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it's been a few days since i've seen gustav and i haven't heard from him. the date i went on couldn't have gone any better, anthony is just so sweet and such a gentleman, the complete opposite of gus. he opened the door for me, paid for our meal, and even walked me to my car at the end of the night. we've been texting and facetiming constantly ever since. i can't wait to see him again tonight after work.

it's 12:37pm and i'm sitting at my desk preparing to take my lunch break when my phone buzzes against the wood, startling me. i flip it over and peer over the desk to see who it is, and to my surprise it's gus.

Gustav: come over tonight at around 12:30

Eliza: can't, i've got a date.

Gustav: a date? with who?

Eliza: none of your concern. i'll see you tomorrow maybe.

he sends me another text but i choose to put my phone on do not disturb and go meet up with anna for lunch. on my way to her cubicle i pass calum's office, in which he stops me and calls me into his office.

i stop in my tracks and inwardly groan as i step into his office, replacing my what i hope isn't a grimace into a bright smile. "yes, mr. hood?"

"please, you know to call me calum. mr. hood is my father. anyway, there's a happy hour at the bar tonight after work, what do you say we go?"

again, another inward groan but i can't show it, so instead i politely decline and tell him i have other plans after work. for once, he doesn't hassle me, so i practically skip out of his office victoriously and walk to anna's cubicle.

"okay, bitch, let's go to lunch!" i beam at her.

"what's got you so fucking excited?" she playfully glares at me. i explain to her what just happened and she smiles and gives me a high five and we're off to lunch.

during lunch we made small talk, until the topic of boys were brought up.

"so, tell me about gustav! we're best friends and you literally tell me nothing about him except that you have sex with the man every night. i don't even know what he looks like!" anna pouts

"okay, okay, it's not every night. and i don't tell you anything because i don't actually know much about him. we just, i dunno, have sex," i shrugged. "besides, if things get serious with anthony i'm gonna have to cut gus off."

"serious, my ass! you've been on one date! aren't you going to his crib tonight? are you gonna fuck?" she excitedly pressed me.

"chill, chill! i don't even know if we're gonna fuck yet. but to be safe i'm bringing condoms."

"girl, you need some new dick. let's hope it works out."
it's 6:42pm and i'm driving to anthony's house. he lives 15 minutes out of town and i'm terrible with directions so i've already taken two wrong turns and i'm almost 15 minutes late. i finally find the apartment complex and when i find parking, i walk to his front step and take a deep breath.

it's okay eliza. i told myself. he likes you. you've already got that part down.

i knocked on his front door and anthony opens it with a grin on his face. "hey ma, you look cute." i blush and look down at the outfit i changed into right before i left work, which is just leggings and a slightly oversized teal champion hoodie and black and white vans.

"you don't look too bad yourself," i smirked. we walked into the apartment together and he asked me if i wanted some wine, and who was i to turn some red wine down?

two drinks in i'm starting to loosen up and my anxiety is out the window, and we're curled up on the couch listening to music. he was putting me on to some new shit, some british artist named bexey. he was fire, i'd have to download his music when i got home.

"i'm really glad you came over tonight, eliza." anthony said, putting a hand on my upper thigh.

i blushed profusely as the touch made my entire thigh feel hot and i wanted him. "i'm glad to be here," i smiled while placing my glass on the coffee table.

"come on, i wanna give you a tour of the house."
it's 9:48pm and i'm driving home, thinking about what just happened. i decide to call anna and connect it to the bluetooth on my car.

"what's up?"

"bitch, that was the worse sex i have ever had in my life." i deadpanned.

"no fucking way! tell me everything!"

"well first, he didn't want to put on a condom at first and was like 'oh what, you don't trust me now?' like no i don't know where that dick has been!"

"ew!" she exclaimed.

"that's not even the worse part sis. he wouldn't go down on me. like flat out refused. he said it just doesn't satisfy him. but he expected me to go down on him! fuck that shit. he wasn't getting shit from me."

"nasty. how was his stroke game?"

"less than average. i didn't cum, but he was a moaning mess. pussy power, baby!"

anna laughed loudly. "you're too much. i'm sorry it sucked, i know you had high hopes for this guy. hey, gus is always available."

"i know, i know. but he's not boyfriend material. i just wanna settle down."

"eliza, we're 20 years old. nobody's ready to settle down yet. hold on, i'm getting another call."

and without another word, she hung up.

soon after i was curled up in bed reading a book when my phone went off twice.

Anna 🧚🏼‍♀️❤️: sorry mamas, i can't call back tonight. call gus!! use that pussy power lol.

Gus: still busy?

i decided to ignore the both of them, turn off my lamp, roll over and go to bed.
did you eat enough and drink enough water today?
-kiki ✨

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