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The next morning Charlie woke up.  She thought yesterday had been a dream but the way she was laying down on her side and her left hand resting on her belly was proof that it wasn't.

She sat up and reached for her cell on the nightstand.   There were at least seventeen messages from her boyfriend,  Issac, and a few from her girlfriends, Rachel and Valerie.  She feared what she would have to tell them.

First things first,  she needed a shower.  She was grateful the large guestroom had a bathroom attached.

When she came out she reminded herself to buy some larger towels on the way home.  For now she dressed in her under clothes and then pulled out a few clothes from the bags and put them on the bed. None of them seemed appealing.   Most clothes she got were dresses.   She hated dresses but they were the easiest to find and they flowed over her belly a lot easier.

No matter what she wore it would be announcing to the world that she was pregnant.  That wasn't exactly what she wanted.  The last thing that she wanted in fact was to go to school.

Charlie sighed and reached for the red long sleeve shirt and jean style overalls.  When she was dressed she looked at herself in the mirror.  She hated it but nothing could be done.


"You going to be okay?" Jack asked when he parked in the school parking lot.

"Not really," Charlie replied.

Jack kissed the top of her head.  "You'll be fine."

Jack was the first to get out.  Charlie wanted to go home.

Taking a deep breath she got out of the car.

As she walked through the quad she could feel people's eyes on her and whispering.  She already had a reputation of everyone knowing who she was.  She was the varsity lineman's kid sister and girlfriend to the varsity running back.   Not exactly an easy rep to get around.

"What the hell," Rachel said when Charlie came up to her and Valerie.

"Oh my God," said Val, "were you even going to tell us?"

Charlie shrugged.

"Well," said Rachel,  "you sure did one hell of a job hiding it.  We didn't even know you were pregnant."

"No one did," said Val.  She looked at Charlie.   "You know Issac is going to be pissed right,  like majorly pissed."

"Don't you think I know that?" Charlie said harshly.  "This isn't exactly a conversation I want to have with my boyfriend.  I mean what am I supposed to say 'oh I love you but I got knocked up?"

Val shrugged,  "well maybe not that exactly."

"So," said Rachel,  "whose is it?"

Charlie sighed.   She knew that was going to be a big question.   It wasn't anyone's business but it was high school,  what else could you expect?

"Doesn't matter," said Charlie.

"What are you talking about," said Rachel, "of course it matters."

Charlie looked at her, "No it doesn't.   It was a one time thing so I'll never see the guy ever again."

"So some guy just gets you pregnant," said Val, "and just takes off before even knowing.   What a dick."

"Whatever, you know these are my babies and I want them."


The girls turned to see Issac standing there.

"So there's two in there?"

Before they could talk the bell rang.

"Issac," said Charlie.

"I have to get to class," he said as he walked away.


Later in the afternoon Charlie sat at the bleachers.   It was her normal routine, doing homework there until her brother was out of football practice.

With practice over Charlie made her way to the field where she waited.

Issac sighed and walked over to her.

"I haven't seen you all day," Charlie said to him.

"I've been busy," he said.

"You've been ignoring me.  How did you find out?"

"It's a small school, people talk."


"So obviously it's not mine."


Issac slammed his helmet against the fence.

"God damn it, Charlie,  I've been wanting to sleep with you for months and instead you've been off fucking someone else."

"No,  it wasn't like that.   It's... it's complicated.   I wish I could get you to understand."

"No,  I understand.   I mean hell, look at yourself, Charlie,  my God you're having twins for christ sake.  If you think I'm going to stick around for this then-"

"Then what?"

"Then we're done.   I love you but I can't do this.   I'm not ready to be a dad or whatever."

"And you think I'm ready to be a mom?"

"Honestly I don't know.   Maybe you should've thought about that before you screwed someone else."


He backed away, "No,  I'm done.  I am so done."


Once Issac was gone Jack came up to her.

"That was harsh," he said.

Charlie sniffled.   "How much did you hear?"

"Enough,  I'm sorry, sis."

"Can we just go home?"

"Sure,  let me just go change first. I'll meet you at the car."

Charlie nodded and the two walked away.

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