Bed Rest

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Jack stopped when he saw his sister relaxing on the couch,  her feet up.

"Hey, you okay?" he asked as he put his gear down and walked over.  He took a seat and raised her legs so they were placed across him.  He began rubbing her feet.

"Thanks, that feels nice."

"Not a problem."

"You going to your game?"

"Yeah.   I don't have to you know.   I could stay."

"No that's okay.  Mom's here and Val and Rachel are coming over later.  Besides,  both of us shouldn't have to put our lives on hold because of this."

"Are you sure because I don't mind."

"I'm sure but thanks."

Jack motioned to the big headphones that spread across her belly.

"Oh right.  All the books say music is good for the babies."

"So what are they listening to?"

"Midnite String Quartet.  It's modern day classical."

"I've never understood your taste in music."

"I normally do this in private but I figured what the hell."

"You don't have to be embarrassed about this around us, we understand."

"That's just it, you don't.   I mean you all know why this is happening and I do too but I'm still just that pregnant sixteen year old in high school.   I went from being one of the best students in school, dated one of the greatest guys in high school to being a pariah.  I've had to lead people in believing I cheated on Issac.  Add all of that to the truth of what's really going on and what I am and it's exhausting."

"What do you think you are?"

"An incubator.  No seriously.   My babies are test tube babies.   They were put inside me.  You know it sometimes feels like everyone cares more about them more than me.   I know it's ridiculous and I shouldn't feel jealous."

"It's okay if you feel that way.   You're feelings are just as valid."


"Sport," their dad called as he looked at his kids, time to go."

"I wish I was going with you," Charlie said to her brother.

Charlie had every right to be disappointed.   It was Jack's last game of the season.

"Well hey,  I'm still playing college ball so you'll have plenty of time to watch me then."

"Good luck."

Jack removed himself and sensing his sister's discomfort he reached over for a pillow on one of the love seats and placed it under her legs.




"So," Val said, as she and Rachel entered Charlie's downstairs room,  "this is what bed rest looks like."

They walked over.  Val took a seat on the bed and Rachel brought over a chair.

Charlie got up from her side position and removed her wedge pillow to the front so her belly could still remain on top of it.

"Sorry, I'm just tired all the time."

"Don't apologize," said Rachel, "I would be too if I was pregnant with two.  Hopefully it's just one though.   I don't know how you're doing it."

Charlie looked at her.   "Still kind of learning.  Honestly I don't even know how I'm going to do it with both.  I've been freaking out ever since this whole thing started."

"You know," said Rachel, "you wouldn't have to be freaking out if you hadn't gotten pregnant."

Val looked at her,  "yeah but she did so there's no point in starting that whole stupid 'what if' game." 

The two looked at their best friend who was starting to cry.

"You think I wanted this?  I'd give anything to be normal instead of some stupid science experiment."

"Awe, Charlie," said Val, "you're not a science experiment.   You know these things happen."

"Yeah," said Rachel,  "lots of girls get pregnant in high school."

Charlie couldn't stop the tears from falling.   Rachel and Val looked at each other.   Just like Charlie wasn't used to being pregnant, they weren't used to being friends with a pregnant girl.  All of this was new to them.

As she did so many times before,  Charlie wanted to tell her best friends the truth that this wasn't a regular teen pregnancy.

To remind her of that fact she moved the pillow away from her midsection as she felt two strong kicks.

She sighed stroked her belly all around.

"You okay," Val asked.

No not really,  Charlie thought.

The babies were kicking her insides so much that if this had been a normal pregnancy then she would have needed to pee since they were knocking around her bladder like a soccer ball.

Though on bedrest, Charlie couldn't take it.  She breathed in and out and then brought her legs over.   She could barely see her ankles.  With some difficulty she stood.

"Should you really be doing that," asked Rachel,  "I mean doesn't bedrest mean staying in bed?"

Charlie looked at her, "Trust me it's fine."

"It doesn't look fine."

"No it is.  The babies just need to have a little room that's all."

Which was partially true.   She needed them to relax as much as she needed to stand and walk around.

Charlie placed a hand on her back.   It felt sore due to the weight.   With her other hand she cradled it below her belly.

"Do you guys want to trade?"

"No," said Rachel,  "no I think we're good.  You're doing okay though."

With one final rub around every inch of her belly,  Charlie had enough movement.

"Why don't you lie back down," said Val.

Charlie nodded.   "I think that's a good idea."

The babies continued kicking.   They hadn't stopped.

Charlie yawned.

"That's probably our que to leave," said Val.

"We'll see you later,  okay?" said Rachel.

"Sure," Charlie replied.

Without waiting for them to leave completely,  Charlie took her pillow and placed it between her legs,  turning to the side,  her back away from them.

Once she knew they were gone,  she took a deep sigh, grateful she was finally alone. She placed her left arm over her belly.   The babies continued kicking as she tried to drift off to sleep.   They weren't making it easy.

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