Being Alone

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Charlie repeated the number in her head. When now she was barely at nine .   She'd been left alone, finally.   It felt like days,  months even and she didn't know when she would return, return to a place where she could be alone with her thoughts on what to do next or if she could even continue.

But she had to continue.   Her story wasn't over and the babies had yet to arrive.

Lying down she rubbed her inflated belly over and over.  she just wanted them out already.   yes they were working on their own time but right now she didn't care.   she was ready for this to be over,  ready to just move on and try something new but of course this was new after all who could say that they were having alien babies?  Well except for Mary.  She didn't believe in God but she did believe in artificial insemination so Jesus had to be one of two things: either the actual son of God or a half alien too.

So this was where her mind wandered off to? 

Charlie shook her head.   She needed something else to focus on.  As if reading her mind,  a heavy and long contraction hit to the point where she had to lean forward but was blocked by the belly in her way.

'Seriously,' she thought through a breath that only lasted a few seconds, 'that's what you came up with?' 

another contraction.

Charlie wasn't about to say her thoughts outloud for fear that everyone outside would come in to check on her and she still wanted her alone time.

'fine, have it your way.  I could do this forever.'

She rolled her eyes.   Forever seemed to be exactly what she was getting.  Thirty-six. She'd been at this for a day and a half already.   Seriously what was taking them so long?  And now she'd only been at 9 centimeters.   She still needed fifteen.

Charlie couldn't help but rub her belly.  It was the only thing keeping her calm.   At least she was reassured that they were safe inside of her.  Despite how long it was taking,  they were safe.

Having some difficulty,  she turned to her left side,  her larger than life belly taking up most of her space.  She closed her eyes and drifted off into a restless sleep which didn't last long.

In her dreams she saw herself with two babies in their bassinets.  They were the most beautiful babies she'd ever seen.   Perfection.

Just when her dream started to get good, another contraction as if reminding her that this wasn't over.

Oh No!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora