Oh no!

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'Oh no,' thought sixteen year old Charlie.  

How was she going to explain this one?  Just last she had gone to sleep her regular self and now as she woke up things were different.  As she rolled to her left side to get out of bed her right arm had hit something.  It felt off, like that thing shouldn't have been there.

Wiping the sleep from her eyes,  Charlie looked down to see what was blocking her way.  A large bump was there, some of it protruding from underneath her sleeping shirt since apparently her shirt was now too small.

Charlie laughed.  Surely she must have been dreaming.  She rolled to her back.   The bump was still there, protruding even more as her shirt rolled up to her breasts.  Charlie tried to move her shirt back down but it was too small and would not cover her bulging belly.

'Oh, no,' she thought again.

The answer was clear.   She was pregnant.   No she couldn't be though.   Her belly was too big.  She had a boyfriend but they hadn't even had sex yet.   They'd been waiting for the right time.

Gently Charlie rolled over again and got up into a seating position as if not to harm her belly.   Why did she even care?

Standing felt strange.   She could barely see her feet.  She brought her shirt down but it could only cover so much.   It wasn't big enough to cover a pregnant belly.

What to wear?  She suddenly knew.   Her brother's clothes.   It wasn't much,  just sweatpants and one of his old football t-shirts.  He was a varsity lineman for their school football team so his clothes were pretty big.   She hoped they were big enough to cover her new body.

At eighteen Jack would be graduating in a couple of months.  Charlie was still a sophomore, her sixteenth birthday having just been yesterday.

After she was done getting dressed she went to the restroom and then walked downstairs.  She used the hand rail.  She wasn't about to fall.  

Her dad had already left for work and her mom was in the kitchen.  As she turned she ran into Jack.  Her belly touched his stomach and Charlie quickly stepped back.

"What the hell!" Jack said.

"Shhh," Charlie said to him.  "Shut up!"

Jack whispered.  "Charlie, what the hell?"

"I don't know okay?  Just don't say anything to mom right now."

"Uh, I think she's going to notice you're knocked up and hugely knocked up which makes absolutely no sense."

"Don't you think I know that?  Look I have to go okay."

Charlie's parents had just gotten her a blue Ford focus for her birthday.

"Go where?"

"I don't know, just go."

"Wait, you're not going to school are you?"

"I'm not going to school like this!"

"Charlie, you never ditch."

"Yeah well I think I can make an exception here don't you think?"

"Hey," their mom called out from the kitchen.   "What are you two whispering about out there?"

"Cover for me, please?"

"Fine.  Now get out of here before mom sees you."


Charlie left.   Driving felt weird.  The seatbelt was below her undercarriage while the other part was near her breasts.   She could barely reach the petals but at least she could.   She backed out of the driveway and then put the car in drive.

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