When the Time's Right

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I hate them.

I absolutely hate them.

The on-campus tricksters.

Yeah, my hatred for them flows through my veins with brute force. It's like - Luke Skywalker force.

If I didn't have a sincere desire not to go to jail, I would kill them.

Okay, maybe not KILL them, that's a bit extreme, but I would definitely seek hardcore vengance.

I just expected the Harvard kids to be a little more matured minded.

But as usual, my expectations of life stop short.

I storm through my dorm, muttering curses under my breath as I snatch a pair of dry clothes and a towel.

Their attack was so tacky too.

You can't even see them and they plummet you with water balloons. NO ONE knows where they are when they throw them. I guess it's some kind of stupid trade secret, because they know if people knew where they were, they'd be dead in two seconds.

My room mate, Poppy Lewis, looks up from her studying as I blow through the room. She furrows her eyebrows, watching me carefully, "Is it raining?"

"Raining stupidity, yes." I sigh, angrily, "Just those stupid freaking jokesters at this college, who are either so smart they dont have to spend anytime studying, or they don't care and they dont study and hopefully they'll drop out and leave us other kids alone."

She looks back down at her book, "Harsh."

"Yeah, well. We all know I'm so cheerful right after I just had a bunch of water balloons explode in my face." I say, walking out the door and into the showers.

Maybe if I wish hard enough, those kids will disappear and my life will get infinitely better.

: : : :

I run a hand through my damp hair as I walk back into my dorm room. I guess Poppy left to socialize or go to a class or something. I throw my towel on the bed and walk back out the door to see if she's in the common area. I peer into the room and only find another girl, named Rhea, in there, silently reading. I sigh and walk to the front door. Poppy likes to sit right outside our door sometimes and "people watch". As I swing the front door open and peer into the hall, a pair of bright blue eyes catch mine.

Oh, snap.

Zeke Davies.

I feel my eyes widen. His short brown hair is spiked up, and a navy blue shirt hugs his chest.

Oh, my gosh.

Why is he so adorable?

I do my very best to keep my cool, as he smiles with friendliness. A look of recognition passes over his face, " Hey, Sidney."

I clear my throat, nervously, "Hi, Zeke."

He examines me from a few feet away, folding his arms over his chest, "What's going on?"

I look up and down the hallway quickly, "Oh, nothing. I'm just looking for Poppy. You haven't seen her, have you?"

He shrugs, "Can't say that I have. Is she missing or something?"

I shake my head quickly, "No. I'm.... just looking for her."

I lick my lips, quickly, before he can respond, "Anyway, I'll see you later."

"Okay. Bye."

I quickly close the door and lean against it, letting out a sigh of relief. I rush to the mirror and look at myself in horror. Damp, tangled hair. Soccer shorts. In front of ZEKE DAVIES.

Yesterday (Will Poulter fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя