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Jen let Josh into the house. Debby was asleep cuddled up next to me, snoring quietly. Her eyelids and cheeks were still puffy from when she cried, and strands of her hair were stuck to parts of her face where it was wet from the tears. I raised my head to see Josh coming around to the front of the couch, and he stood there looking very concerned for Debby. I smiled softly as I glanced at her and then back at him.

"I don't want to wake her.." Josh spoke quietly and I shook my head slowly.

"It's fine. She wants to talk to you anyway." I gently shook her and she carefully sat her body up and rubbed her right eye. It took her a while to notice Josh there, but when she did, she sprung up from the couch and lunged forward, throwing her arms around him.

"I missed you," she said, her voice muffled against his chest. He took his hand and smoothed over her hair on the back of her head.

"I missed you too," he said back with a smile.

I knew what they had was more than just fondness. The way they held each other, looked at each other, spoke to each other and smiled.. I saw love right before my eyes. And I was truly happy for them. I stood to my feet and cleared my throat awkwardly. I didn't want to ruin their moment, but I also didn't want to be sitting there the entire time.

"I'll leave you guys to talk, okay?" I suggested and I was about to leave the living room, but Jen grabbed my forearm and stopped me. "W-What are you doing?" I asked, startled by her sudden move.

"Hold on. Nobody say anything or move," she stated as she became really focused. Her eyes moved to the front door and then to the back door. It seemed Josh also heard something because he pulled Debby behind him and stood in a protective stance.

"No more movement," Josh stated. "Also, I am not picking up on any scents." He was about to relax, but the way Jen still stood kept him on alert.

"No, but we're definitely being watched. The fact that they got this close, but haven't done anything yet.. it's most likely that they won't attack us tonight. They're simply just observing us," Jen explained as she relaxed her body and crossed her arms, leaning against the wall.

"In that case, we are safe, right?" I asked as I was about to walk to the stairs but Jen grabbed me and pulled me back.

"No, it doesn't mean we're safe. We should leave," Jen suggested and Josh agreed. Debby was trembling with fear as she gripped Josh's arm tightly.

"But what about my mother? She'll be home later." I was worried about my mother getting hurt. And if she did, it would be all my fault.

Jen sighed with annoyance. "You humans are so frustrating. This is why attachment is dangerous, you risk everyone's lives." Her sharp tone of voice sliced through the air and made my body flinch without me realizing it. She took her phone out to text. I watched her as she stood there with absolute concentration on her face as her thumbs typed with great speed. After she was done, she slipped her phone back into her pocket and looked at me with dead eyes. "Your mother will be fine. Tomorrow morning, she'll be in a safe place. Locked up. But safe."

"You're going to lock up my mom?" I felt sickened at the thought of my mom behind bars, in a tight cage with nowhere to go.

I guess Jen read my mind. "She's not going to be in some kind of jail cell. I'm not going to say too many details, as we're being monitored at this very moment, but she'll be taken care of. So stop worrying about her, and let's get you to safety."

I nodded my head, comforted and completely confident in Jen's words. I trusted what she said wholeheartedly, and even if I didn't, I felt I had no choice but to go along with it. I just hoped I didn't make the wrong decision.

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