adrenaline. "I trust you to make all the wrong decisions! I trust you to lie because you think you're making the right decisions. I trust you to get mad and act out when things don't work in your favor. I trust you to be stubborn!" I laughed and shook my head as tears started pricking at my eyes. "I trust you wont purposely try to physically hurt me. Loki, I trust you with my life because you've saved me already." My anger died as the words surfaced and my tears fell. It was out there now, I was vulnerable.

His arms wrapped around me tenderly. I sobbed into his chest for who knows how long. He stroked my hair and rubbed my back. The small gestures comforted me some, and my cries quieted. He could have been talking the whole time but this is when I heard him. He was quietly whispering  "I trust you to think outside the box. I trust you to be firey, in more ways than one. I trust you to see past all of my tricks, every time." He finished and kissed my cheek. "Well we have our vows down, but you wont marry me?"

I was too weak to hug him back, I just stood there in his arms. "I don't know, Loki, I'm tired." As soon as the words left my mouth he gently lifted me and set me in his bed, he laid next to me under the blankets. I held back a yawn and snuggled closer to Loki. I soon remembered that we were in a dungeon and Odin was already antsy about me talking to his adoptive son. "What are you projecting right now?" The question came out in a crazy mumbled, muffled mess.

He caught on what I was trying to say. "Me pacing, reading a book."

I smiled. "Mmhm, what book are you reading?"

"A history book." He answered softly.

"I like history."

"I thought you said you were tired?" He asked, his voice rumbled low in his chest.

"I am, so shhh."

"You were talking first." He chuckled.

"Mmhm." Was all I could get out before I was out of it.

"Sleep, Izbell."


I woke in the morning, stretching. I was facing the outside wall, but I remember I was facing Loki when I went to sleep so I must have been tossing in my sleep. I turned back around to look at the fallen prince. His green eyes were open and he was staring at me. I couldn't read his expression but his aura seemed happy and calm. I smiled at him and went to stroke his smooth jaw. Did he even grow facial hair? I liked to think that he got up an hour before me just to shave. Or maybe he didn't even go to sleep. "Do you even sleep?" I asked, my voice soft from sleep

"Yes, I don't enjoy it much." He admitted, and his voice told me that he did in fact sleep; it was gruff and raw. So much more different than his smooth voice that could charm a snake.

I frowned, I loved sleeping, all of my problems went away when I was unconscious. "Why?" I voiced my curiosity.

"All the bad things I've done- and I've done a lot of bad things; they come back to haunt me in my dreams." He kissed my temple. 

Poor Loki. I grabbed him and held him close. My leg wrapped around his waist and my arms embraced him. I stroked his ruffled black hair. "I'm sorry." 

He turned with me on him so now I was on top of him, our chests and stomachs pressed against each other's. "Why are you apologizing? You've done nothing wrong, you actually help sooth me." His smile was small yet content.

Hearing that made me happy. "That's good, I'm glad." I spoke and then it was quiet for a while. "So I think I'm done just randomly projecting to you." I broke the silence again. 

"Really?" He raised an eyebrow. "What leads you to believe this?"

"Well I was thinking about you all day yesterday and I never showed up here." I admitted.

He nodded in approval. "Just keep practicing." He advised.

"Of course." I giggled. "But I want to learn something new now." 

His fingers played at the hem of my shirt. "Well I suppose you can go on to making multiple projections of yourself, or you could learn illusions." He offered.

I weighed both of the options. "Which one is harder?" I asked sitting up and back on my heels,  straddling his hips. I jumped when I felt something poke my thigh, and when I realized what it was I blushed. He grabbed my waist and pulled me up, so now I was closer to his bellybutton than the tent in his pants. 

"I would have to say I am." He chuckled with a smirk. 

I laughed along with him. "Well you're not wrong!" Our musical laughter finally died down and a pleasant smile was left on my face as I leaned down to rest my cheek on his shoulder. My nose was at the crook of his neck, I breathed in his earthy scent. "This is so crazy." I sighed.

His large hand stroked my hair.  "What is?" He asked, voice rumbling in his chest.

"Us." I clasped my hand in his free one. "This."

One With Gods [Loki]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz