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@lilpeep: oh memoriesssss where'd u goooooooo ur all i've ever knownnnnnn

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@lilpeep: oh memoriesssss where'd u goooooooo ur all i've ever knownnnnnn

new username. go stream "veins" on all platforms. mwah.

457 likes 342 comments


@liltracy: my son raps now 😪 i raised you well. this was all me y'all
@lilpeep: @liltracy eat my ass
@liltracy: @lilpeep GLADLY

@kournikovax: dm me im tryna collab
@lilpeep: @kournivax OMG

@elizaday9: u so damn CAYUTEEEE.
it's 4:04pm and i was sitting on my bed, tracy next to me.

"so, are you and eliza, like, official?" he asked me.

"i don't know actually. we just told each other we love each other and that was it. we haven't really talked about it." i shrugged, shifting my arm in my sling. i had gotten the cast removed on both my leg and arm, i just had to wear a sling and continue using crutches.

"yeah, you always had a hard time communicating how you felt about her so i'm surprised you told her you love her. there was this one time she was talking to some guy at the bar-"

"and i argued with her outside about how i was better than him. that was the night i realized i like her." i chuckled.

jazz sat upright, staring at me wide eyed as if he had just seen a ghost.

"what did you just say?"

"i-i said that i argued with her... oh my god."

"gus, do you remember what happened after you told her you liked her?"

"i came to you and told you what had happened and then i got into my car and i... oh my god. jazz, i fucking remember." i almost screamed.

he started screaming for my mom and she burst in, a panicked look on her face. "what? what happened?"

"MAMA I REMEMBER ELIZA." i actually screamed this time.

she shrieked in joy and pulled me into a huge hug, careful of the sling on my arm.

"this is amazing! oh my baby, have you remembered anything else?" she gushed

"no, but i remember everything about eliza. and right now that's all i care about." i blushed.

mama pinched my cheeks. "my baby's in love." she said, dragging out the 'o'.

"shush." i said, lightly slapping her hands away while laughing.

"well, what are you waiting for? call her and tell her to come over so you can tell her the good news!" mama said.

"i-i'm scared." i admitted.

"scared of what?" jazz asked.

"what if she only loves me because i couldn't remember how shitty i treated her before so i was acting different? what if now that i remember everything about her she'll feel different? what if-"

"gus, shut up. eliza loves you even after everything. she's not the one who forgot how you treated her, you are. she wouldn't have fallen in love with you if she didn't forgive you for everything you've done." jazz put a hand on my shoulder.

i let out a shaky breath. "yeah, you're right. okay. i'm gonna call her."

jazz and mama left so i could call her. i picked up the phone and clicked on her contact and let it ring.

"gus? i'm working, are you okay? do i need to leave early?" eliza picked up, sounding panicked.

i mentally face palmed, completely forgetting she was working. "i'm okay, you don't have to leave. i forgot you were working, i'm sorry." i said sheepishly.

"no no, baby it's okay." she said, making my heart flutter. "what's up?"

"o-oh, um, are you coming over today?"

"i am now. i'll be over there at around 6:30. do you want me to bring food?"

"yeah, mama hasn't ran to the grocery store."

"okay, i'll be there in a few. i love you."

i blushed so red i was sure i looked like a tomato. "i love you too."

we said our goodbyes and hung up, and i was still so red.

despite what jazz said, i was still super anxious. so i watched some mindless television to take my mind off it and i eventually fell asleep.

i woke up at 6:38pm because eliza was wrapping her arms around me. i smiled and turned so now i was facing her as we laid down.

"hi baby." she said softly, smiling at me.

i ran my fingers through her hair and gave her the biggest smile i could. "i remember."

her eyes widened and she sat up on the bed. "no fucking way. NO FUCKING WAY."

she got up and started squealing and jumping around. "this is fucking amazing gus! i couldn't be happier." she said genuinely, grinning at me.

"come over here and kiss me dammit." i said.

she jumped on the bed and gave me the most passionate kiss i've ever received in my entire life.

"i am never, ever letting you go." eliza breathed after pulling away, staring into my eyes.

"good, because i plan on keeping you around for a long time." she smiled and kissed me again, running her fingers through my short blonde hair.

but as she kissed me, a pang of guilt hit me, making me pull away. "what's wrong?" she asked, her brow furrowed.

"i just... now that i remember, i feel so so guilty about the way i treated you before." i said, breaking eye contact with her.

she sighed and sat up on the bed, making me sit up too. "i've been dreading this conversation." she whispered.

"i don't know what to say." i admitted.

"gus, i'm in love with you. i forgive you for everything you've done to me, but i won't forget it. now that you remember what happened you can learn from it and know to not treat me or anyone like that anymore. you're a different person now. i can see that you truly do care about me. so i'm not mad anymore." she said truthfully.

"promise?" i asked.

she smiled and held her pinky out, and when i linked mine with hers she touched our thumbs together. "i promise."
a/n: sorry !! shorter chapter and it's late :( you can hate me i get it.

im currently living in a group home so i'll only have my phone on some days like when i'm going out or going to work.

i love you all so so much.

-kiki 💗 (they/them)

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