Moving Forward

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As she lie in bed though she wanted to think about Issac instead her thoughts went since m somewhere else.

"Ms. Rivers," said her English teacher, "do we have a problem?"

Charlie sat at a back table. She felt so embarrassed but her belly wouldn't fit at the desk.

She tried to keep a straight face but couldn't help but smile.

"No sir."

"Then all eyes on me."


"Charlie," Sasha said as she walked in to find her daughter laying on her side with tears in her eyes.

She walked over, brought a chair so she could sit in front of her.

"What happened?" she asked.

Charlie waited for a moment before saying, "Issac broke up with me."

"Honey, I am so sorry."

"He thought I did an excellent job at hiding this from him and that I cheated."

"You had to. No one can know about this Charlie."

"I know, that's why all of this sucks. I lost my boyfriend over this. Issac hates me."

"I'm sure he doesn't hate you."

"You didn't see the look on his face. He hates me. I guess on some level I do too."

"Hey, don't say that."

"Why not? Look at me, mom."

"Do you love them?"


"You're babies, do you love them?"

Charlie brought her hands to her belly. One on top, the other on the under carriage. "Of course I love them. They've become a part of me."

"Then focus on them. I am sorry this happened to you sweetie. I want to say it shouldn't have happened but I'd be lying. This is just how things have to be because of what happened to your father."

Charlie nodded. "I just hate that I have to go through this when I'm not even a junior yet, at least not until a few months."

Summer was right around the corner. She would be off for two months and then start school in August.

A thought suddenly occurred to her. If her math was right, and it probably was, the twins would be born in July so she wouldn't start school until September since she'd most likely have to be on maternity leave.

"What?" asked Sasha.


"Hey, everything might seem bleak right now but you just have to focus on the present. Focus on your babies. Trust me they'll become the most important things in your life."

Charlie smiled and slid her hands over to certain areas of her belly.

"I think they heard you."

"What do you mean?"

"They just started becoming very active again."


"I felt them move for the first time in English class. It felt very strange."

"It usually does. You'll get used to it."

"I'm not so sure about that. Here, want to feel?"

Sasha smiled and took a seat near her daughter. She placed a hand on Charlie's belly.

She continued to smile. "Yeah, yeah they're really moving." She placed a kiss on her daughter's head. "See, everything will be okay."

Charlie looked at her belly. "Hey babies, it's your grandma. Can you feel her? I love you both so much."

Sasha laughed. "Grandma. I'm not sure if I can get used to that one."

"Sorry to break it to you but if I'm going to be a mother, you're going to have to be a grandma."

Charlie looked down at her belly again. Tears steamed down her face.

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