Chapter 16: Fight for Freedom

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Suddenly my body jumped awake, seeming to remember the nightmare that had happened. My breathe became rigid when I quickly looked around and did not recognize where I was, adrenaline rushing through me again. It was not a nightmare, it really did happen. The pain that slowly began to throb on the right side of my face supported the fact that it really did happen. The moment that man smiled and I briefly heard his voice, I knew it was Jack. That was why I screamed, Laurance said he would not let him do anything to me again. He had heard me, right? 

Trying not to panic, I studied the area I was in to try and see if I could find anything that would give me a clue as to where I was. I was currently in a very narrow, rectangular room with nothing but a thin blanket on the floor that was tucked away in the corner I was currently sitting on. The floor was made of smooth cement with a few chunks missing and rough. The walls to the room attached all the way up to the ceiling so I could see nothing to the sides of me besides the plain, white painted large brick with chips of paint taken off. The entrance to this room was a door made out of the same style as a metal fence. I saw no latch or anything on my side of the entrance for me to be able to open it and escape.

Slowly crawling forward, not wanting to be heard, I noticed a thick chain wrapped around and on the outside a lock was put on the chain. No way for me to escape without making noise or of course getting the key. Trying to focus on the outside of this caged room I was in, I saw to my right nothing but an empty large area that was covered in dirt with sections of cement missing as well. The windows were cloudy with dust and embedded dirt in some of the windows that were cracked, the sun making it a golden color. Except one window that had a hole in it, letting the sun shine through and reflect onto the floor within arms reach of where I was. Knowing it was later into the next day already, I hoped to find a way out of the abandoned building as quick as possible. I was hoping Laurance would notice I was not there and try and find where I was with his bodyguard senses.

After trying to see through the hole to see some type of landmark I could recognize, I turned my head to the left and my breath caught in my throat. A row of the same type of caged in rooms across the lane from me went down until it was cut off from my limited view. The thought that other girls were stuck here made me sick to my stomach. The silence suddenly felt uncomfortable as I realized there most likely were girls stuck in those cages suffering in silence. My confidence in Laurance finding me slightly faltered before I truly thought about what he had told me the night before.

"You know I'd never let him hurt you again, right?"

With tears burning my eyes, I quickly tried to think of the current situation I was in. Replacing the ache in my heart to see Laurance, I put my thoughts towards the future and how to escape. Using the pain searing on my face and in my shoulder, anger took ahold of me and suddenly I wanted to be heard. None of these girls deserved this. Quickly getting up, I laced my fingers through the chains and gave it harsh shakes.

"Hey! Where the fúck are you? Why am I here? What the fúck is this place?" I shouted and listened to my voice echoing through the dirty, abandoned building.  Quickly replacing the echoes, sharp clacks of shoes started coming towards me. A large man suddenly appeared in my view and harshly turned to stop centimeters in front of me on the other side of the chained door. I had to arch my neck to look up at him, his eyes showing the same look of annoyance I recognized in Jack's eyes plenty of times before. My heart was beating a mile per minute, my instincts telling me to curl up from this man's simple gaze. I could not show fear though, I would not let another man use and hurt me like Jack had.

Without a word spoken, the man never broke his intense eye contact with me as he reached into his pocket. Grabbing a key, he unlocked the lock and the adrenaline to escape became much higher. Within a quick moment, the chained door suddenly flew back to hit me and make me fall back. Using my hands, I caught myself from landing on my back and hurting my shoulder more. The man's intimidating stance intensified as he stood over me. Bending down, he harshly grabbed my chin and turned my head to the side. A smile grew on his slightly wrinkled face and I tried to pull away from him. With his strong grip, he held me still.

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