'till death do us apart

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Nico P.O.V

Were inside the bathroom, maki is washing her hands, her face is kinda pale "hey you alright?" I ask, she nod; she's hiding it isn't she?

"Hey, I know your worrying about Hanayo maki, but she'll be fine." I said and maki look at me "what if...." Maki said trying not to cry "h-hey, don't cry maki." I said as I wipe her tears

"she's gonna be fine, you did good there" I said and smile at her, This is kinda rare seing her like this. By that we out of the bathroom, Rin is worriying about hanayo that she never speak up. "Is she alright?" I ask

Umi sigh and shook her head. I was maki sit beside Rin trying to confort Rin, Rin hug maki thight and began to cry, at some point Maki cried as well.

Eli came in and she said that Nozomi has cuts on both of her arms, "I can't believe Honoka did this" I said, really though.

Kotori in the other hand she kept quiet, " your Honoka's childhood friend right?" I ask and she nod slowly "I know from the start." Kotori said and Eli look at her just to slap her in the face.

"Eli!" I shouted "why you didn't tell us from the start!?" She shouted and kotori is now crying then Umi came in "she didn't tell anyone because Honoka will hurt her, she kept it all up for 16 years!" Umi said.

"You knew too umi?" I ask and she nod "Kotori told me when we were little, Honoka has some kind of gene, it came from her grandparents or something " Umi said.

Our eyes wided, "Gene?" I ask and maki spoke out of nowhere "What kind of gene, you where talking about?" She ask. Kotori and Umi look at each other.

"CHD13" Kotori said Maki's eyes wided "Uh what's that mean?" Eli ask.

"It's called Cadherin-13." Maki said and sigh

" It's a unique glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored member of the cadherin family of cell adhesion molecules, has been identified as a risk gene for hyperactivity disorder including depression, substance abuse and Homocidal Behaivior."

We blink a couple of time "You...Lost me there" I said and she frown at me. "Honoka is a Homocidal okay" She said and sigh in frustration by that kotori and umi told there tales about the threats Honoka did to them when they where little; after the talk, Eli apologies to kotori for slap her in the face.

Everyone went silent, "hey I'll fetch some water for rin" I said and Maki grab me hand "I'll come with you" she said in a worry, "I'll be back Maki, keep rin calm for a while" I said and left, I bought a water bottle and suddenly some knock me out.

Moment's later. . . .

Maki P.O.V

What took her so long? the vending machine is not that far from here. Probably her hand stuck in the vending machine. I sigh and look at rin, "I'll go get Nico" I said and she nod "Are you okay on your own?" I ask while rubbing her back "Y-yeah" she said, I look at Eli and she nod. I stood up and went to Nico.

As I went to the vending machine, Nico is not there. Where did she go? I ask to myself, I went there and saw her cardigan's button. "Where did you go this time Nico" I said and went to the girls, I saw the doctor talking to Eli. Rin is with Kotori and Umi trying to make her calm down.

"What did the doctor said?" I ask, Eli look at me "Hanayo lost a lot of blood but thank god she's alright" Eli said and I look at Rin "Did Rin know about this?" I ask and Eli shook her head.

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