Trying to Deflect

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Charlie couldn't help but watch Issac at lunch a week later.

They locked eyes for a split second before it was he who turned away.   The girl he was with looked at Issac and then at Charlie.   Charlie looked down.

Val shrugged.   "Just ignore him."

"Yeah," said Rachel.   "The guy dates you for a little over a year and then gets together with someone else a couple days after you break up.   Total jackass."

"Yeah," said Val, "you're better off without him."

"Am I though?  It's like you said Rachel, we dated for a year and now I'm supposed to let it go like it meant nothing?"

"Of course not," said Rachel.  "I get that he was your everything and that you guys were in love and all that but if you ask me, he wouldn't have been such a dick to you and broken your heart."

"It's my own fault," said Charlie. 

"What," said Rachel, "because you got knocked up by some other guy."

Charlie looked down.   "It's not like I had a choice anyways."

Val and Rachel looked at each other and then at Charlie.

"Wait, Charlie," said Val, "were you... were you raped?"

"No, God no.   I just meant... I don't even know what I'm saying.   I guess even though it's been a week I'm still getting used to the idea."

"Uh," said Rachel, you're twenty nine weeks pregnant,  haven't you already gotten used to the idea?"

Charlie shook her head and smiled, "Right.  Still it's weird.   I mean just a week ago I wasn't this big.  I know my doctor said I would be putting on a couple pounds a week but it's a lot to take in."

"When are you due," asked Rachel, "you haven't told us that."

"Sometime in July.  For twins it can happen in between thirty-two and forty weeks."

"Forty!" Rachel exclaimed.  "That would make it close to ten months."

Charlie shrugged.  "I didn't make the rules and with my luck it will probably be the full forty."

"That actually sounds pretty miserable," said Val.

"I am so glad I'm waiting to have kids at least in my late twenties," said Rachel.

"Same," said Val, "no offense it's just that-,"

"Don't worry about it," said Charlie, "believe me had it been up to me I would've waited too."

Rachel looked at her, "okay what is it with you and this crazy shit?  It wasn't up to you, you didn't have a choice, what's up with all of that?

"Nothing."  Charlie placed a hand on her belly.  "Look, I mean hell I never even wanted kids and now look at me."

"Then why do it?" asked Val, "I mean what, did you guys not use a condom?"

Charlie had had enough.   She wanted out of the conversation so with some difficulty standing.

"I have to go," said Charlie.

Rachel said to her, "go where?"

"Home, I'm not feeling well."

"Dude you can't just skip class anytime you want."

Charlie looked at them,  "Actually I can.  My parents sent out notes to my teachers as well as from my doctor.   They give me permission if I'm not feeling well or if I'm overwhelmed or stressed.   They can't risk the latter two since it's not good for the babies.  I'm their mom,  I have to do what's best for them even,  especially when they're in utero.  I can't take any chances."

With nothing left to say, Charlie walked away.

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