Out of Sight, Out of Mind

Start from the beginning

     "You beat up my girlfriend. That's what!" Jaime yelled back. I shrunk back when Devin looked at me. I saw it on his face. He recognized me. 

     "You mean my wife?!" Devin sceamed. He brought his fist to Jaime's face. I was surprised the bartender didn't even try to break it up.

     "Yeah, you care about her so much, but you beat her," Jaime yelled. As far as I knew, Jaime was not the type to beat someone up. He also didn't have much common sense, but I was hoping that he wouldn't hit him again.

     "Well, I've busted my ass looking for her," Devin shouted. His face was angry and I was just hoping we could get away safely. 

     "If you cared, why did she have to run away?" Jaime questioned angrily. There was a mean look in his eyes like he would kill Devin if he got the chance. This wasn't good. I was about to take out my phone to call Vic when I realized the bartender was already on the phone. 

     "'Cause she's a bitch," Devin slurred drunkenly. Those comments stopped affecting me a long time ago so I didn't even flinch.

     "For your information, your wife is the most amazing, beautiful, perfect person I have ever met. She is so far from being a bitch. I think you're the bitch here," Jaime said. I smiled at his compliment. It felt good to be loved.

     "Well, you're a dick. Sleeping with someone else's wife," Devin shouted. I could tell he was really drunk, more drunk than usual. I felt a blush form on my face. I had never slept with Jaime. I hadn't felt right because he didn't know I was married.

     "I never slept with your wife," Jaime shouted. I could tell Devin didn't believe him even though he was telling the truth.

     That's when a policeman walked into the bar. He surveyed the scene. "What's going on here?" he asked. Jaime and Devin looked at me. Oh, God.

     "Um, well that's my husband and that's my boyfriend. It's a really long story," I told him. I really did not want everyone in this bar to know my whole life story.

     "Well, I'd love to here it down at the station," the officer told him and led the 3 of us to his police car.

     We all crammed into the car. I didn't really know how Jaime lasted the whole drive there without punching Devin's face in, but he did. 

     When we go there, they told me to go into a room. It had 2 chairs and I table. I felt like I was on one of those crime shows. A man came in and asked me what had happened. I told him the whole long story from how I had gotten pregnant up until then. They asked me a few other questioned, mostly about Devin's drinking, and then told me I could leave. When I got out, Jaime was waiting for me and I thanked God they hadn't arrested him.

     We realized we had no way to get home. The police station was too far from our apartment building to walk, so we called Tony. He looked at us funny when he got there, but didn't question why we were there until we got home. I dropped myself on the couch. I sighed. My day had NOT turned out the way I expected. Ton and Jaime sat down around me.

     "I just have to ask. Why were you guys there?" Tony asked. I sighed again. Now I had to explain everything to him.

     "Well, Jaime got into a fight with my husband," I stammered and tried to remain calm. Tony stared at me in complete shock.

     "You're married?" Tony exclaimed after his shock had subsided. He looked at Jaime as if to say "What the hell?"

     "Yes, but let me explain before you get mad," I told him. I shifted on the couch. " In high school, I got pregnant and his parents wanted us to get married, so we did. I lost the baby 4 months in. His parents were really religious and didn't want us to get a divorce, though. After a while he started coming home drunk and he started beating me and a few times he raped me. So, I decided to run away and that's when I met you guys," I explained. I looked at him. He looked back completely stunned. Great! My best friend thought I was a nut case.

     "Wow," Tony murmured. He played with one of the pillows an the couch. He looked as though he was taking it all in. 

     At that moment, my phone rang. The caller ID came up as the police department.

     "Hello," I greeted answering the phone. I had no idea why the police department would be calling me.

     "Hello, is this Dakota Portman?" The man on the other end questioned. Who the hell was this?

     "Yeah, who is this?" I asked. Jaime gave me a questioning look as if asking who it was.

     "This Marcus Sand. I just wanted to let you know that after giving your husband a breathalyzer test, we realized he is close to alcohol poisoning. We are going to put him in rehab, so you won't have to worry about him anymore. You can also file for divorce and a restraining order if you'd like," the man told me. I hadn't even thought about a restraining order. I had contemplated divorce, but I knew that wouldn't make me safe.

     "I could?" I asked dumbly. I was kind of shocked. I was trying to think of a life with out Devin at all.

     "Yes, you could, Mrs. Portman," Mr. Sand told me, "You could come back to the police station to talk to me. I'm free at the moment if now is a good time," I couldn't believe there was a chance I would never have to see Devin again.

     "Ok. I'll be over in a minute," I told him. I stood up and hung up the phone. I was smiling wider than I had in awhile.

     "What was that about?" Jaime questioned. He walked over to me as I grabbed my car keys.

     "Someone at the police station said I could file for divorce and even a restraining order on Devin," I replied happily.

     "You going down there to talk to this guy?" he asked.

     "Yep," I responded with a nod.

"I'm going with you," Jaime announced. I was too happy to protest so we went outside and got in the car.

When we got to the police station (for the 2nd time that day, I might add), we climbed out of the car and walked in.

"Well, hello again. What can I do for you this time?" the lady t the desk questioned a little rudely. Jaime gave her a look, but I ignored the attitude. I was not going to let anyone ruin this mood I was in.

"Marcus Sand called me. He said I could speak with him now," I told her. I was probably smiling like the Cheshire Cat. 

“Well, he’s in there,” she told me and pointed to a room down the hallway.

We walked down the hall and knocked on the door. “Come in,” we heard a man’s voice say from behind the door. Jaime held the door open for me and we walked in.

“You must be Mrs. Portman,” the man, who must have been Mr. Sand, greeted. He stood up and shook our hands. I saw Jaime cringe at the “Mrs. Portman” part. I felt the same way, but I had gotten used to it.

“Yeah. Nice to meet you. This is my ... uh ... boyfriend Jaime Preciado,” I told him. It felt weird to call Jaime my boyfriend to someone who knew I was married. It kind of made me feel dirty.

“Nice to meet you two. Sit down. Let’s talk,” Mr. Sand said. He sat back down behind his desk and we sat down on the other side. “Now, do you definitely want a divorce?” he questioned. It was the dumbest question I’ve ever been asked. Of course I wanted out of my marriage. I had since we had first gotten married.

“Yes,” was all I responded with. I didn’t want to be rude and say exactly what was on my mind.

“Ok and a restraining order?” he asked. Again, of course I did.

“Yes, please,” I said politely. I shifted in my seat as Mr. Sand typed away at his computer.

“Ok, well, you’ll need a court date,” he started. We talking for about an hour about legal things and set up a court date.

When we left, I wanted to kiss Mr. Sand. He was helping me get out of my marriage. Getting out of this marriage was my dream. I could barely contain my happiness.

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