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Y/N was writing her own fan-fiction, as humans call it, and was called to go Energon mining with Emiri, ThunderShock's big Sister. But once they enter the Energon mines, they stumble upon a 'tall', purple and grey mech. Y/N felt uncomfortable and afraid, as if she has met this mech and felt these feelings before. Who is this mysterious bot, all alone in the Energon mines?

~Third Person POV~

"Yeah, Yeah! Totally! I totally believe you, ShadowBlade!" Y/N calmed ThunderShock down after a bit of tussle with her Amica-Endura. "Please, Retro! I would never replace you!.." ShadowBlade pleaded with her. "But SB... we saw the note that was given to Bombstriker.." Y/N said. "I didn't even- Ugh.. we were passing notes around, yes, but the servo-writing was different! I can prove it! I have tons of notes sent to me by him and-" ShadowBlade was shushed by ThunderShock. "Oh, for frag's sake, SB! He sent you tons of NOTES?" She yelled, lubricant appearing in her optics. "Retro.. you have to understand that.. like I said from before, I would never replace you. I know about your relationship problems but that will never happen between you and me, Okay?" Y/N was eager to know what would happen next. But she really, really wanted them to k-

"Crrk!" Y/N groaned as her pen snapped in half. She held her writing-pad close to her as she shipped two certain bots, very hard, Even though they were from different factions. Suddenly, somebody was on her Comm-link, "Greetings, Y/N. It's me, lord Megatron. I would like to ask you to go to the Energon mines with Emiri. You've been staying in the nemesis for quite a while now, so why not go out? You've also never spent actual time with Emiri. So, why not spend some time together? Please Meet us at the ground bridge as fast your pedes can carry you, Okay? Thank you." The young femme sighed and kept her items away and rushed to the ground bridge.

"It's time that we spent actual time together, don't you agree?" Emiri asked in her sweet tone. Y/N nodded. She would Finally be able to stretch and see the sun again! "Alright! The ground-bridge is now open! You may proceed to enter it." Knockout said while smiling. Y/N and Emiri walked through the ground-bridge together.

"Megatron, we're in front of the mines. Knockout may close the ground-bridge now." Emiri said as she comm-ed the others. "Ahh.. it feels nice being outside again!" Y/N said enthusiastically. "Don't get your hopes up, lil' one. I'd say the Energon mines could collapse at any moment.. but I can't predict that, though it isn't stable." Emiri said while patting Y/N's helm. "Well, I'm not afraid of these mines collapsing! Let's go in!" Y/N said as she marched bravely into the Energon mine. Emiri chuckled. She was just like ThunderShock when she was little.

The clicking of their pedes echoed throughout the mine. Emiri and Y/N turned on their head-lights to see. They scanned the area until they saw an Energon Crystal. Emiri went near it, when all of a sudden, it was sliced in half! "Ah!.." she flinched. "That.. wasn't you.. right?" Y/N asked as she shivered a bit. "No way. I didn't even take out my blade yet." Emiri responded. Then, a pair of glowing, red eyes appeared and immediately shot a glare at Emiri. "Ack! Who.. who are you!?" She took out her sword and stood in front of Y/N, so as to protect her.

"Don't come near me, lest you get hurt." It was a deep voice coming from those pair of eyes. It's glare pierced through Y/N and Emiri. "W-Who.. is this mech?.. I feel like I know him.. I somehow feel scared.. but I can't quite see him.." Y/N thought. She shined her light at the figure. The light revealed that the mech was a Decepticon.. but once the light was shone on his colours and body-shape.. Y/N's spark was in her intake and she froze. "Y-you.. it's you!..." Skywarp chuckled in a nasty way. "That's right."

"Skywarp! What are you doing here?!" Emiri blurted out. "E-Eh?.. you? You returned back to the Decepticons? But why and how-" Skywarp was shot by Emiri in the pede. She snatched a piece of Energon crystal, grabbed Y/N's servo and made a dash for the opening of the Energon mine. She Comm-ed the others for a ground-bridge, which appeared almost instantly, and hopped into it. Y/N almost rolled onto the nemesis, but she managed to keep her balance. "I didn't know what the rush was for, but I'm pretty sure that there was a probability that something happened so.. what happened out there?" Knockout asked worriedly... and awkwardly. "We found Skywarp attempting to take one of the Energon Crystals inside of the Energon Mine." Emiri said. "Hey.. speaking of Skywarp, I just realised that I have never seen him around here anymore.. like, at all. May I know what happened before my return to the Decepticons?" Y/N was not willing to tell her what happened. So all she did was shake her helm, keep quiet and walk away, clutching her arm.

"I know what happened. I was there when Y/N was attacked." Knockout said blankly, remembering that grim moment when Y/N was close to death. "Pardon me and my loud voice but.. SHE WAS ATTACKED?!" Emiri asked in shock. "Yes!.. she was. I suggest following me into the Medbay and I can tell you all about it.. so as to not upset Y/N.." Knockout said while looking at his close Friend. "And give me a check-up?" Emiri said with her arms akimbo. "Y-Yes!.. now.. let's just head over there." Knockout said, while leading Emiri to the Medbay.

After hearing the spark-breaking story, Emiri covered her intake with her servos. She couldn't believe it. Skywarp wouldn't do such a thing.. but only if it was for a so called 'valid reason'. "You know.. I'm actually quite Glad that he's off the nemesis now. I never want him to come back here. Not even his own comrades dare to do that!" Knockout nodded in agreement. "Though Starscream is immature and somewhat like him.. well, in my opinion, he's a bit nicer then him." Emiri sighed and thought about what she could do to make Y/N feel better. But her train of thoughts were interrupted when Megatron had called them to the ground-bridge.

"Yes, lord Megatron? You needed us?" Knockout Bowed down to his leader. "Yes.. there seems to be a few bots that have.. 'trespassed' into the ship." The tyrant leader replied. Then, a few armed bots appeared with 5 other bots that had their servo's chained up. "Lord Megatron, The prisoners are secured." A bigger bot, somewhere around the height of Megatron, spoke up. He then shot Emiri a stare that made her realise who this was. She gasped, surprised by this certain bots return, "SIRE?!"

Y/N was hiding, peeking at the ongoing conversation. "W-What in the name of Primus?" She had gotten a glimpse of the 5 prisoners and realised that they all looked familiar.. but at the same time, not. But when she heard Emiri yell, she jumped. "Oh.. I know what's going to happened next.. I'm not going to the next introduction, thank you very much." She sneaked away, without making a sound.

Hey everyone! I suggest you go check out this person named Cosmos_IDW ! They made a story called 'Where's Blades?' And I think it's really interesting!.. and kinda sad as it almost made me cry-

I think you should read it! But... just to warn you, there would be signs of Unhealthy and abusive relationships in the story. So, if you don't like these things or these are triggers for you, please don't read it.

Anyways, thanks for reading this chapter!

Love-Wave (Transformers G1 SoundWave x HeartBroken! Femme Reader) [OLD]Where stories live. Discover now